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04/09/2021 | FB 07

Strong result for Kassel business administration in WiWo ranking

No fewer than seven scientists from the University of Kassel appear at the top of the new business administration rankings published by Wirtschaftswoche magazine. And in several categories.

"Quite a strong showing," commented the Dean of the Department of Economics, Prof. Dr. Patrick Spieth, on the ranking now published by Wirtschaftswoche magazine. It lists top researchers in business administration from Germany, Austria and Switzerland, both from universities and research institutes. The ranking is based on the publications of the past five years, weighted according to the reputation of the journals. The University of Kassel is represented several times.

Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister, who holds professorships in Kassel and St. Gallen, is listed in 12th place. Prof. Spieth follows in 37th place, and Prof. Dr. Matthias Söllner in 83rd place. With Prof. Dr. Stefan Seuring, a fourth scientist from Kassel made it into the top 100 (94th place).

Söllner (18th) as well as Prof. Dr. Andre Hanelt (41st), Prof. Dr. Christoph Peters (48th) and Dr. Andreas Janson (86th) are also listed  in the special "Junge Wilde" ranking, which focuses on researchers under 40. Leimeister (10th), Seuring (80th) and Spieth (217th) are also listed in the "Lifetime Achievement" ranking, which takes into account all articles ever published.

"The ranking proves that our research on business administration has its finger on the pulse and, above all, is top-notch," Spieth said happily. "It also shows that we can offer our students a course that incorporates the latest research findings."

Wirtschaftswoche took around 3000 (five-year ranking), around 470 (U40 ranking) and around 3600 (life ranking) scientists into account in its ranking. It is published here (paywall):

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