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Research stay of Prof. Söllner at Carnegie Mellon University

Research Stay of Prof. Söllner at Carnegie Mellon University

Research Stay of Prof. Söllner at Carnegie Mellon University

This summer Prof. Söllner had the wonderful opportunity to spend a few weeks at the renowned Carnegie Mellon University. Our warmest thanks go to Ken Koedinger, his research group, and the team at the CMU Human-Computer Interaction Institute, who warmly welcomed Prof. Söllner. This meeting was an enjoyable first face-to-face encounter after about two years of successful collaboration that started when Thiemo Wambsganß visited CMU during the last year of his PhD thesis.

It was also a great opportunity to deepen the collaboration with esteemed colleagues such as Amy Ogan and Erin Walker. Prof. Soellner is very pleased to meet new researchers who are working on exciting topics that are closely related to his research interests. Sincere thanks go to Vincent Aleven, Kevin Ashley, Niki Kittur, and Bruce Martin McLaren for stimulating discussions! It was also a pleasure to meet Tobias Kircher in Boston a few weeks earlier and to learn that he too is continuing his residency at CMU. We wish him a continued enjoyable and productive stay.

With anticipation, Prof. Söllner looks forward to continuing existing collaborations and initiating new projects. We look forward to seeing him again at upcoming conferences, in Pittsburgh or at the University of Kassel.