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The unit Technology, Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship (TIME), represented by Prof. Dr. Patrick Spieth, researches on areas Strategic Technology and Innovation Management, Technology-Driven Business Model Innovation, Technology and Innovation Transfer, and Collaborative Technology and Innovation Development, Societal and Social Impact of Digital Technologies and Technology and Innovation Marketing.
News from the research
- The paper "How Media Coverage Elicits Strategic Change: The Moderating Role of the Business Model Design" has been accepted for publication in Strategic Management Journal.
- The paper "Navigating through Learning Tensions at the Front-End: How Firms can Motivate Paradoxical Thinking when Screening the Creativity of Ideas" has been accepted for publication in R&D Management JournalR& D Management Journal.
- The paper "Employee Acceptance of Digital Transformation Strategies: A Paradox Perspective" has been accepted for publication in Journal of Product Innovation Management.
- The paper "Business Model Innovation: Integrative Review, Framework, and Agenda for Future Innovation Management Research" has been accepted for publication in Journal of Product Innovation Management.
- The paper „“Stop crying your heart out”: How failed founders can use emotional failure narratives“ has been accepted for publication in Review of Managerial Science.
- The paper „Value-based Bricolage: Resource Mobilization in the Circular Economy“ has been accepted for publication in Journal of Industrial Ecology.
- The paper “Digital New Market Creation by Incumbent Firms: The Influence of Formalization and Political Behavior on Decision-Making Agility” has been accepted for publication in Journal of Strategic Information Systems.
- The paper "How Do Technological Frames Feel? Business Model Innovation in Pre-Digital Companies and the Emotional Impact of Digital Technologies" has been accepted for publication in International Journal of Innovation Management.
- The paper "The value of experience-based simulation in garnering support for radically new concepts" has been accepted for publication in International Journal of Innovation Management.
- The paper "Theorizing Business Model Innovation: An Organizing Framework of Research Dimensions and Future Perspectives" has been accepted for publication in R&D Management Journal.
- The paper "How Industry Projects Can Stimulate Academic Engagement: An Experimental Study among U.S. Engineering Professors" has been accepted for publication in Schmalenbach Journal of Business Research.
- The paper "How Industry Projects Can Stimulate Academic Engagement: An Experimental Study among U.S. Engineering Professors" has been accepted for publication in Industry & Innovation.
- The paper "Investigating the Effect of Perceived Product Portfolio Innovativeness on Consumers’ Brand Perceptions" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management.
- The paper "Open innovation for institutional entrepreneurship: how incumbents induce institutional change to advance autonomous driving" has been accepted for publication in R&D Management Journal.
- The paper "Technological Frames in the Digital Age: Theory, Measurement Instrument, and Future Research Areas" has been accepted for publication in Journal of Management Studies.
- The paper "Digital Transformation of Incumbent Firms: A Business Model Innovation Perspective" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management.
- The paper "Value Creation and Appropriation of Software Vendors: A Digital Innovation Model for Cloud Computing" has been accepted for publication in Information & Management.
- The paper "Business Models Big and Small: Review of Conceptualisations and Constructs and Future Research Directions for SME Business Model Research" has been accepted for publication in Journal of Business Research.