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Dr. Ernestine Dickhaut receives science prize and achieves second place in the DITRA Award

Dr. Ernestine Dickhaut was honored twice for her outstanding achievements at the doctoral ceremony of the Department of Economics at the University of Kassel on 09.11.2023.

We are delighted to announce that she has been awarded the department's Science Prize 2023 for her dissertation entitled "Design Patterns for Lawful Information Systems". This award recognizes particularly outstanding dissertations.

In addition, Ernestine Dickhaut has achieved second place in the DITRA Award 2023. This award is given for her article "Lawfulness by Design - Development and Evaluation of Lawful Design Patterns to Consider Legal Requirements", which was published in the European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS) in March 2023. The article was written in collaboration with Dr. Andreas Janson, Prof. Dr. Matthias Söllner and Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister. In this article, the authors present a design pattern framework for the codification of legal design knowledge.

The full article can be viewed at