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Initial situation

The "automotive" value chain is undergoing profound change. This is due to increasing globalization and the rapid development of technologies. According to various studies, the automotive industry is facing the challenge of compensating for declining sales and revenues in order to achieve sustainable, profitable growth in the future. In addition to the traditional service areas of the automotive industry, innovative service ranges - such as self-initiated telematics services - have not been able to establish themselves within the automotive value chain, or only to a limited extent.

Project goal

The introduction of modern telematics services for automotive manufacturers and their cooperation partners in order to exploit the revenue potential over the entire life cycle of the motor vehicle.


The MACS project supports the development of cooperative telematics services around the automobile by considering the following problem areas:

  • Prototypical implementation of mobile services based on innovative information and communication technologies.
  • Development of a distributed IT infrastructure as a basis for mobile services.
  • Development of a process model for the development and implementation of mobile services in the sense of service engineering.
  • Establishment and design of a cooperative value network in the context of knowledge-intensive mobile telematics services.
  • Consideration of security-relevant issues in the usage situation and derivation of security recommendations.


  • Development and piloting of a solution (Personal Health Manager) for IT-supported occupational health management
  • Development of new user groups through a high-quality and at the same time cost-effective (since it can be used by a large number of users in parallel) IT-supported fitness offering
  • Development of methods, models and tools for systematic product-service bundling in the healthcare industry
  • Development of appropriately adapted sports medicine models for exercise planning, documentation and control for office workers
  • Determination of the value contribution of investments in preventive IT-supported exercise programs

Project participants

Scientific partners

  • Technical University of Munich, Chair of Information Systems (Prof. Dr. Krcmar),
  • Technical University of Munich, Chair of General and Industrial Business Administration (Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Reichwald) and
  • Nürtingen University of Applied Sciences, Institute for Automotive Economics (Prof. Dr. Willi Diez).

Company partners

  • Audi AG,
  • Ingolstadt.


Federal Ministry of Education and Research



  • Holger Hoffmann