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Initial situation

The Chairs of Information Systems(Prof. Dr. Krcmar) and Medical Informatics (Prof. Dr. Kuhn) of the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Computer Science at the Technical University of Munich, combine their expertise in the areas of information and communication technology (ICT) for the design, implementation, evaluation and cost-effectiveness of eHealth solutions.

Innovative IT as an enabler of the healthcare of the future

The cross-sector and cross-institutional use of networked information technologies is a key opportunity for the healthcare system of the future. The objective of the MCCeH is therefore to promote the dissemination and, in particular, the adequate use of ICT in healthcare, both through its own application research and through the transfer of scientific findings into practice. Focal points include interoperability, adaptability of ICT to changing processes and framework conditions, and the use of innovative mobile & ubiquitous computing technologies.

Integrated care

The MCCeH vision here encompasses the organizational principles of Continuity of Care (common addressee) and Shared Care (shared responsibility) under the quality principle of Seamless Care (timely and appropriate transfer of activities and information from one service provider to another) according to CEN ENV13940. It is focused on a horizontally and vertically consistent end-to-end development and delivery of healthcare services; tailored to the individual situation of the patient.


The goal is a healthcare system that, independent of time and place and with the patient at the center, allows for effective and efficient healthcare and enables expanded offerings in the adjacent area of prevention.

Thought leadership

The MCCeH identifies and evaluates potential applications of innovative ICT in healthcare and works on visions for the healthcare of the future.



  • Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister