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SynDEc: New publication in Electronic Markets on synthetic data ecosystems

The paper "SynDEc: A Synthetic Data Ecosystem" by Fabian Karst, Mahei Li and Jan Marco Leimeister was published in the current issue of the Electronic Markets Journal.

The paper presents a system called SynDEc, which was developed using generative AI to share data securely and effectively. Small and medium-sized banks in particular, which often do not have enough data for AI applications such as fraud detection and risk management, can benefit from this. SynDEc was tested together with two banks and offers clear approaches for handling synthetic data, training methods and incentives. The results show that SynDEc works even with few participants and helps small banks in particular. The paper provides practical solutions for data protection-compliant data sharing and creates a basis for the use of such systems in the financial sector.

The specialist journal Electronic Markets is dedicated to the social, economic and technological aspects of digital platforms and electronic business. As an interdisciplinary journal, it combines qualitative and quantitative research methods and attaches great importance to scientific rigor and relevance.

Electronic Markets is one of the leading journals in the field of information systems and is listed in the top quartile (Q1) of the Scimago rankings.


The full article can be viewed at the following link:

Karst, F.S., Li, M.M. & Leimeister, J.M. SynDEc: A Synthetic Data Ecosystem. Electron Markets 35, 7 (2025).