Dr. rer. pol. Mahei Li
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Dr. rer. pol. Mahei Li
Research group leader
- Telephone
- +49 561 804-6046
- mahei.li[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
- Website
- https://www.maheili.de/
- Location
- Pfannkuchstraße 1
34121 Kassel
- Room
- ITeG, 1160, 1st floor
- Consultation Hours
Wed, 13:00-14:00 Registration by email required. Further appointments by arrangement.
Curriculum vitae
Studied Business Informatics (M.Sc.) at the University of Mannheim
Thesis topic: "Turning a Cultural Startup into a European Success: Designing a Customer Relationship Management System for the Paris National Opera"
Semester abroad at the National Taiwan University (NTU)
Studied Business Informatics (B.Sc.) at the University of Mannheim
Thesis topic: "An empirical Study on the Determinants of IT Business Value in Customer Relationship Management"
Work experience
Internship in the area of PMO- Senacor Technologies AG, Munich
Internship abroad in the area of Sales (Public Sector) - IBM Greater China Group, China, Beijing
Internship in Quality Management and IT - Friatec AG, Mannheim
Member of the student consultancy INTEGRA e.V. at the University of Mannheim
Various study projects, including prototyping of a risk management system in cooperation with BASF SE and an operational BI forecasting (retail) system at the Business Information Technology Institute (BIT)
Research interests
- Service science, service engineering, method engineering
- Business models, co-creation of value and service modeling & description languages
- Value generation of business intelligence and business analytics
- Process science and process mining
- Production planning and control (PPS)
- Production systems
- Conceptualization and development of the Service System Modeling Graph for product systems and service systems based on hypergraphs (a simplified explanatory video can be found here)
- Best Paper Award for "Code and Craft" presented by the 58th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICCS 2025)
- Best Paper Award nomination for "Not Enough Data to Be Fair? Evaluating Fairness Implications of Data Scarcity Solutions" by the 58th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICCS 2025)
- Best Paper Award nomination by the Americas Conference on Information Systems 2024 in Salt Lake City, USA (AMCIS 2024)
- Best Conference Reviewer Nomination awarded by the European Conference on Information Systems 2023 (ECIS 2023)
- Best Publication Award for the HISS research project (ING 2023)
Distinguished Recognition Award forService Innovation presented by the International Society of Service Innovation (ISSIP 2022)
- Best Conference Reviewer awarded by the European Conference on Information Systems 2021 (ECIS 2021)
- Best Industry Studies Paper Award (5th place) presented by the International Society of Service Innovation Professionals (ISSIP 2020)
- Best Paper Award (3rd place) presented by INFORMS International Conference on Service Science 2019 (INFORMS ICSS2019)
- Best Paper Award "User-generated service systems for the digital transformation of organizations" at Digivation
- Best Paper Award nomination for the 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2020)
- Most Innovative Paper Award Nomination for the International Conference on Information Systems 2017 (ICIS 2017)
- Best Student Paper Award Nomination for the International Business Informatics Congress 2017 (WI-2017) - Supervisor
- Participant of the Doctoral Consortium of the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) 2019, Stockholm, Sweden
- Participant of the Doctoral Consortium of the Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS) 2019, Munich, Germany
- Participant of the Doctoral Consortium of the International Conference on Exploring Service Science (IESS 1.8) 2018, Karlsruhe, Germany
Memberships and activities in committees
- Association for Information Systems (AIS)
- Research network FOKUS:SE
- DIN SPEC 33453 "Development of digital service systems"
- Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)
- AIS Special Interest Group Service (SIG SVC)
- German Informatics Society (GI)
- Code and Craft: How Generative AI Tools Facilitate Job Crafting in Software Development. In: 58th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Hawaii, USA.(2025):
- Integrating Brand Identity Into AI-Based Conversational Agents: A Systematic Literature Review. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Big Island, Hawaii.(2025):
- SynDEc: A Synthetic Data Ecosystem. In: Electronic Markets (EM).(2025):
- Prompting for Perks: Enhancing Generative AI-Enabled Job Crafting in Knowledge Work. In: Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS). Canberra, Australia.(2024):
- Generative AI in Customer Support Services: A Framework for Augmenting the Routines of Frontline Service Employees. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Waikiki, Hawaii, USA.(2024):
- Wiping out the limitations of Large Language Models - A Taxonomy for Retrieval Augmented Generation. In: .(2024):
- More Than Just Efficiency: Impact of Generative AI on Developer Productivity. In: Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). Utah, USA.(2024):
- The Rise of Generative AI in Low Code Development Platforms – An Analysis and Future Directions. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Waikiki, Hawaii, USA.(2024):
- FinDEx: A Synthetic Data Sharing Platform for Financial Fraud Detection. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Waikiki, Hawaii, USA: University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa.(2024):
- Augmenting Frontline Service Employee Onboarding via Hybrid Intelligence: Examining the Effects of Different Degrees of Human-GenAI Interaction. In: Mandviwalla, M. Y., Söllner, M., & Tuunanen, T. (Eds.), International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST 2024). Trollhättan, Sweden.(2024):
- GenAI and Software Engineering: Strategies for Shaping the Core of Tomorrow’s Software Engineering Practice. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Bangkok, Thailand.(2024):
- Towards designing an AI-based conversational agent for on-the-job training of customer support novices. In: International Conference on Design Science Research (DESRIST). Pretoria, South Africa.(2023):
- Towards the design of hybrid intelligence frontline service technologies – A novel human-in-the-loop configuration for human machine interactions. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Maui, Hawaii.(2023):
- Faster, Cheaper, Better? Analyzing how Lowcode Developoment Platforms drive Bottom-Up Innovation. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Kristiansand, Norway.(2023):
- A Conceptual Model for Labeling in Reinforcement Learning Systems: A Value Co-Creation Perspective. In: Gerber, A., & Baskerville, R. (Eds.), International Conference on Design Science Research (DESRIST). Pretoria, South Africa.(2023):
- How Videoconferencing and its Affordances Transformed Teaching in Schools During COVID-19 Pandemic. In: Hawaii international conference on system sciences (HICSS). Maui, Hawaii.(2023):
- Hybrid Intelligence Service Support. In: Langes, B., Peters, C., Boes, A., & Leimeister, J. M. (Eds.), Innovationen für datenbasierte Wertschöpfung. Mit internetbasierten Dienstleistungen die Zukunft der Wirtschaft gestalten (pp. 37–49). München: ISF München.(2023):
- A Value Co-Creation Perspective on Data Labeling in Hybrid Intelligence Systems: A Design Study. In: Information Systems (IS), Erscheinungsjahr/Year: 2023. p. 102311.(2023):
- Synthesizing Training Data with Generative Adversarial Networks: Towards the Design of a Data-Sharing Ecosystem Platform for Fraud Detection. In: International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST). Pretoria, South Africa.(2023):
- Empowering Recommender Systems in ITSM: A Pipeline Reference Model for AI-based Textual Data Quality Enrichment. In: Gerber, A., & Baskerville, R. (Eds.), International Conference on Design Science Research (DESRIST). Pretoria, South Africa.(2023):
- The Role of Design Patterns in the Development and Legal Assessment of Lawful Technologies. In: Electronic Markets (Electron Markets), Ausgabe/Nummer: 4, Vol. 32, Erscheinungsjahr/Year: 2022. pp. 2311–2331.(2022):
- Empowerment Effects in Human-machine Collaboration - A Systematic Literature Review and Directions on Hybrid Intelligence Behavior Patterns. In: Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS). Taipei/Sidney.(2022):
- Mit LabTeams KI gestalten – Eine neue Methode für die menschenzentrierte Gestaltung von KI-basierten IT-Support-Services. In: Bruhn, M., & Hadwich, K. (Eds.), Smart Services (1st ed., Vol. 1, pp. 253–271). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.(2022):
- ICT-enabled job crafting: How Business Unit Developers use Low-code Development Platforms to craft jobs. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Copenhagen, Denmark.(2022):
- Requirements for an IT Support System based on Hybrid Intelligence. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS).(2022):
- Towards an Employee-Centered Design for Human-AI Collaboration: How Work Design Theory Informs the Design of AI Systems. In: Pre-ICIS Workshop on the Changing Nature of Work (SIG 11th CNoW). Copenhagen, Denmark.(2022):
- German Standardization Roadmap on Artificial Intelligence (Wahlster, W., & Winterhalter, C., Eds.) (2nd ed.).(2022):
- Theorizing a Service Structure - A Hypergraph-based Modeling Approach and Applications. (Press, U. K., Ed.).(2022):
- Sense of Control for Empowerment in Hybrid Intelligence Service Systems. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Workshop: Service and Information Systems Research for a Better Future. Austin, Texas, USA.(2021):
- Nutzungszentrierte Gestaltung von HI-basierten Dienstleistungen am Beispiel des IT-Supports. In: Bruhn, M., & Hadwich, K. (Eds.), Künstliche Intelligenz im Dienstleistungsmanagement (Vol. Geschäftsmodelle – Serviceinnovationen – Implementierung). Springer Gabler.(2021):
- Developing Lawful Technologies – A Revelatory Case Study on Design Patterns. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS).(2021):
- Hybrid intelligenter Service Support: Wie die Mitarbeitenden selbstbestimmt den IT-Support durch künstliche Intelligenz aufwerten. In: Service Today, Ausgabe/Nummer: 1/21, Vol. 35, Erscheinungsjahr/Year: 2021. pp. 66–67.(2021):
- Knowledge is Power: Provide your IT-Support with Domain-Specific High-Quality Solution Material. In: International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST). Springer.(2021):
- Künstliche Intelligenz und menschliche Kompetenz zur Automatisierung und Personalisierung von Dienstleistungen am Beispiel des Support. In: Bruhn, M., & Hadwich, K. (Eds.), Automatisierung und Personalisierung von Dienstleistungen. Wiesbaden, Deutschland: Springer Gabler.(2020):
- Moving towards a Non-Dyadic View on Service Systems and its Operationalization – Applying the Hypergraph-based Service System Model. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS).(2020):
- Gestaltungsdimensionen der Digitalisierung – Wie Dienstleistungssysteme den Wandel antreiben und welche Faktoren eine Rolle spielen. In: Dienstleistungsinnovationen durch Digitalisierung (pp. 277–325). Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany: Springer Gabler.(2020):
- Nutzergenerierte Dienstleistungssysteme zur digitalen Transformation von Organisationen. In: Digivation. Springer.(2019):
- Take the Wheel - Technology-driven Change in the Energy Sector. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS).(2019):
- From Service Systems Engineering to Service Innovation - A Modeling Approach. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS).(2019):
- Linking Strategy and Operations using a Service Business Model – a hypergraph theory-based approach. In: International Research Symposium on Advancing Service Research and Practice (QUIS). Karlstad, Sweden.(2019):
- Developing a Production Structure Model using Service-Dominant Logic – A hypergraph-based Modeling Approach. In: INFORMS International Conference on Service Science (ICSS).(2019):
- Digitale Servicesysteme. In: Gassman, O., & Sutter, P. (Eds.), Digitale Transformation gestalten - Geschäftsmodelle, Erfolgsfaktoren, Checklisten (Zweite., pp. 33–41). München: Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH & Co. KG.(2019):
- (DIN SPEC 33453) Development of digital service systems. Entwicklung digitaler Dienstleistungssysteme. (2019). Beuth publishing DIN.
- A service system modelling approach. In: International Conference on Exporing Service Science (IESS).(2018):
- Towards Bridging the Gap between Business Model Innovation and Practice Using Hypergraph-based Modeling. In: INFORMS International Conference on Service Science (ICSS).(2018):
- Dynamic Solutions in Service Systems. In: AIS SIG SVC Pre-ICIS Workshop (Pre-ICIS).(2018):
- Combining Humans and Machine Learning: A Novel Approach for Evaluating Crowdsourcing Contributions in Idea Contests. In: Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI).(2018):
- A Hypergraph-based Modeling Approach for Service Systems. In: INFORMS International Conference on Service Science (ICSS).(2018):
- Reconceptualizing Service Systems – Introducing Service System Graphs. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS).(2018):
- Dienstleistungssysteme im Smart City Kontext: Herausforderungen, Anwendungsfälle und Lösungskonzepte. In: Arnold, C., & Knödler, H. (Eds.), Die informatisierte Service-Ökonomie (Vol. 1, pp. 297–308). Wiesbaden, Hessen: Springer Gabler.(2018):
- Einführung von Crowd-Based Support Dienstleistungen zur Verbesserung der Softwareeinführung. In: Meyer, K., Klingner, S., & Zinke, C. (Eds.), Service Engineering (pp. 133–149). Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer Fachmedien.(2018):
- Towards a taxonomy of digital work. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Guimarães, Portugal.(2017):
- Designing a peer-based support system to support shakedown. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Seoul, South Korea.(2017):
- Design Prinzipien für Microlearning Crowdsourcing-Systeme - Konzept für audiovisuelle Mediengestaltung. In: Leimeister, J. M., & Brenner, W. (Eds.), 13th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI). St. Gallen, Switzerland.(2017):
- Mastering Shakedown Through The User: The Need for User-Generated Services In Techno Change. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Istanbul, Turkey.(2016):
- Digitale Service-Systeme. In: Gassmann, O., & Sutter, P. (Eds.), Digitale Transformation im Unternehmen gestalten (pp. 29–38). München: Carl Hanser Verlag.(2016):
- IT-Kulturkonflikttheorie und ihre Bedeutung für erfolgreiches Service Systems Engineering - Fallstudie eines Einführungsprojektes für mobile Lernanwendungen in China. In: Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI). Ilmenau.(2016):
- Designing an Artifact for the Integration of Ubiquitous Information Systems in an Enterprise Context. In: Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST). Helsinki, Finland.(2013):