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VHB-TIE Annual Meeting at University of Kassel

TIE committee in VHB Verband der Hochschullehrerinnen und Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft met for the annual conference at Kassel University on September 7+8 organized by our local host Prof. Dr. Patrick Spieth and outgoing TIE-chairwomen Prof. Dr. Katrin Talke. Great networking in a community of really interesting innovation management and entrepreneurship researchers, inspiring key-notes, and good round table discussions. This first in-person TIE event since 2019 also offered the opportunity to present the Jürgen Hauschildt award for the best empirically rooted research paper in innovation management to Steffen Runge, Prof. Dr. Christian Schwens & Dr. Matthias Schulz for their SMJ paper on invention performance implications of coopetition in the setting of pharmaceutical R&D alliances. Congratulations also to Prof. Dr. Jörn Block as our new TIE chairman.