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Opening of the SDG+ summer exhibition "Everything different? Paths to transformation"

On Tuesday, July 9, the SDG+ summer exhibition "Alles anders?! Paths to transformation" opens at UNI:Lokal: As part of the current SDG+ theme year "Transformations in Energy + Environment", the exhibition focuses on the work within the project, but also shows what committed people from science and society in the region are already contributing to change for a sustainable region.

With  elements such as a lever of transformation and interactive future scenarios, visitors will be actively involved in the topics of the exhibition, and the UNI:Lokal will also look different than usual - come by!


Exhibition opening "Everything different? Paths to Transformation"
Summer exhibition in the theme year "Transformations in Energy + Environment"

Opening: Tuesday, July 9, from 7 pm (admission from 6:45 pm)

We ask for registration: www.uni-kassel.de/go/allesanders

SDG+ Lab at UNI:Lokal
Wilhelmsstraße 21
34117 Kassel

The world around us is changing - heavy rainfall, hot summers in northern Hesse and locally noticeable effects of increasingly scarce natural resources. Saving electricity, cycling more and preparing for storms - will everything be different in the future? From July 9 to October 19, the SDG+ Lab's new exhibition "Everything different? Paths to transformation" shows how people and institutions from Kassel are actively shaping change for a shared future.

Can we have a say in the direction we take? Where do we even want to go? Why should we - and others - get involved? And how can a transformation succeed? As part of the "Transformations in Energy + Environment" theme year, the exhibition focuses on the work within the project, but also shows what committed people from science and society in the region are already contributing to change for a sustainable region. Visitors are actively involved in shaping, developing their vision of a North Hesse of the future and moving the lever of transformation.

Join us at the opening of the new exhibition to toast the first themed year and gain exclusive insights into the creation of the exhibition and the work in the first themed year of UniKasselTransfer's SDG+ Lab.



With the SDG+ Lab, UniKasselTransfer is developing a laboratory for sustainability issues as a platform for exchange between science, politics, business and civil society. Along the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the United Nations, practical solutions and innovations for the North Hesse region will be jointly developed. The project is funded by the federal-state initiative "Innovative University" from 2023-2027.





Katharina Leinius
Co-Project Manager | SDG+ Lab
Innovative University


UniKasselTransfer | in the Science Park Kassel | Room 1100 | Universitätsplatz 12 | 34109 Kassel

Mail: katharina.leinius[at]uni-kassel[dot]de | Tel:  0561 804 2818





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