Evaluation results

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The quality of studies and teaching at the School of Business and Economics is regularly evaluated by means of various internal and external instruments.

Quality Management evaluates these evaluations and provides corresponding reports as part of the annual QM report.

Specific detailed evaluations are also available for individual surveys, which cannot be reproduced in full or at all in the QM reports.

If you are missing an evaluation, please send a corresponding request to QM

Bachelor Survey

The Bachelor Survey is carried out by the Department of Studies and Teaching.

Comprehensive reports on this can be found in the QM reports.

In addition, the Department of Studies and Teaching provides specific evaluations.

Master Survey

The Master's survey is carried out by the Department of Studies and Teaching.

Comprehensive reports on this can be found in the QM reports.

In addition, the Department of Studies and Teaching provides specific evaluations.

Teacher Survey

The Teacher Survey is carried out by the Department of Studies and Teaching.

Comprehensive reports on this can be found in the QM reports.

In addition, the Department of Studies and Teaching provides specific evaluations.

Graduate study

As part of the Kassel Graduate Study, a full survey of graduates from the University of Kassel is conducted every year. The graduate survey is designed as a long-term study with currently two survey dates:

  • One to two years after graduation (first survey).
  • Participants are surveyed again three years later.

Comprehensive reports on this can be found in the QM reports.

In addition, the Department of Studies and Teaching and ISTAT provide course-related evaluations.