Thi­lo K.G. Ha­ver­kamp

University of Kassel
Institute of Economics
Unit Empirical Economic Research
Nora-Platiel-Str. 4, 34109 Kassel
Room 2210
Phone: +49 561 804-3866
E-Mail: thilo.haverkamp[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
Office hours: By appointment


Research interests

Empirical economics, environmental and climate policy, behavioral economics, applied microeconometrics, subjective well-being.


Research articles in peer-reviewed journals

Haverkamp, Thilo K.G., Heinz Welsch, and Andreas Ziegler (2023), The relationship between climate protection activities, economic preferences, and life satisfaction: Empirical evidence for Germany, Energy Economics 128, 106938

Registered pre-analysis plans

Haverkamp, Thilo K.G. and Andreas Ziegler (2023), Is targeted information helpful for the individual support of environmentally friendly food and agricultural policies? A survey experiment in Germany, available at OSF: https: //

"Work in progress"

Arimura, Toshi H., Elke D. Kanberger, Thilo K.G. Haverkamp and Andreas Ziegler (2024), New Ecological Paradigm visits Japan: An empirical analysis of the determinants of environmental values (working title)

Haverkamp, Thilo K.G. and Andreas Ziegler (2024), Can information about climate change and biodiversity loss increase the support for pro-environmental food and agricultural policies? A randomized survey experiment in Germany (working title)

Haverkamp, Thilo K.G. and Andreas Ziegler (2024), On the comfort preferences of tenants during energetic modernizations: Evidence from a stated choice experiment (working title)

Haverkamp, Thilo K.G., Tom Schütte, Heike Wetzel, Toshi H. Arimura and Xinyue Yang (2024), Health or wealth? The effects of information on economic and health co-benefits on carbon tax approval in Germany and Japan (working title)

Haverkamp, Thilo K.G., Heinz Welsch and Andreas Ziegler (2024), Do altruism, social norms, and moral values shape the relationship between environmental activities and subjective well-being? An empirical analysis for Germany (working title)

Conference talks

Annual Conference European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (2023), Annual Conference of the International Association for Energy Economics (2022), Kyoto-Kassel Workshop on Environmental Economics (2022), Mannheim Conference on Energy and the Environment (2022, 2023), Young Economists Workshop Committee on Environmental and Resource Economics of the Verein für Socialpolitik (2021, 2023), Spring Meeting of Young Economists (2022), Workshop on Experimental Economics for the Environment (2022)


Lecture and integrated PC-exercise for the course "Introductory Econometrics" (BA): SS 2023, University of Kassel

Lecture and integrated PC-exercise for the course "Grundlagen der Ökonometrie" (BA): WS 2023/2024, University of Kassel

Integrated PC exercise for the course "Grundlagen der Ökonometrie" (BA): WS 2021/2022, University of Kassel

Integrated PC exercise for the course "Microeconometrics" (MA): WS 2022/2023, SS 2021, WS 2020/2021, University of Kassel


Since 06/2020
Research associate at the Unit Empirical Economic Research at the Institute of Economics of the University of Kassel

02/2019 - 05/2020
Student associate at the Unit Empirical Economic Research at the Institute of Economics of the University of Kassel

04/2018 - 05/2020
M.Sc. Economic Behavior and Governance, University of Kassel
Topic of master thesis: "Personality and socially responsible investing: An econometric analysis"

10/2013 - 09/2017
B.Sc. Economics, Philipps University of Marburg
Topic of bachelor thesis: "Unconditional basic income as a socio-political alternative"