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Here you will find a selection of media reports, newspaper articles and TV reports on the team's research.
"The beauty premium in politics", reporting, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 13.01.2025.
"Germany remains a problem child when it comes to economic growth", reporting, Der Spiegel, 23.01.2024.
"Germany remains the problem child of economic growth", Reporting, Die Welt, 23.01.2024.
"Germany is the big growth problem child in Europe", reporting, n-tv, 23.01.2024.
"Problem child Germany: Experts expect economic growth of 0.6 percent", reporting, Frankfurter Rundschau, 23.01.2024.
"Debt brake divides economists", reporting, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 08.12.2023.
"Economists only rate traffic light as sufficient", reporting, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 05.10.2023.
"Mein Viertel, eine Blase", exclusive article with interactive elements on our constituency dataset, Die ZEIT, 28.09.2023.
"Closing the gap to the 2% target", reporting, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 03.07.2023.
"Economists call for more money for the military and digital", reporting, Die ZEIT, 04.07.2023.
"ECB to raise interest rates despite bank turmoil, according to survey", Reporting, Handelsblatt, 04.04.2023.
"Economics professors call for tougher rules for banks", reporting, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 04.04.2023.
"Experts expect significant growth in the global economy", reporting, Der Spiegel, 14.02.2023.
"Experts rule out global recession this year", reporting, n-tv, 14.02.2023.
"Global Growth Expectations", studio guest, The Rolling Stocks Show, 14.02.2023.
"Experts expect growth in the global economy", reporting, MDR, 13.02.2023.
"ifo study: Divided Congress could put the brakes on the US economy", Reporting, Handelsblatt, 16.01.2023.
"The Germans have tunnel vision on the social market economy", reporting, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 15.12.2022.
"Where inflation is highest", reporting, tagesschau, 21.09.2022.
"Economists in favor of import tariffs as sanctions", reporting, tagesschau, 07.06.2022.
"Krieg in der Ukraine und Inflation", article by Lena Dräger, Klaus Gründler and Niklas Potrafke, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), 09.05.2022.
"The election cycle in tax policy: First election day then payday", article by Clemens Fuest, Klaus Gründler and Niklas Potrafke, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), 03.01.2022.
"Why Biden can't win on inflation", reporting, ABC News, 14.12.2021.
"Crisis-experienced countries vaccinate faster", reporting, tagesschau, 14.07.2021.
"Those who know crises vaccinate faster", reporting, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), 15.07.2021.
"Hey, MP, you need more money? On politicians' salaries and corruption", article by Klaus Gründler, Niklas Potrafke and Timo Wochner, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), 12.04.2021.
"Empirical economic research: The fatal human factor", reporting, Wirtschaftswoche, 05.04.2021
"The state is facing a huge tax shortfall", reporting, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), 11.05.2020
"Staatsverschuldung", 30-minute television interview on the topic of national debt, ARD alpha Democracy, 28.09.2019
"Can saving be a sin?", article by Klaus Gründler and Niklas Potrafke, Wirtschaftswoche, 18.05.2019
"Market economy beats socialism", Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), article by Klaus Gründler and Niklas Potrafke, 13.05.2019
"The new battle of the systems", article with interview Klaus Gründler, Wirtschaftswoche, 08.08.2018
"We are the super-rich", article by Norbert Berthold and Klaus Gründler, Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung (FAS), 14.11.2017