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EMBS OPEN DAY - 16th January 2025 via Zoom

European Master in Business Studies - EMBS

Open Day: Let's talk!

16th January, 2025

14:00 (CET)

The event will be held on the online platform ZOOM.

The Open Day is dedicated to prospective Master students from all over the world, interested in getting first-hand information about the Joint degree master program “European Master in Business Studies – EMBS”.

During the online meeting, students will have the opportunity to learn about the procedures and requirements of admission, professional and research opportunities, meet professors and administrative staff. 


Admission is free. Please fill in the compulsory online registration form.

Link to the Zoom will be sent to all registered prospective Master students.

Registration deadline: 16th January, 2025 at 1:00 PM (CET)

Here is some useful information about the event:
- the link to access the meeting is personal, please do not share it with third parties;
- the participants' microphones will be muted and will be unmuted in the second part of the meeting to ask questions;
- the participants can keep their camera turned on or off during the event;
- the event will be recorded;
- the event will be available on the University's media platform (University YouTube channel, web pages, Facebook and other social networks);
- by participating, you agree to the recording of the event;
- we invite everyone to read the Information on the processing of personal data of participants in University events.

