Research Focus

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With regards to research, the department generally focuses on issues relating to the europeanization and internationalization of private law, corporate law and competition law.

An additional area of research constitutes the question of how private law can be instrumetalized to promote environmental and climate protection as well as sustainable consumption.

The department conducts intensive and broad research on current and pressing issues related to a constantly advancing europeanization and internationalization of private law, corporate law and competition law.

Being part of the BMBF-funded project "EnWorKS - energy-efficient housing using the example of Kassel", Prof. Dr. Martina Deckert is investigating how technologically possible implementations of energy-saving technologies in the building sector can be supported and promoted by means of private law in an innovative interplay with public law to foster energy transition. All of this shall be achieved in an economically efficient and technologically forward-looking manner. The project is conducted in cooperation with legal economist Prof. Dr. Georg von Wangenheim and civil engineer Prof. Dr. Anton Maas.