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Neue Kon­fe­renz­bei­trä­ge: 30th In­no­va­ti­on and Pro­duct De­ve­lop­ment Ma­nage­ment Con­fe­rence (IPD­MC)

Das Fachgebiet Technologie- und Innovationsmanagement sowie Entrepreneurship (TIME) ist auf der 30th Innovation and Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC) vertreten:

Die Beiträge

  • "Agility as an Outcome of Decision Making: The Interaction of Politics and Organizational Controls in the Management of Innovation Portfolios"
  • “Exploring the interface of agility and rigidity in new product development: A paradoxical view”,
  • „The Impact of Cognitive Ambiguity on Individual Resonance to Business Model Innovation: A Multiple Case Study” und
  • “How Sustainability Changes Competition in Highly Innovative Industries: Influence on New Product Introductions”

wurden für die 30th Innovation and Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC)  angenommen.