Bachelor/Master theses

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The thesis can be written by teachers from the main subject (business, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, health), business didactics, technology didactics or health didactics, the entire core study program or the second subject. Students who are studying Business Education according to the old PO 2014 or Vocational Education Electrical or Metal Technology according to the old PO 2015 may not write their Bachelor's thesis in their second subject.

One of the two assessors must be from the group of Professors.

In the Master's degree program in Vocational Education in Health, at least one of the two assessors must be from the University of Kassel. No more than one of the assessors may be employed at Fulda University of Applied Sciences.

As the topic is assigned within 14 days for reasons of equal treatment, the completed form "Topic Assignment Bachelor's/Master's Thesis" must be submitted to the Vocational and Business Education Examination Office no later than 14 days after the topic has been agreed with the assessors or the supervisor has signed it!

Further information on theses can be found in the Moodle forum "Bachelorthesis/ Masterthesis" of the IBB.

  • You cannot begin the bachelor's thesis until you have earned at least 135 credits have been completed. (At the time of registration, these credits must have been achieved in your total account in HISPOS).
  • You can only start the bachelor thesis once you have completed the internship of 48 weeks have been completed (or the recognized times have been entered in the examination administration system)!
  • Master's theses can only be started, when you have earned at least 60 credits have been completed and the Bachelor's degree certificate is available. (At the time of registration, these credits must have been reached in your total account in HISPOS). In addition, no admission requirements may still be open.

The submission (digital and print version) must be submitted on time to the Examination Office for Vocational and Business Education (Room 3126 in K10), preferably during the office hours of the Examination Office. The paper can also be posted in the examination office's post box on the 3rd floor of K10 in the corridor to the right of room 3126 or handed in at the university's central post office. The postmark or proof of postage is the date of submission if the thesis is sent by post or handed in at a packing station.

  • The submission is to be made in printed and bound form(glued, no spiral binding) in triplicate as well as in electronic form as a PDF by e-mail to the secretariat of the Examination Office.
  • In the bound part of the thesis, submit a declaration that you have written the thesis independently and have not used any sources and aids other than those specified and sign the original.
  • Enclose the form "Declaration on the final topic" if your thesis topic (including subtitles) has changed since you registered.
  • If the date of the Master's colloquium has already been set, you can also announce this when you submit your Master's thesis using the "Notification of Master's colloquium date" form.