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Welcome to the website of our association "Net7werk" - Alumni, Friends and Supporters of the Department of Economics at the University of Kassel e. V.

As an association we stand for the promotion of science and research beyond the borders of the University of Kassel and the Faculty 07.

Thus, we have made it our main task to deepen the interaction of business practice and studies at the Faculty 07. This includes maintaining contact with our graduates, whom we regard as ambassadors of our institution. This contact also enables us to enrich research and teaching with the expertise and experience of our graduates and to show our students, association members and friends various career paths. Our goal is to create a suitable space that enables an intensive exchange and hopefully opens up new encounters for you as well.

Networking and exchange are important to us! That is why we offer you the opportunity to participate in various event formats as well as our annual general meeting. You can also expect a growing range of further education and training measures. We will inform you regularly about news from our association, the University of Kassel as well as from the field of economics. For networking purposes, you can also participate in our LinkedIn group.

All friends and supporters of the Department of Economics at the University of Kassel are welcome to join our association! The association is primarily aimed at:

- Private persons (e.g. students, graduates or friends and supporters of the association)

- Companies, organizations and institutions of the economy or public life.

A membership in the association costs you as a private person 12 Euro, i.e. only 1 Euro/month.

For legal entities, membership costs €250 p.a. (Basic) or €1,500 p.a. (Premium).

Simply fill out the membership form on our website and send it to

We look forward to seeing you!


After the official general meeting, our next games evening will take place in a relaxed atmosphere - fun and economic know-how included.

On 09. November 2023 our Doctoral Researcher Day will take place in Lecture Hall 3 of the Campus Center. We would like to invite you to join us.


The first part of the event, Inspiring - Networking (15:30 to 19:00), is aimed in particular at those interested in science. You can expect interesting presentations on various career opportunities after your doctorate and a wide range of scientific topics. Of course, there will also be plenty of time for exchange and networking - be it with numerous members of the association or our faculty members. More details about the program will be announced soon.