
Major fields of research

Di­gi­­tal Tran­s­­for­­ma­­ti­on (DI­T­­RA)

Ac­qui­­ring Skills & En­­­tre­pre­­neurship (KENT)

Eco­­no­­mic Be­ha­viour & Go­­ver­­­nan­ce (EB&Go)

Sustai­na­­bi­­li­­ty, En­­er­gy and the En­­vi­ron­­ment (NEU)

Research institutions

Research news


New con­fer­ence con­tri­bu­tions: SMS 44th An­nu­al Con­fe­rence

The Technology, Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship Unit is represented at the SMS 44th Annual Conference in Istanbul:

The contributions

  • "Driving competitive repertoire complexity: The strategic implications of business model interdependencies" and
  • "Navigating Paradoxes: Investigating the Interface of Conventional and Agile New Product Development"

have been accepted for presentation at the SMS 44th Annual Conference in Istanbul.

Doctorate / Post-doctoral lecturing qualification