
Major fields of research

Di­gi­­tal Tran­s­­for­­ma­­ti­on (DI­T­­RA)

Ac­qui­­ring Skills & En­­­tre­pre­­neurship (KENT)

Eco­­no­­mic Be­ha­viour & Go­­ver­­­nan­ce (EB&Go)

Sustai­na­­bi­­li­­ty, En­­er­gy and the En­­vi­ron­­ment (NEU)

Research institutions

Research news


Special prize from the German Bundesbank

Dr. Daniel Engler, research associate in the “Sustainable Finance” department (Prof. Dr. Christian Klein), received the special prize from the Deutsche Bundesbank for his dissertation entitled “Experimental analyzes of individual sustainable choices”

Doctorate / Post-doctoral lecturing qualification