Universität Kassel Post-Doc Researcher

2014 – heute

Forschung und Lehre


Promotion - Universität Kassel 2009 – 2014

Mit Auszeichnung (summa cum laude)

Thema: Einfluss persönlichkeitsbezogener und kultureller Konstrukte auf Verhandlungen



Universität Kassel 2002 – 2009

Universität Umeå, Schweden 2005


  • Higueras-Castillo, E., Zulauf, K., Alonso Dos Santos, M., Liébana-Cabanillas, F., & Wagner, R. (2025).Voltage variations: Unraveling electric vehicle appeal in urban vs. rural areas. Cities, 159, 105815. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2025.105815
  • Venturi, S., Zulauf, K., Cuel, R., & Wagner, R. (2025). Trash to treasure: Gamification and informed recycling behavior. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 215, 108108. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resconrec.2024.108108
  • Moliterni, S., Zulauf, K., & Wagner, R. (2025). A taste of rural: Exploring the uncaptured value of tourism in Basilicata. Tourism Management, 107, 105069. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2024.105069

  • Higueras-Castillo, E., Liébana-Cabanillas, F., Santos, M. A. D., Zulauf, K., & Wagner,R. (2024). Do you believe it? Green advertising skepticism and perceived value in buying electric vehicles. Sustainable Development, 1–15.https://doi.org/10.1002/sd.2932

  • Zulauf, K., Wagner, R. Countering Negotiation Power Asymmetries by Using the Adjusted Winner Algorithm. Oper. Res. Forum 4, 19 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s43069-023-00206-7

  • Zulauf, K., & Wagner, R. 2022. Some Have Other Crisis Concerns: Antecedents of Anxiety while Grocery Shopping. Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy, 10(1), 1-18. DOI 10.2478/mdke-2022-0001
    View of Some Have Other Crisis Concerns: Antecedents of Anxiety while Grocery Shopping (managementdynamics.ro)

  • Capasa, L., Zulauf, K., & Wagner, R. (2022). Virtual reality experience of mega sports events: A technology acceptance study. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research17(2), 686-703.

  • Zulauf, K., & Wagner, R. 2021. Negotiation Power and the Impact of Gender Differences, Businesses 1, no. 3: 205-213. https://doi.org/10.3390/businesses1030015

  • Zulauf, K. & Wagner, R., 2021.Intuitive and Deliberative Decision-Making in Negotiations, Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 293-306, Intuitive and Deliberative Decision-Making in Negotiations | ZULAUF | Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy.

  • Zulauf, K. & Wagner, R., 2021.  Online Shopping Therapy: If
    You Want to Be Happy, Shop around, Journal of International Consumer Marketinghttps://doi.org/10.1080/08961530.2021.1955425

  • Zulauf, K. & Wagner, R., 2021. Urban and Rural Sustainability: Divergent Concepts and Their Consequences for Marketing. Front. Sustain. 2:670866.  https://doi.org/10.3389/frsus.2021.670866

  • Zulauf, K., Cechella Schneider, F., & Wagner, R., 2021. The bidirectionality of buying behavior and risk perception: an exploratory study. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 1–25. https://doi.org/10.1080/09593969.2021.1936596

  • Petljak, K., Zulauf, K., Stulec, I., Seuring-Stella, S., Wagner, R., 2018. Green supply chain management in food retailing: survey-based evidence in Croatia. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 2018, 1–15. https://doi.org/10.1108/SCM-04-2017-0133
  • Wittkop, A., Zulauf, K., Wagner, R., 2018. How Digitalization Changes the Internationalization of Entrepreneurial Firms: Theoretical Considerations and Empirical Evidence. Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy 6, 193–207.
  • Sanchez Bengoa, D., Ganassali, S., Kaufmann, H.-R., Rajala, A., Trevisan, I., Van Berkel, G.J., Zulauf, K., Wagner, R., 2018. Shared experiences and awareness from learning in a student multicultural environment: Measuring skills’ development in intercultural intensive programs. Journal of International Education in Business 2018, 27–42.
  • Kovacs, D., Zulauf, K., Ürkmez, T., Brockhaus, D.B.T., Wagner, R., 2016. Linking Entrepreneurial Orientation to Firm Performance in a Post-Socialist Market Context: the Case of Hungary. Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy 4, 571–589.
  • Schlobohm, S., Zulauf, K., Wagner, R., 2016. A Review of Brand Love: Conceptual Considerations and Their Relevance for Business, in: Obal, M.W., Krey, N., Bushardt, C. (Hrsg.), Let’s Get Engaged! Crossing the Threshold of Marketing’s Engagement Era. Springer, Berlin, S. 343–348.
  • Zulauf, K., Wagner, R., Sanchez Bengoa, D., Kaufmann, H.-R., Trevisan, I., Cubero-Dubinskaya, E., Hagen, B., Ganassali, S., Papp, J., Berkel, J., van der Veen, G., Rajala, A., Hermannsdóttir, A., Zink, L., 2017. Report for Chambers of Commerce and Start-up Centres. Universität Kassel.
  • Zulauf, K., 2014. Einfluss persönlichkeitsbezogener und kultureller Konstrukte auf Verhandlungen. kassel university press, Kassel.


  • Bloch, K. & Wagner, R. (2010). Bargaining Power and the Impact of Gender Differences- An Experimental Investigation on Retailer-Manufacturer Bargaining, 4th International Biennale on Commercial Negotiation, Paris.
  • Zulauf, K., Brockhaus, D.B.T., Schuster, O., Raab, K., Ürkmez, T., Keul, M., Wagner, R., 2015. BoP and Entrepreneurship: The Intersection of Two Research Paths, in:Beltrametti, L. with Dameri Renata Paola (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the 10th European Conferences in Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Academic Conferences and Publishing International, Reading, UK, S. 749–756.
  • Nürnberger, E., Zulauf, K., Wagner, R., 2016. The Expression of Emotions in Negotiations: An Experimental Investigation on Emotion Behavior of German and Italian Negotiators, in: Zartman, William, Johns Hopkins University (Hrsg.), 6th International Biennal on Negotiation. Novancia Business School, Paris, S. TBD.
  • Kovacs, D., Ürkmez, T., Brockhaus, D.B.T., Wagner, R., Zulauf, K., 2016. Linking entrepreneurial orientation to firm performance in a post-socialist market context: the case of Hungary, in: Brtianu, C., Zbuchea, A., Pînzaru, F., Leon, R.-D., Vtmnescu, E. (Hrsg.), Proceedings of STRATEGICA 2016 - Opportunities and Risks in the Contemporary BusinessContemporary Business Environment. Tritonic, Bucharest, S. 383 – 394.
  • Cubero-Dubinskaya, E, Hagen, B, Wagner, R,  Zulauf, K & Herrmansdottir, A 2016, ' Exploring Country Institutional Profiles on Entrepreneurial Orientation ', EIBA, Wien.
  • Cubero-Dubinskaya, E., Hagen, B., Wagner, R., Zulauf, K., 2016. Exploring Country Institutional Profiles on Entrepreneurial Orientation, in: Mitra, J., Arzeni, S., Volpe, M. (Hrsg.), The Globalisation and Internationalisation of SMEs and New Ventures: Travels with Eclectic Charlie, Digital Mary, Networked Nadia and Impactful Shona. 15th IEF Conference, Venice, S. 162–178.
  • Raab, K., Zulauf, K., Wagner, R., 2017. Marketing Concepts And Their Relevance At The Bop - Consolidating Research On Entrepreneurship To Alleviate Poverty, in: EMAC (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the EMAC 46th Annual Conference. University of Groningen, Groningen, S. TBD.
  • Wittkop, A., Zulauf, K., Wagner, R., 2017. How digitalization changes the internationalization of entrepreneurial firms: theoretical considerations and empirical evidence, in: Zbuchea, A. (Hrsg.), Entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Opportunities for the 21st. Tritonic, Bucharest, S. 38–51.
  • Ehrhardt, C., Zulauf, K., Wagner, R., Sanchez Bengoa, D., Hermannsdóttir, A., Kaufmann, H.-R., 2017. Assessment of Usefulness of Communication Channels for European Entrepreneurs, in: 14th CIRCLE Conference (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the 14th CIRCLE Conference in Warsaw. CIRCLE Conference, Warsaw, S. TBD.
  • Zulauf, K., Schneider-Cechella, F., Wagner, R., 2020. Changed Buying Behavior in the Corona Pandemic: Perceived Risk and its Effects, in: 13º Congresso Latino-Americano de Varejo e Consumo – After COVID-19: Building Purpose through Stakeholders in Retailing, CLAV. http://bibliotecadigital.fgv.br/ocs/index.php/clav/clav2020/paper/viewFile/7481/2256
  • Brockhaus, D., Wagner, R. & Zulauf, K. (2018). Marketing Communication Innovativeness of European Entrepreneurs (MARCIEE), University of Aveiro, Portugal.
DITRA-AWARD 2023 Dieser Preis würdigt ihren Beitrag zur Forschung, für ihren Artikel "Online shopping therapy: if you want to be happy, shop around" im Journal of International Consumer Marketing, den sie gemeinsam mit Prof.Dr. R. Wagner veröffentlicht hat.

Emerald Outstanding Paper Award 2019


Petljak, K., Zulauf, K., Stulec, I., Seuring, S. & Wagner, R. (2018). Green supply chain management in food retailing: survey-based evidence in Croatia. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 23(1), 1- 15

Negotiation Young Researcher Award


3. Platz beim 4th International Biennale on Commercial Negotiation Young Researcher Award, 2010

Bloch, K. & Wagner, R. (2010). Bargaining Power and the Impact of Gender Differences- An Experimental Investigation on Retailer-Manufacturer Bargaining, 4th International Biennale on Commercial Negotiation, Paris.

Innovation & Entrepreneurship Teaching Excellence Award 2018



Brockhaus, D., Wagner, R. & Zulauf, K. (2018). Marketing Communication Innovativeness of European Entrepreneurs (MARCIEE), University of Aveiro, Portugal.

E-learning Award 2011



Wagner, R. & Bloch, K. (2011). Virtual Negotiation Learning Space, Universität Kassel.

Teaching Innovation Award 2010



Wagner, R. & Bloch, K. (2010). Forschungsseminar zum Verhandlungsmanagement, Universität Kassel.

Stipendium der Ursula-Rudolf-Lieberum-Stiftung


zur Durchführung meines Forschungsvorhabens in China, 2010

3. Platz beim 4th International Biennale on Commercial Negotiation Young Researcher Award, 2010