Dr. Katrin Zulauf
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
- Telefon
- +49 561 804-7404
- zulauf[at]wirtschaft.uni-kassel[dot]de
- Standort
- Henschelstraße 2
34127 Kassel
- Raum
- K10, 2126
Universität Kassel Post-Doc Researcher
2014 – heute
Forschung und Lehre
Promotion - Universität Kassel 2009 – 2014
Mit Auszeichnung (summa cum laude)
Thema: Einfluss persönlichkeitsbezogener und kultureller Konstrukte auf Verhandlungen
Universität Kassel 2002 – 2009
Universität Umeå, Schweden 2005
- Higueras-Castillo, E., Zulauf, K., Alonso Dos Santos, M., Liébana-Cabanillas, F., & Wagner, R. (2025).Voltage variations: Unraveling electric vehicle appeal in urban vs. rural areas. Cities, 159, 105815. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2025.105815
- Venturi, S., Zulauf, K., Cuel, R., & Wagner, R. (2025). Trash to treasure: Gamification and informed recycling behavior. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 215, 108108. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resconrec.2024.108108
Moliterni, S., Zulauf, K., & Wagner, R. (2025). A taste of rural: Exploring the uncaptured value of tourism in Basilicata. Tourism Management, 107, 105069. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2024.105069
Higueras-Castillo, E., Liébana-Cabanillas, F., Santos, M. A. D., Zulauf, K., & Wagner,R. (2024). Do you believe it? Green advertising skepticism and perceived value in buying electric vehicles. Sustainable Development, 1–15.https://doi.org/10.1002/sd.2932
Zulauf, K., Wagner, R. Countering Negotiation Power Asymmetries by Using the Adjusted Winner Algorithm. Oper. Res. Forum 4, 19 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s43069-023-00206-7
Zulauf, K., & Wagner, R. 2022. Some Have Other Crisis Concerns: Antecedents of Anxiety while Grocery Shopping. Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy, 10(1), 1-18. DOI 10.2478/mdke-2022-0001
View of Some Have Other Crisis Concerns: Antecedents of Anxiety while Grocery Shopping (managementdynamics.ro)Capasa, L., Zulauf, K., & Wagner, R. (2022). Virtual reality experience of mega sports events: A technology acceptance study. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 17(2), 686-703.
Zulauf, K., & Wagner, R. 2021. Negotiation Power and the Impact of Gender Differences, Businesses 1, no. 3: 205-213. https://doi.org/10.3390/businesses1030015
Zulauf, K. & Wagner, R., 2021.Intuitive and Deliberative Decision-Making in Negotiations, Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 293-306, Intuitive and Deliberative Decision-Making in Negotiations | ZULAUF | Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy.
Zulauf, K. & Wagner, R., 2021. Online Shopping Therapy: If
You Want to Be Happy, Shop around, Journal of International Consumer Marketing, https://doi.org/10.1080/08961530.2021.1955425Zulauf, K. & Wagner, R., 2021. Urban and Rural Sustainability: Divergent Concepts and Their Consequences for Marketing. Front. Sustain. 2:670866. https://doi.org/10.3389/frsus.2021.670866
Zulauf, K., Cechella Schneider, F., & Wagner, R., 2021. The bidirectionality of buying behavior and risk perception: an exploratory study. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 1–25. https://doi.org/10.1080/09593969.2021.1936596
- Petljak, K., Zulauf, K., Stulec, I., Seuring-Stella, S., Wagner, R., 2018. Green supply chain management in food retailing: survey-based evidence in Croatia. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 2018, 1–15. https://doi.org/10.1108/SCM-04-2017-0133
- Wittkop, A., Zulauf, K., Wagner, R., 2018. How Digitalization Changes the Internationalization of Entrepreneurial Firms: Theoretical Considerations and Empirical Evidence. Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy 6, 193–207.
- Sanchez Bengoa, D., Ganassali, S., Kaufmann, H.-R., Rajala, A., Trevisan, I., Van Berkel, G.J., Zulauf, K., Wagner, R., 2018. Shared experiences and awareness from learning in a student multicultural environment: Measuring skills’ development in intercultural intensive programs. Journal of International Education in Business 2018, 27–42.
- Kovacs, D., Zulauf, K., Ürkmez, T., Brockhaus, D.B.T., Wagner, R., 2016. Linking Entrepreneurial Orientation to Firm Performance in a Post-Socialist Market Context: the Case of Hungary. Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy 4, 571–589.
- Schlobohm, S., Zulauf, K., Wagner, R., 2016. A Review of Brand Love: Conceptual Considerations and Their Relevance for Business, in: Obal, M.W., Krey, N., Bushardt, C. (Hrsg.), Let’s Get Engaged! Crossing the Threshold of Marketing’s Engagement Era. Springer, Berlin, S. 343–348.
- Zulauf, K., Wagner, R., Sanchez Bengoa, D., Kaufmann, H.-R., Trevisan, I., Cubero-Dubinskaya, E., Hagen, B., Ganassali, S., Papp, J., Berkel, J., van der Veen, G., Rajala, A., Hermannsdóttir, A., Zink, L., 2017. Report for Chambers of Commerce and Start-up Centres. Universität Kassel.
- Zulauf, K., 2014. Einfluss persönlichkeitsbezogener und kultureller Konstrukte auf Verhandlungen. kassel university press, Kassel.
- Bloch, K. & Wagner, R. (2010). Bargaining Power and the Impact of Gender Differences- An Experimental Investigation on Retailer-Manufacturer Bargaining, 4th International Biennale on Commercial Negotiation, Paris.
- Zulauf, K., Brockhaus, D.B.T., Schuster, O., Raab, K., Ürkmez, T., Keul, M., Wagner, R., 2015. BoP and Entrepreneurship: The Intersection of Two Research Paths, in:Beltrametti, L. with Dameri Renata Paola (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the 10th European Conferences in Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Academic Conferences and Publishing International, Reading, UK, S. 749–756.
- Nürnberger, E., Zulauf, K., Wagner, R., 2016. The Expression of Emotions in Negotiations: An Experimental Investigation on Emotion Behavior of German and Italian Negotiators, in: Zartman, William, Johns Hopkins University (Hrsg.), 6th International Biennal on Negotiation. Novancia Business School, Paris, S. TBD.
- Kovacs, D., Ürkmez, T., Brockhaus, D.B.T., Wagner, R., Zulauf, K., 2016. Linking entrepreneurial orientation to firm performance in a post-socialist market context: the case of Hungary, in: Brtianu, C., Zbuchea, A., Pînzaru, F., Leon, R.-D., Vtmnescu, E. (Hrsg.), Proceedings of STRATEGICA 2016 - Opportunities and Risks in the Contemporary BusinessContemporary Business Environment. Tritonic, Bucharest, S. 383 – 394.
- Cubero-Dubinskaya, E, Hagen, B, Wagner, R, Zulauf, K & Herrmansdottir, A 2016, ' Exploring Country Institutional Profiles on Entrepreneurial Orientation ', EIBA, Wien.
- Cubero-Dubinskaya, E., Hagen, B., Wagner, R., Zulauf, K., 2016. Exploring Country Institutional Profiles on Entrepreneurial Orientation, in: Mitra, J., Arzeni, S., Volpe, M. (Hrsg.), The Globalisation and Internationalisation of SMEs and New Ventures: Travels with Eclectic Charlie, Digital Mary, Networked Nadia and Impactful Shona. 15th IEF Conference, Venice, S. 162–178.
- Raab, K., Zulauf, K., Wagner, R., 2017. Marketing Concepts And Their Relevance At The Bop - Consolidating Research On Entrepreneurship To Alleviate Poverty, in: EMAC (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the EMAC 46th Annual Conference. University of Groningen, Groningen, S. TBD.
- Wittkop, A., Zulauf, K., Wagner, R., 2017. How digitalization changes the internationalization of entrepreneurial firms: theoretical considerations and empirical evidence, in: Zbuchea, A. (Hrsg.), Entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Opportunities for the 21st. Tritonic, Bucharest, S. 38–51.
- Ehrhardt, C., Zulauf, K., Wagner, R., Sanchez Bengoa, D., Hermannsdóttir, A., Kaufmann, H.-R., 2017. Assessment of Usefulness of Communication Channels for European Entrepreneurs, in: 14th CIRCLE Conference (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the 14th CIRCLE Conference in Warsaw. CIRCLE Conference, Warsaw, S. TBD.
- Zulauf, K., Schneider-Cechella, F., Wagner, R., 2020. Changed Buying Behavior in the Corona Pandemic: Perceived Risk and its Effects, in: 13º Congresso Latino-Americano de Varejo e Consumo – After COVID-19: Building Purpose through Stakeholders in Retailing, CLAV. http://bibliotecadigital.fgv.br/ocs/index.php/clav/clav2020/paper/viewFile/7481/2256
- Brockhaus, D., Wagner, R. & Zulauf, K. (2018). Marketing Communication Innovativeness of European Entrepreneurs (MARCIEE), University of Aveiro, Portugal.
DITRA-AWARD 2023 | Dieser Preis würdigt ihren Beitrag zur Forschung, für ihren Artikel "Online shopping therapy: if you want to be happy, shop around" im Journal of International Consumer Marketing, den sie gemeinsam mit Prof.Dr. R. Wagner veröffentlicht hat. | |
Emerald Outstanding Paper Award 2019 |
| Petljak, K., Zulauf, K., Stulec, I., Seuring, S. & Wagner, R. (2018). Green supply chain management in food retailing: survey-based evidence in Croatia. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 23(1), 1- 15 |
Negotiation Young Researcher Award |
| 3. Platz beim 4th International Biennale on Commercial Negotiation Young Researcher Award, 2010 Bloch, K. & Wagner, R. (2010). Bargaining Power and the Impact of Gender Differences- An Experimental Investigation on Retailer-Manufacturer Bargaining, 4th International Biennale on Commercial Negotiation, Paris. |
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Teaching Excellence Award 2018
| Brockhaus, D., Wagner, R. & Zulauf, K. (2018). Marketing Communication Innovativeness of European Entrepreneurs (MARCIEE), University of Aveiro, Portugal. |
E-learning Award 2011
| Wagner, R. & Bloch, K. (2011). Virtual Negotiation Learning Space, Universität Kassel. |
Teaching Innovation Award 2010
| Wagner, R. & Bloch, K. (2010). Forschungsseminar zum Verhandlungsmanagement, Universität Kassel. |
Stipendium der Ursula-Rudolf-Lieberum-Stiftung |
| zur Durchführung meines Forschungsvorhabens in China, 2010 3. Platz beim 4th International Biennale on Commercial Negotiation Young Researcher Award, 2010 |