Prof. Dr. Astrid Dannenberg
Telefon: +49 561 804-3758
E-Mail: dannenberg[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
Besucheranschrift: Untere Königsstraße 71, 34117 Kassel
Postanschrift: Nora-Platiel-Str. 4, 34109 Kassel
Astrid Dannenberg ist Professorin am Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre der Universität Kassel. Sie leitet das Fachgebiet Umwelt- und Verhaltensökonomik und ist verantwortlich für den Masterstudiengang Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften. Ihr Diplom als Volkswirtin erhielt sie von der Universität Mannheim. Es folgte eine zweijährige Tätigkeit als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Umweltbundesamt. Danach arbeitete sie am Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung in Mannheim und schloss diese Zeit im Jahr 2011 mit einer Promotion an der Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg ab. Als Postdoc verbrachte sie anschließend ein Jahr an der Universität Göteborg sowie zwei Jahre an der Columbia University in New York. Nach der Postdoc-Phase folgte der Ruf an die Universität Kassel. Ihr Forschungsinteresse liegt in der Analyse des menschlichen Kooperationsverhaltens vor allem im Hinblick auf internationale Umweltprobleme wie dem globalen Klimawandel. In 2015 erhielt sie einen ERC Starting Grant zum Thema „Human Cooperation to Protect the Global Commons“ (HUCO). Astrid war von 2016 bis 2019 Ratsmitglied der European Association of Environmental and Resource Economics (EAERE) und sie ist Associate Editor bei Economic Inquiry sowie Co-Editor bei Environmental and Resource Economics. Von 2020 bis 2023 ist sie als Gastprofessorin an die Universität Göteborg in Schweden berufen worden.
Dannenberg, Astrid (2025) The role of experimental economics in designing and evaluating climate policy, Water Economics and Policy (forthcoming)
- Dannenberg, Astrid, Charlotte Klatt, Pia Pico (2024) The effects of growing groups and scarcity on the use of a common pool resource – a lab-in-the-field experiment with Lake Victoria fishers, Environmental and Resource Economics 87, 2833-2858
- Dannenberg, Astrid, Charlotte Klatt, Eva Weingärtner (2024) The effects of social norms and observability on food choice, Food Policy 125, 102621
- Dannenberg, Astrid, Gunnar Gutsche, Marlene C. L. Batzke, Sven Christens, Daniel Engler, Fabian Mankat, Sophia Möller, Eva Weingärtner, Andreas Ernst, Marcel Lumkowsky, Georg von Wangenheim, Gerrit Hornung, Andreas Ziegler (2024) The Effects of Norms on Environmental Behavior, Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 18 (1)
- Lumkowsky, Marcel, Emily K. Carlton, David G. Victor, Astrid Dannenberg (2023) Determining the willingness to link climate and trade policy, Climatic Change176(10), 133
- Dannenberg, Astrid, Marcel Lumkowsky, Emily K. Carlton, David G. Victor (2023) Naming and Shaming as a Strategy for Enforcing the Paris Agreement: The Role of Political Institutions and Public Concern, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA120 (40) e2305075120
- Ferraro , Paul J., Todd L. Cherry, Jason F. Shogren et al. (2023), Create a culture of experiments in environmental programs, Science 381 (6659), 735-737
- Dannenberg, Astrid, Eva Weingärtner (2023), The Effects of Observability and an Information Nudge on Food Choice, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 120, 102829
- Victor, David G., Marcel Lumkowsky, Astrid Dannenberg (2022), Determining the credibility of commitments in international climate policy, Nature Climate Change 12(9), 793-800
- Vasconcelos, Vítor V., Astrid Dannenberg, Simon A. Levin (2022) Punishment institutions selected and sustained through voting and learning, Nature Sustainability 5, 578-585
- Dannenberg, Astrid, Florian Diekert, Philipp Händel (2022) The Effects of Social Information and Luck on Risk Behavior of Small-Scale Fishers at Lake Victoria, Journal of Economic Psychology 90, 102493
- Dannenberg, Astrid, Olof Johansson-Stenman, Heike Wetzel (2022) Status for the Good Guys: An Experiment on Charitable Giving, Economic Inquiry 60 (2), 721-740
- Barrett, Scott, Astrid Dannenberg (2022) The Decision to Link Trade Agreements to the Supply of Global Public Goods, Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 9(2), 273-305
- Bühren, Christoph, Astrid Dannenberg (2021) The Demand for Punishment to Promote Cooperation Among Like-Minded People, European Economic Review 138, 103862
- Vasconcelos, Vítor V., Sara M. Constantino, Astrid Dannenberg, Marcel Lumkowsky, Elke Weber, Simon Levin (2021) Segregation and Clustering of Preferences Erode Socially Beneficial Coordination, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA118 (50) e2102153118
- Dannenberg, Astrid, Peter Martinsson (2021) Responsibility and prosocial behavior - Experimental evidence on charitable donations by individuals and group representatives, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 90, 101643
- Bateman, Ian, Astrid Dannenberg et al. (2020) Editorial: Economics of the Environment in the Shadow of Coronavirus, Environmental and Resource Economics 76, 519-523
- Dannenberg, Astrid, Elina Khachatryan (2020) A Comparison of Individual and Group Behavior in a Competition with Cheating Opportunities, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 177, 533-547
- Bluffstone, Randall, Astrid Dannenberg, Peter Martinsson, Prakash Jha, Rajesh Bista (2020) Cooperative Behavior and Common Pool Resources: Experimental Evidence from Community Forest User Groups in Nepal, World Development 129, 104889
- Dannenberg, Astrid, Carlo Gallier (2020) The Choice of Institutions to Solve Cooperation Problems: A Survey of Experimental Research, Experimental Economics 23, 716-749
- Dannenberg, Astrid, Corina Haita-Falah, Sonja Zitzelsberger (2020) Voting on the Threat of Exclusion in a Public Goods Experiment, Experimental Economics 23, 84-109
- Dannenberg, Astrid, Sonja Zitzelsberger (2019) Climate experts’ views on geoengineering depend on their beliefs about climate change impacts, Nature Climate Change 9, 769-775
- Christens, Sven, Astrid Dannenberg, Florian Sachs (2019) Identification of Individuals and Groups in a Public Goods Experiment, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 82, 101445
- Dannenberg, Astrid, Scott Barrett (2018) Cooperating to avoid catastrophe, Nature Human Behaviour 2, 435-437
- Barrett, Scott, Astrid Dannenberg (2017) Tipping versus Cooperating to Supply a Public Good, Journal of the European Economic Association 15(4), 910-941
- Dannenberg, Astrid, Sonja Zitzelsberger, Alessandro Tavoni (2017) Climate Negotiators' and Scientists' Assessments of the Climate Negotiations, Nature Climate Change 7(6), 437-442
- Nyborg, Karine, John M. Anderies, Astrid Dannenberg et al. (2016) Social Norms as Solutions, Science 354(6308), 42-43
- Barrett, Scott and Astrid Dannenberg (2016) An Experimental Investigation into 'Pledge and Review' in Climate Negotiations, Climatic Change 138(1), 339-351
- Dannenberg, Astrid (2015) Non-binding Agreements in Public Goods Experiments, Oxford Economic Papers 68(1), 279-300
- Dannenberg, Astrid (2015) Leading by Example Versus Leading by Words in Voluntary Contribution Experiments, Social Choice and Welfare 44(1), 71-85
- Dannenberg, Astrid, Andreas Löschel, Gabriele Paolacci, Christiane Reif, Alessandro Tavoni (2015) On the Provision of Public Goods with Probabilistic and Ambiguous Thresholds, Environmental and Resource Economics 61(3), 365-383
- Barrett, Scott, Astrid Dannenberg (2014) Sensitivity of Collective Action to Uncertainty about Climate Tipping Points, Nature Climate Change 4, 36-39
- Dannenberg, Astrid, Andreas Lange, Bodo Sturm (2014) Participation and Commitment in Voluntary Coalitions to Provide Public Goods, Economica 81, 257-275
- Norström, Albert V., Astrid Dannenberg et al. (2014) Three necessary conditions for establishing effective Sustainable Development Goals in the Anthropocene, Ecology and Society 19(3), 1-8
- Dannenberg, Astrid (2014) Dangerous Climate Change and Collective Action, Physics of Life Reviews 11, 591-592
- Norström, Albert V., Astrid Dannenberg et al. (2013) Social Change Vital to Sustainability Goals, Nature 498 (299)
- Borgloh, Sarah, Astrid Dannenberg, Bodo Aretz (2013) Small is Beautiful - Experimental Evidence of Donors' Preferences for Charities, Economics Letters 120, 242-244
- Barrett, Scott, Astrid Dannenberg (2012) Climate Negotiations Under Scientific Uncertainty, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 109, 17372-17376
- Dannenberg, Astrid, Thomas Riechmann, Bodo Sturm, Carsten Vogt (2012) Inequality Aversion and the House Money Effect, Experimental Economics 15, 460-484
- Dannenberg, Astrid (2012) Coalition Formation and Voting in Public Goods Games, Strategic Behavior and the Environment 2, 83-105
- Tavoni, Alessandro, Astrid Dannenberg, Giorgos Kallis, Andreas Löschel (2011) Inequality, Communication and the Avoidance of Disastrous Climate Change in a Public Goods Game, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 108, 11825-11829
- Dannenberg, Astrid, Sara Scatasta, Bodo Sturm (2011) Mandatory versus Voluntary Labelling of Genetically Modified Food – Evidence from an Economic Experiment, Agricultural Economics 42, 373-386
- Dannenberg, Astrid, Bodo Sturm, Carsten Vogt (2010) Do Equity Preferences Matter for Climate Negotiators? An Experimental Investigation, Environmental and Resource Economics 47, 91-109
- Osberghaus, Daniel, Astrid Dannenberg, Tim Mennel, Bodo Sturm (2010) The Role of Government in Adaptation to Climate Change, Environment & Planning C: Government & Policy 28, 834-850
- Dannenberg, Astrid (2009) The Dispersion and Development of Consumer Preferences for Genetically Modified Food - A Meta-Analysis, Ecological Economics 68, 2182-2192
- Dannenberg, Astrid, Sara Scatasta, Bodo Sturm (2009) Keine Chance für genetisch veränderte Lebensmittel in Deutschland? Eine experimentelle Analyse von Zahlungsbereitschaften, Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik 10, 214-234
- Dannenberg, Astrid, Tim Mennel, Ulf Moslener (2008) What Does Europe Pay for Clean Energy? – Review of Macroeconomic Simulation Studies, Energy Policy 36, 1318-1330
- Dannenberg, Astrid, Alessandro Tavoni (2017) Collective Action in Dangerous Climate Change Games. Forthcoming in Ariel Dinar, Felix Munoz-Garcia, Ana Espinola-Arredondo, Richard M. Matthew, Tony Bryant, Anabela Botelho (eds.), WSPC References of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy in the Era of Global Change, Vol. 4, Ch. 5, Experimental Economics, World Scientific, London
- Barrett, Scott, Astrid Dannenberg (2014) Negotiating to Avoid 'Gradual' versus 'Dangerous' Climate Change: An Experimental Test of Two Prisoners‘ Dilemmas, in Todd Cherry, Jon Hovi, and David M. McEvoy (eds.), Towards a New Climate Agreement: Conflict, Resolution, and Governance, Routledge, London
- Tavoni, Alessandro, Astrid Dannenberg (2013) Coordinating to Protect the Global Climate: Inequality and Communication in the Experimental Lab, in Dinar, Ariel and Amnon Rapoport (eds.), Analyzing Global Environmental Issues: Theoretical and Experimental Applications and their Policy Implications, Routledge, Abingdon