Structural Molecular Dynamics

Looking for a PhD Student

Structural Molecular Dynamics working group of Prof. Mikosch is offering a position as PhD student.

So far, time-resolved dynamics in molecules with ultrashort laser pulses have been studied primarily as an intramolecular process - the decay of a single molecule. In this research project we now want to map intermolecular dynamics in a time-resolved manner - the interaction of two reaction partners. This is a long-held dream in time-resolved spectroscopy.

To do this, we would like to combine two techniques as part of our doctoral thesis - the generation of a suitable initial state, a molecular ion, and the time-resolved imaging of the dynamics using laser-driven Coulomb explosion. Our investigations use techniques from the toolbox of attosecond physics.

The position is advertised as part of a prestigious EU-funded research project (ERC Consolidator Grant).

Interested? For information, inquiries and applications, please contact Prof. Dr. Jochen Mikosch directly.

Welcome to the research group of Prof. Jochen Mikosch

Since May 2022 there is a new professorship for experimental physics at the Institute of Physics. We have moved from the Max-Born-Institute in Berlin to the University of Kassel to set up a new research group investigating `Structural Molecular Dynamics´. We will apply experimental methods from the cutting-edge research frontier of attosecond physics to interesting scientific problems in the crossroads of physics, chemistry and material science. Processes on these unprecedented timescales represent one of the most exciting frontiers in contemporary physics.


University of Kassel
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Structural Molecular Dynamics
Heinrich-Plett-Straße 40
34132 Kassel (Germany)

Room: 0410
Building: AVZ III
Phone: +49 561 804 4643