Jean Sire Armand Eyebe Fouda (University of Yaounde, Cameroon): The COPPS measure: an efficient approach for detecting transition phases in complex systems
Detecting transition phases is essential in the analysis of complex dynamical systems. It allows the detec-
tion of important phenomena such as bifurcations, tipping points, thereby to predict system behavior or
malfunctioning. Such a prediction can be made by investigating a modeling system or analyzing real-world
time series. The first approach generates approximation errors, while the second is sensitive to measurement noise and not all methods detect transition phases efficiently.
In this talk, we present an ordinal pattern based approach, namely the complexity from ordinal pattern po-
sitioned slopes (COPPS), as a tool for detecting transition phases from real-world time series. Application
examples are given for the detection of: chaos/chaos transition in logistic map, transition phases in an elec-
trical system exhibiting Duffing attractors, abnormal ECG beats from the MIT-BIH database, and climatic
season transitions in four localities of Cameroon using ERA5 rainfall dataset.
Tee und Kaffee ab 14:45 Uhr im Raum 1404.
Hierzu ergeht herzliche Einladung.
gez. Prof. Dr. Wolfram Koepf