
Supervised Ph.D. theses:

Carolin Achmetli: The Navier-Stokes equations with time discretization and Lagrangian approximation (U Kassel 2020)
Emma Steinbrecher: On potential theory of the Oseen system (U Kassel 2017)*
Florian Zanger: Time discretization of the SST-generalized Navier-Stokes equations: positive and negative results (U Kassel 2014)
Mohamed Meslameni: Stokes and Oseen equations in an exterior domain with various boundary conditions (U Pau 2013)**
Nazgul Asanalieva: On approximation of the Navier-Stokes equations (U Kassel 2011)*
Sergej König: On convergence of the boundary point method (U Kassel 2008)*
Tatiana Samrowski: A multipole method for the Stokes equations (U Kassel 2005)*
Frank Müller: Quasi-interpolation of functions and applications to potential problems (U Kassel 2005)*
Esfandiar Navayazdani: Generic observability of smooth dynamical systems (U Kassel 2004)*
Michael Peter: Maximum modulus estimates for the Stokes equations (U Kassel 2002)*
Robert Engel: State observers for nonlinear systems (U Kassel 2002)*
Jochen Eßmann: Communicating observers for nonlinear systems (U Kassel 1999)*
Sebastian Sohr: Bounded H∞-functional calculus for elliptic boundary value systems (U Kassel 1999)*
Frank Weber: The application of the Rothe method to parabolic problems with nonlinear Neumann boundary conditions (U Halle 1995)*

*originally written in German language

**originally written in French language


Supervised M.Sc. theses:

Markus Kleinehellefort: Semi-discretization of the nonstationary Navier-Stokes equations (U Kassel 2020)*
Thilo Ammon: On the existence of a weak solution to the Navier-Stokes equations (U Kassel 2014)*
Thomas Engler: Approximation of invariant measures for iterated function systems (U Kassel 2012)*
Emma Skopin: On potential theory for the scalar Oseen equation in IR3 (U Kassel 2010)*
Timo Kunert: The boundary value problems of the Laplace equation (U Kassel 2010)*
Alexander Stabel: On existence and uniqueness of weak solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations (U Kassel 2010)*
Sebastian Gerlach: On the determination of material parameters in viscoelasticity (U Kassel 2008)*
Björn Gerhards: The basic equations of incompressible threedimensional fluid flow (U Kassel 2008)*
Stefan Podworny: Functional analytical basics for integral equations with applications to the Laplace equation (U Kassel 2007)*
Olga König: Stationary fluid flows using particle methods (U Kassel 2007)*
Peter Völker: Special incompressible Navier-Stokes fluid flows (U Kassel 2006)*
Marco Leitner: On numerics for the Neumann problem using quasi-interpolation (U Kassel 2005)*
Nina Graf: A boundary element method for the numerical solution of the boundary value problems of classical potential theory in IR3 (U Kassel 2004)*
Sergej König: Experimental order of convergence for a boundary point method (U Kassel 2003)*
Tatiana Samrowski: On the solution of the stationary basic equations of hydrodynamics (U Kassel 2002)*
Ralf Wiedmann: On the solution of the Navier-Stokes equations (U Kassel 2001)*
Frank Müller: A method for the approximate solution of the inverse problem of sound-soft scattering (U Kassel 2000)*
Alexandra Bendkowski: On potential theory for the Helmholtz equation (U Kassel 2000)*
Martin Carl: Computation of an approximate solution for the partial differential equation -Δu = f in IR3 (U Kassel 1999)*
Susanne Langer: A finite element method with Delaunay triangulation fort he Poisson equation (U Kassel 1999)*
Marzena Xourgias: A new approximation method for the Poisson equation (U Kassel 1999)*
Peter Lüchtemeier: On the eigenvalue problem for the Stokes system in a circle and a ball (U Kassel 1998)*
Jens Bastian: Fast methods to solve boundary integral equations in potential theory (TU Dresden 1997)*
Birgitt Seifert: On numerics for the Stokes equations (TU Dresden 1996)*

*originally written in German language


Supervised B.Sc. theses:

Lena Tscheuschner: The simplex method in linear optimization (U Kassel 2015)*
Kathrin Domeyer: Prime numbers and the Goldbach conjecture (U Kassel 2012)*
Viktor Gieser: On the regularity of Laplace potentials (U Kassel 2010)*
Verena Deppe: The Laplace equation (U Kassel 2010)*
Mario Wiegandt: Laplace potentials in the unit circle (U Kassel 2009)*
Florian Feller: On left infinite numbers (U Kassel 2009)*
Valentina Kluge: The eigenfunctions of the Stokes operator in the circle (U Kassel 2008)*
Andreas Schreiber: Fundamental examples of viscous incompressible fluid flow (U Kassel 2008)*
Eike Peter Hansen: Basket arch or chain line - on the arch shape of Ponte S. Trinità in Florence (U Kassel 2008)*
Matthias Wasmuth: A Hilbert space method for the solution of the Dirichlet problem for a uniformly elliptic differential operator (U Kassel 2007)*
Sascha Burgstedt: Symmetry and conservation in mechanics (U Kassel 2002)*
Susanne Heyne: On mermaids and herrings - documentation and evaluation of a series of eight mathematical problems published in a local newspaper (U Kassel 2002)*

*originally written in German language