Uni Kassel an „Disentis Roadmap“ zur Freigabe von Biodiversitätsdaten beteiligt

Wet­ter­sta­tio­nen für die Ar­ten­viel­falt - weiter zum Podcast


  • Metabarcodierung von Pflanzen
  • Populationsgenetische Analysen von gefährdeten Pflanzen
  • Vernetzung biologischer Daten

Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang

  • 1989-1993  Studium Gartenbausan der Fachhochschule Berlin (Dipl. Ing. (FH) Gartenbau)
  • 1994-1995  Master of Science an der Universität und den Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh/GB
  • 1996-2000  Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der Universität Heidelberg
  • 2000 Promotion an der Universität Heidelberg (Rekonstruktion der molekularen Phylogenie der Solanaceae)
  • 2001-2004  Postdoc am Institut für Pflanzenzüchtung und Kulturpflanzenforschung (IPK-Gatersleben)
  • 2004-2010  Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Botanischen Garten und Botanischen Museum Berlin-Dahlem (Freie Universität Berlin), Leiterin des Molekularlabors 
  • 2010-2020  Akademische Rätin an der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
  • 2012 Habilitation und Venia Legendi für Systematik und Biodiversitätsforschung der Pflanzen
  • 2017 Ernennung zur außerplanmäßigen Professorin an der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
  • Seit 2021 Professorin an der Universität Kassel



Raus, H., Swenson, S-J., Gemeinholzer, B. (2024): Plant metabarcoding of volumetric air samplers and malaise traps, in “Weather stations for biodiversity: a comprehensive approach to an automated and modular monitoring system", eds. J.W. Wägele and G.F. Tschan, Pensoft DOI: 10.3897/ab.e119534



Köthe, S, Bakanov N, Brühl CA, Eichler L, Focleö T. Gemeinholzer B, Hörren T, Jurewicz A, Lux A, Meinel G, Mühlethaler R, Schäffler L, Scherber C, Schneider FD, Sorg M, Swenson SJ, Terlau W, Turck A, Lehmann GUC (2023): Recommendations for effective insect conservation in nature protected areas based on a transdisciplinary project in Germany. Environmental Sciences Europe 35 (102)

Gemeinholzer, B. (2023): Durch neue Techniken und bereits vorhandenes Wissen ökosystemare Zusammenhänge erforschen: pflanzliches Metabarcoding und KI in NaturschutzDigital - Künstliche Intelligenz im Naturschutz, Forschung, Praxis und Leitplanken, Dokumentation der Tagung „NaturschutzDigital“ vom 20. 23.06.2022 des Bundesamts für Naturschutz (BfN), Editors: K. Mrogenda, M. Davis, U. Feit, C. Schneider DOI 10.19217/skr650

Kolter A, Husemann M, Podsiadlowski L, Gemeinholzer B (2023): Pollen metabarcoding of museum specimens and recently collected bumblebees (Bombus) indicates foraging shifts. Metabarcoding and Metagenomics 7:89-119, DOI: 10.3897/mbmg.7.86883

Köthe S, Bakanov N, Brühl CA, Gemeinholzer B, Hörren T, Mühlethaler R, Sorg M, Sumser H, Swenson SJ, Lehmann GUC (2023): Negative spill-over effects of agricultural practices on plant species conservation in nature reserves, Ecological Indicators. 149: 110170

Frenzel, M, Bonn A, Gemeinholzer B, Brünecke J, Engel T, Fischer S, Friedrichs-Manthey M,  Schomburg C, Ebert B (subitted): NFDI4Biodiversity: Die Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur für Biodiversität – Unterstützung für den Naturschutz, Naturschutz und Landschaft

Kilian, I. C., Swenson, S. J., Mengual, X., Gemeinholzer, B., Hamm, A., Wägele, J. W., & Peters, R. S. (2023). More complex than you think: Taxonomic and temporal patterns of plant–pollinator networks of caraway (Carum carvi L.). Molecular Ecology, 00, 1– 16. doi.org/10.1111/mec.16943

Gemeinholzer B., Rupp O., Becker A., Strickert M., Müller C. M. (2023): Genotyping by sequencing and a newly developed mRNA-GBS approach to link population genetic and transcriptome analyses reveal pattern differences between sites and treatments in red clover (Trifolium pratense L.). Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution; 10 doi: 10.3389/fevo.2022.1003057; http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.17170/kobra-202302217521

Iamonico D, Freitag H, Jarvis CE (2023): Proposal to conserve the name Polpoda capensis (Molluginaceae) against Camphorosma paleacea (Amaranthaceae), Taxon72(4), 9298-930

Guicking, D.; Keßler, S.; Störmer, E.; Bersch, M.; Duchoslav, M. (2023). Anthropogenic and natural disturbances increase local genetic diversity in an early spring geophyte (Ficaria verna Huds.). Plant Species Biology. DOI: 10.1111/1442-1984.12444.



Köthe S, Schneider FD, Bakanov N,Brühl CA, Eichler L, Fickel T, Gemeinholzer B, Hörren T, Lux A, Meinel G, Schäffler L, Scherber C, Sorg M, Swenson SJ, Terlau W, Turck A, Zizka VMA, Lehmann GUC, Mühlethaler R (2022): Improving insect conservation management through insect monitoring and stakeholder involvement. Biodiversity and Conservation (2023) 32:691–713

Sandner TM, Gemeinholzer B, Lemmer J, Matties D, Ensslin A (2022): Continuous inbreeding affects genetic variation, phenology, and reproductive strategy in ex situ cultivated Digitalis lutea. Am J Bot. 2022;1–15, DOI: 10.1002/ajb2.16075

Swenson SJ, Eichler L, Hörren T, Kolter A, Köthe S, Lehmann GUC, Meinel G, Mühlethaler R, Sorg M, Gemeinholzer B (2022): The potential of metabarcoding plant components of Malaise trap samples to enhance knowledge of plant-insect interactions. Metabarcoding and Metagenomics 6: 227–238. doi.org/10.3897/mbmg.6.85213

Khan G, Hegge A, Gemeinholzer B (2022): Development and Testing of the A1 Volumetric Air Sampler, and Automatic Pollen Trap Suitable for Long-Term Monitoring of eDNA Pollen Diversity, Sensors 2022, 22, 6512, doi.org/10.3390/s22176512

Willer J, Christensen E, Wahl A, Gemeinholzer B, Zidorn C (2022): Phylogeny and chemophenetics of the newly described Doronicum × longeflorens and related Doronicum taxa (Senecioneae, Asteraceae), Biochemical Systematics and Ecology; 101: 104400 doi.org/10.1016/j.bse.2022.104400

Wägele JW, Bodesheim P, Bourlat SJ, Denzler J, Diepenbroek M, Fonseca V, Frommolt K-H, Geiger MF, Gemeinholzer B, Glöckner FO, Haucke T, Kirse A, Kölpin A, Kostadinov I, Kühl HS, Kurt F, Lasseck M, Liedke S, Losch F, Müller S, Petrovskaya N, Piotrowski K, Radig B, Scherber C, Schoppmann L, Schulz J, Steinhage V, Tschan GF, Vautz W, Velotto D, Weigend M, Wildermann S (2022): Towards a multisensor station for automated biodiversity monitoring, Basic and Applied Ecology; 22: 1439-1791


Kolter A, Gemeinholzer B (2021) Internal transcribed spacer primer evaluation for vascular plant metabarcoding, Metabarcoding and Metagenomics. 5: 133–152; doi: 10.3897/mbmg.5.68155.

Hornick T, Richter A, Harpole W, Bastl M, Bohlmann S, Bonn A, Bumberger J, Dietrich P,  Gemeinholzer B, Grote R, Heinold B, Keller A, Luttkus M, Mäder P, Motivans E, Passonneau S, Punyasena S, Rakosy D, Richter R, Sickel W, Steffan-Dewenter I, Theodorou P, Treudler R, Werchan B, Werchan M, Wolke R, Dunker S. (2021): An integrative environmental pollen diversity assessment and its importance for the Sustainable Development Goals, Plants, People, Planet, DOI: 10.1002/ppp3.10234

Lehmann GUC, Bakanov N, Bourlat SJ, Brühl CA, Eichler L, Fickel T, Geiger MF, Gemeinholzer B, Hörren T, Köthe S, Lux A, Meinel G, Mühlethaler R, Poglitsch H, Schäffler L, Schlechtriemen U, Schneider FD, Schult R, Sorg M, Sprenger M, Swenson SJ, Terlau W, Turck A, Zizka VMA (2021): Diversity of Insects in Nature protected Areas (DINA) – an interdisciplinary 2 German research project, Biodiversity and Conservation

Gross T, Müller CM, Becker A, Gemeinholzer B, Wissemann V (2021): Common garden versus common practice – Phenotypic changes in Trifolium pratense L. in response to repeated mowing. Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality 94:1-6. https://doi.org/10.5073/JABFQ.2021.094.001

Swenson SJ, Gemeinholzer B (2021): Testing the effect of pollen exine rupture on metabarcoding with Illumina sequencing- PloS one, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0245611

Fišer, Z; Aronne, G; Aavik, T; Akin, M; Alizoti, P; Aravanopoulos, F; Bacchetta, G; Balant, M; Ballian, D; Barazani, O; Bellia, AF; Bernhardt, N; Bou Dagher Kharrat, M; Bugeja Douglas, A; Burkart, M; Ćalić, D; Carapeto, A; Carlsen, T; Castro, S; Colling, G; Cursach, J; Cvetanoska, S; Cvetkoska, C; Ćušterevska, R; Daco, L; Danova, K; Dervishi, A; Djukanović, G; Dragićević, S; Ensslin, A; Evju, M; Fenu, G; Francisco, A; Gallego, PP; Galloni, M; Ganea, A; Gemeinholzer, B; Glasnović, P; Godefroid, S; Goul Thomsen, M; Halassy, M; Helm, A; Hyvärinen, M; Joshi, J; Kazić, A; Kiehn, M; Klisz, M; Kool, A; Koprowski, M; Kövendi-Jakó, A; Kříž, K; Kropf, M; Kull, T; Lanfranco, S; Lazarević, P; Lazarević, M; Lebel Vine, M; Liepina, L; Loureiro, J; Lukminė, D; Machon, N; Meade, C; Metzing, D; Milanović, D; Navarro, L; Orlović, S; Panis, B; Pankova, H; Parpan, T; Pašek, O; Peci, D; Petanidou, T; Plenk, K; Puchałka, R; Radosavljević, I; Rankou, H; Rašomavičius, V; Romanciuc, G; Ruotsalainen, A; Šajna, N; Salaj, T; Sánchez-Romero, C; Sarginci, M; Schäfer, D; Seberg, O; Sharrock, S; Šibík, J; Šibíková, M; Skarpaas, O; Stanković Neđić, M; Stojnic, S; Surina, B; Szitár, K; Teofilovski, A; Thoroddsen, R; Tsvetkov, I; Uogintas, D; Van Meerbeek, K; van Rooijen, N; Vassiliou, L; Verbylaitė, R; Vergeer, P; Vít, P; Walczak, M; Widmer, A; Wiland-Szymańska, J; Zdunić, G; Zippel, E (2021): ConservePlants: An integrated approach to conservation of threatened plants for the 21st Century. RIO, 7, e62810, 1-29; ISSN 2367-7163


Glöckner FO, Diepenbroek M, Felden J, Overmann J, Güntsch A, Stoye J, Overmann J, Wimmers K, Kostadinov I, Yahyapour R, Müller W, Scholz U, Triebel D, Frenzel M, Gemeinholzer B, Goesmann A, König-Ries B, Bonn A, Seeger B (2020): NFDI4BioDiversity - A Consortium for the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI), Zenodo https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3943645 

Kolter A, Gemeinholzer B (2020): Plant DNA barcoding necessitates marker-specific efforts to establish more comprehensive reference databases, Genome,  https://doi.org/10.1139/gen-2019-0198

Miralles A, Bruy T, Wolcott K, Scherz MD, Begerow D, Beszteri B, Bonkowski M, Felden J, Gemeinholzer B, Glaw F, Glöckner FO, Hawlitschek O, Kostadinov I, Nattkemper TW, Printzen C, Renz J, Rybalka N, Stadler M, Weibulat T, Wilke T, Renner SS, Vences M (2020): Repositories for Taxonomic Data: Where We Are and What is Missing. Syst Biol. 2020 Apr 16. pii: syaa026. https://doi.org/10.1093/sysbio/syaa026

Gemeinholzer B, Vences M, Beszteri B, Bruy T, Felden J, Kostadinov I, Miralles A, Nattkemper TW, Printzen C, Renz J, Rybalka N, Schuster T, Weibulat T, Wilke T, Renner SS (2020): Data storage and data re-use in taxonomy – the need for improved storage and accessibility of data other than DNA sequences, ODE

Keller A, Hohlfeld S, Kolter A, Schultz J, Gemeinholzer B, Ankenbrand M (2020): BCdatabaser: on-the-fly reference database creation for (meta-)barcoding, Bioinformatics, btz960, https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btz960

Gemeinholzer B, Reiker J, Müller CM, Wissemann V (2020): Genotypic and phenotypic distinctness of restored and indigenous populations of Pimpinella saxifraga L. Eight or more years after restoration. Plant Biology (Stuttgart, Germany). Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1111/plb.13174

Reiker J, Rühl AT, Wissemann V, Gemeinholzer B (2020): Intraspecific phenotypic variability of the herbaceous species Daucus carota L. (Apiaceae) used for restoration purposes. Acta Botanica Hungarica (manuscript number 217)

Nakintu J, Albrecht C, Müller CM, Kagoro-Rugunda G, Andama M, Olet EA, Lejju JB, Gemeinholzer B (2020): Exploring the genetic diversity of jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) grown in Uganda based on simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers Genet Resour Crop Evol 67, 605–619. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10722-019-00830-5


Glöckner FO, Diepenbroek M, Felden J, Overmann, Bonn A, Gemeinholzer B, Güntsch A, König-Ries B, Bonn A, Seeger B, Pollex-Krüger A, Fluck, J, Pigeot I, Toralf K, Mühlhaus T, Wolf Ch, Heinrich U, Steinbeck Ch, Koepler O, Stegle O, Weiman J, Schörner-Sadenius T, Gutt, C, Stahl F, Wagemann K, Schrade T, Schmitt R, Eberl C, Gauterin F, Schultz M, Bernard L (2019): Berlin Declaration on NFDI Cross-Cutting Topics, Zenodo, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3457213

Eschenbrenner S, Müller CM, Gemeinholzer B, Wissemann V (2019): Genetic diversity and implications for conservation strategies of Drosera rotundifolia L. (Droseraceae) in northern Germany (Schleswig-Holstein). Mires and Peat, Volume 24 (24), 1–12. https://doi.org/10.19189/MaP.2018.KHR.375

Müller CM, Linke B, Strickert M, Ziv Y, Giladi I, Gemeinholzer B (2019): Comparative genomic analysis of three co-occurring annual Asteraceae along micro-geographic fragmentation scenarios. PPEES, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ppees.2019.125486

Gemeinholzer B, Demant L, Dieterich M, Eser U, Farwig N, Geske C, Feldhaar H, Lauterbach D, Reis M, Weisser W, Werk K, (2019): Artenschwund trotz Naturschutz: Handlungs- und Forschungsbedarf, Biologie in unserer Zeit. (49)6.

Gemeinholzer B (2019): Systematik der Pflanzen – Kompakt. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg.

Gemeinholzer B, Nieschulze J, Tauch A, Goesmann A (2019): Big Data in der Biologie: kein Problem Biologie in unserer Zeit. (49)1


Wada E, Feyissa T, Tesfaye K, Müller CM, Gemeinholzer B (2018): Genetic diversity of Ethiopian Xanthosoma sagittifolium (L.) Schott accessions assessed with AFLPs, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution https://doi.org/10.1007/s10722-018-0677-7

Opitz A, Müller CM, Gemeinholzer B, Wissemann V (2018): Populationsgenetische Untersuchungen an hessischen Populationen von Cypripedium calceolus L. Botanik und Naturschutz in Hessen, 30, 67-82


Jung S, Henniges M, Mutz S, Kibar G, Gemeinholzer B, Wissemann V (2017): Senecio jacobaea L. (Jacobaea vulgaris Gaertn.) Artinformation und vorläufige Ergebnisse zur genetischen Variabilität in Schleswig-Holstein. Kieler Notizen 42: 37-58.

Kilian N, Sennikov A, Wang ZH, Gemeinholzer B, Zhang JW (2017): Sub-Paratethyan origin and Middle to Late Miocene principal diversification of the Lactucinae (Cichorieae, Compositae) inferred from molecular phylogenetics, divergence-dating and biogeographic analysis, Taxon 66(3): 675-703.

Müller CM, Huwe B, Wissemann V, Joshi J, Gemeinholzer B (2017): Conservation genetic assessment of four different steppe plants in a small replica of a steppe ecosystem >30 years after establishment, Biodiversity Conservation, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10531-017-1381-1

Gemeinholzer B, Granica S, Moura M, Teufel L, Zidorn C (2017): Leontodon × grassiorum, a new Leontodon s.str. (Asteraceae, Cichorioideae) hybrid: morphology, molecular characteristics, and phytochemistry. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 72 (2017) 32e39.

Jahn R, Abarca N, Gemeinholzer B, Mora D, Skibbe O, Kulikovskiy M, Gusev E, Kusber WH, Zimmermann J (2017): Planothidium lanceolatum and Planothidium frequentissimum reinvestigated with molecular methods and morphology: four new species and the taxonomic importance of the sinus and cavum, Diatom Research, 32:1, 75-107.

Müller CM, Schulz B, Lauterbach D, Ristow M, Wissemann V, Gemeinholzer B (2017): Indications for micro-geographic adaptations to precipitation at the species' range edge of Geropogon hybridus (L.) Sch. Bip. (Asteraceae), Plant Systematics and Evolution, 303(1), 91-104.


Swenson SJ, Wissemann V, Gemeinholzer B (2016): Developing Standards for Pollen Metabarcoding, Barcode Bulletin 7(4): 2-4.

Stille S, Jaeger M, Dickore B, Gemeinholzer B, Stuessy T, Wissemann V (2016): Comparative pappus micro-morphology of the Edelweiss (ASTERACEAE – GNAPHALIEAE) with implications for taxonomy, ecology and evolution. Botanical Journal of the Linn. Soc 182(3): 612–636.

Droege G, Barker K, Seberg O, Coddington J, Benson E, Berendsohn WG, Bunk B, Butler C, Cawsey EM, Deck J, Döring M, Flemons P, Gemeinholzer B, Güntsch A, Hollowell T, Kelbert P, Kostadinov I, Kottmann R, Lawlor RT, Lyal C, Mackenzie-Dodds J, Meyer C, Mulcahy D, Nussbeck SY, O’Tuama É, Orrell T, Petersen G, Robertson T, Söhngen C, Whitacre J, Wieczorek J, Yilmaz P, Zetzsche H, Zhang Y, Zhou X (2016): The Global Genome Biodiversity Network (GGBN) Data Standard specification. Database, 1–11.

Müller CM, Wissemann V, Gemeinholzer B (2016): Kann genetische Diversität in Botanischen Gärten ex situ bewahrt werden? - ein in situ versus ex situ – Vergleich von Pflanzen aus dem Mainzer Sand und dem Botanischen Garten in Mainz. BfN-Skript 436:184-192.

Eschenbrenner S, Gemeinholzer B, Wissemann V (2016): Morphologische, zytologische und populationsgenetische Untersuchungen zu Vorkommen und Status von Drosera-Arten in Schleswig-Holstein, BfN-Skript 436:175-183.

Schmidt B, Gemeinholzer B, Treloar A (2016): Open Data in Global Environmental Research: The Belmont Forum's Open Data Survey. PLOS One, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0146695


Allison L, Gurney R, Cesar RM, Gemeinholzer B, Koike T, Mathieu PP, Mokrane M, Nativi S, Peters D, Samors B, Treloar AE, Vilotte JP, Visbeck M, Waldmann C (2015): A place to stand: e-Infrastructures and Data Management for Global Change Research, GEOSS Common Infrastructure: The Discovery and Access Broker (DAB) framework. Belmont Forum e-Infrastructures and Data Management Project, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.34370

Reiker J, Schulz B, Wissemann V, Gemeinholzer B (2015): Does origin always matter? Evaluating the influence of non-local seed provenances for ecological restoration purposes in a widespread and outcrossing plant species. Ecology and Evolution, https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.1817 


Schmidt B, Gemeinholzer B, Treloar A, Hodge J, Santanchè A, Oakley K (2014): Belmont Forum Open Data Survey 2014 - CRA Data Management & E-Infrastructure, WP5 'Open Data' September-November 2014, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1172960

Coddington J, Barker K, Droege G, Astrin J, Bartels P, Butler C, Cantrill D, Forest F, Gemeinholzer B, Hobern D, Mackenzie-Dodds J, Ó Tuama É, Petersen G, Sanjur O, Schindel D, Seberg O (2014): GGBN: Making genomic collections discoverable for research through a networked community of biodiversity repositories. IN: DNA Banking for the 21st Century, Publisher: The William L. Brown Center at the Missouri Botanical Garden., Editors: Wendy Applequist, Lisa Campbell, pp.165-168.

Reiker J, Wissemann V, Gemeinholzer B (2014): Vielfalt bewahren? Der Einfluss gebietsfremden Saatguts auf heimische Pflanzenpopulationen am Beispiel von Daucus carota L. in Feit, U. & Korn, H. "Treffpunkt Biologische Vielfalt X", BfN-Skripten.

Amann J, Braus G, Gemeinholzer B, Häuser C, Jahn R, Lohrmann V, Lüter C, Meyer A, Misof B, Raupach MJ, Renner SS, Roos C, Rossello-Mora R, Schleifer KH, Steinicke H, Suerbaum S, Vences M, Vogel J, Wägele W (2014): Herausforderungen und Chancen der integrativen Taxonomie fuer Forschung und Gesellschaft - Taxonomische Forschung im Zeitalter der -OMICS-Technologien; Challenges and Opportunities of Integrative Taxonomy for Research and Society Taxonomic Research in the Era of -OMICS Technologies, Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina e.V.

Zimmermann J, Glöckner G, Jahn R, Enke N, Gemeinholzer B (2014): Metabarcoding vs. morphological identification to assess diatom diversity in environmental studies, Molecular Ecology Resources, https://doi.org/10.1111/1755-0998.12336


Droege G, Barker K, Astrin JJ, Bartels P, Butler C, Cantrill D, Coddington J, Forest F, Gemeinholzer B, Hobern D, Mackenzie-Dodds J, Tuama E, Petersen G, Sanjur O, Schindel D, Seberg O (2013): The Global Genome Biodiversity Network (GGBN) Data Portal, Nucleic Acids Research.

Marquard E, Dauber J, Doerpinghaus A, Dröschmeister R, Frommer J, Frommolt KH, Gemeinholzer B, Henle K, Hillebrand H, Kleinschmit B, Klotz S, Kraft D, Premke-Krauss M, Römbke J, Vohland K, Wägele W (2013): Biodiversitätsmonitoring in Deutschland: Herausforderungen für Wissenschaft, Politik und Umsetzung, Naturschutz und Landschaft 8(88): 337-341.

Tremetsberger K, Gemeinholzer B, Zetzsche H, Blackmore S, Kilian N, Talavera S (2013): Divergence time estimation in Cichorieae (Asteraceae) using a fossil-calibrated relaxed molecular clock. Organism, Diversity and Evolution 13(1): 1-13.

Koch A, Gemeinholzer B (2013): Quo vadis Systematik? Ein Workshop zur Förderung von Nachwuchswissenschaftler/innen der Systematik, GfBS-Newsletter 28: 10-16.

Gemeinholzer B, Riede K, Heubach K (2013): IPBES und die Stakeholder Engagement Strategy – Ein Exkurs und ein Workshopbericht, GfBS-Newsletter  28: 48-50.


Gemeinholzer B, May F, Ristow M, Batsch C, Lauterbach D (2012): Strong genetic differentiation on a fragmentation gradient in populations of the heterocarpic annual Catananche lutea L. (Compositae). Plant Systematics and Evolution 298(8): 1585-1596.

Enke N, Thessen A, Bach K, Bendix J, Seeger B, Gemeinholzer B (2012): The User’s view on Biodiversity Data Sharing. Ecological Informatics 11: 25–33.

Enke N, Gemeinholzer B, Zidorn CH (2012): Molecular and phytochemical systematics of the subtribe Hypochaeridinae (Asteraceae, Cichorieae). Organism, Diversity and Evolution, https://doi.org/10.1007/s13127-011-0064-0

Lauterbach D, Burkart M, Gemeinholzer B (2012): Rapid genetic differentiation between ex situ and their in situ source populations: an example of the endangered Silene otites (Caryophyllaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 168(1): 64-75.

Bach K, Schäfer D, Enke N, Seeger B, Gemeinholze, B, Bendix J (2012): A comparative evaluation on technical solutions of long-term data repositories in integrative biodiversity research. Ecological Informatics 11: 16–24.

Lohrmann V, Enke N, Gemeinholzer B (2012): Mit welchen Methoden arbeiten Taxonomen? In Lohrmann, V., Vohland, K., Ohl, M. & Häuser, Ch. (eds): Taxonomische Forschung in Deutschland Eine Übersichtsstudie, http://biodiversity.de/images/stories /Downloads/taxo-studie-01-2012.pdf


Zimmermann J, Jahn R, Gemeinholzer B (2011): Bacording diatoms: Old marker (18S), new primers and protocols. Organism, Diversity and Evolution. 11(3): 173-192.

Gemeinholzer B, Droege G, Zetzsche H, Haszprunar G, Klenk HP, Güntsch A, Berendsohn WG, Wägele, JW (2011): The DNA Bank Network: The Start from a German Initiative. Biobanking & Biopreservation. 9(1): 51-55.

Lauterbach D, Ristow M, Gemeinholzer B (2011): Population genetics and fitness in fragmented populations of the dioecious and endangered Spanish Catchfly (Silene otites). Plant Systematics and Evolution 298(1): 155-164.

Lauterbach D, Ristow M, Gemeinholzer B (2011): Genetic population structure, fitness variation and the importance of population history in remnant populations of the endangered plant Silene chlorantha EHRH. (Caryophyllaceae). Plant Biology. 13(4): 667-677.

Enke N, Fuchs J, Gemeinholzer B (2011): Shrinking genomes? Evidence from genome size variation in Crepis (Compositae). Plant Biology. 13(1): 185–193.

Lauterbach D, Gemeinholzer B (2011): Populationsgenetische Veränderungen von ex-situ Erhaltungskulturen in Botanischen Gärten im Vergleich zu den Wildvorkommen am Beispiel der Pflanzenarten Silene otites (L.) WIBEL und S. chlorantha (WILLD.) ERH. in Feit, U. & Korn, H. "Treffpunkt Biologische Vielfalt X", BfN-Skripten 289: 139-143.


Gemeinholzer B, Rey I, Weising K, Grundmann M, Muellner AN, Zetzsche H, Droege G, Seberg O, Petersen G, Rawson DM, Weigt LA (2010): Organizing specimen and tissue preservation in the field for subsequent molecular analyses. In: Eymann, J., Degreef, J., Häuser, Ch., Monje, J.C., Samyn, Y. & D. VandenSpiegel (eds.). ABC-Taxa. 8 (1): 129-157.

Vitek E, Fayvush G, Tamanyan K, Gemeinholzer B (2010): Two new taxa of Gundelia (Compositae) from Armenia, An. des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, Serie B.111: 85-100.

Lauterbach D, Gemeinholzer B (2010) Naturschutz - Genetik gefährdeter Pflanzenarten: Das Silene Projekt am BGBM Berlin. Verh. Bot. Ver. Berlin Brandenburg 143: 87-90.

Droege G, Zetzsche H, Raupach MJ, Knebelsberger T, Gemeinholzer B (2010): Hilfe zur Erfassung von Sammlungsdaten für Belege, Gewebe und DNA: eine standardisierte Formatvorlage. GfBS Newsletter 23: 15-17.


Droege G, Zetzsche H, Gemeinholzer B (2009): Das DNA-Bank-Netzwerk - Eine Struktur fuer alle Faelle? In: Fischer, S., Maehle, E. & Reischuk, R. (2009): Informatik 2009 - Im Focus das Leben, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Informatics, GI-Edition P-154: 26, 595-609.

Gemeinholzer B, Hand R (2009): Cynara makrisii Hand & Hadjik. in R. Hand (ed.): Supplementary notes to the flora of Cyprus VI. Willdenowia 39.

Kilian N, Gemeinholzer B, Lack HW (2009): Cichorieae (Lactuceae) in Funk, V., Susanna, A., Stuessy T. F. & R. J. Bayer (eds.): Systematics and Evolution of the Compositae. International Association for Plant Taxonomy IAPT, Vienna.

Funk VA, Anderberg AA, Baldwin BG, Bayer RJ, Bonifacino JM, Breitwieser I, Brouillet L, Carbajal R, Chan R, Coutinho AXP, Crawford DJ, Crisci JV, Dillon MO, Freire SE, Galbany-Casals M, Garcia-Jacas N, Gemeinholzer B, Gruenstaeudl M, Hansen HV, Himmelreich S, Kadereit JW, Källersjö M, Karaman-Castro V, Karis PO, Katinas L, Keeley SC, Kilian N, Kimball RT, Lowrey TK, Lundberg J, McKenzie RJ, Tadesse M, Mort ME, Nordenstam B, Oberprieler C, Ortiz S, Pelser PB, Randle CP, Robinson H, Roque N, Sancho G, Semple JC, Serrano M, Stuessy TF, Susanna A, Unwin M, Urbatsch L, Urtubey E, Vallès J, Vogt R, Wagstaff S, Ward J, Watson LE (2009): Compositae Meta-trees: The Next Generation. In Funk VA, Susanna A,  Stuessy T, Bayer R (Ed.), Systematics, Evolution & Biogeography of the Compositae. (747-777). Vienna: IAPT.

Zetzsche H, Droege G, Gemeinholzer B. (2009): DNA Bank Network - Webkatalog und Referenzdatenbank für organismische DNA. GfBS Newsletter 22: 4-7.


Enke N, Gemeinholzer B (2008): Babcock revisited: New insights into generic delimitation and character evolution in Crepis L. (Compositae: Cichorieae) from ITS and matK sequence data. Taxon 57 (3): 1-12.

Enke N, Kilian N, Nemomissa S, Gemeinholzer B (2008): Afroalpine Dianthoseris actually a congener of Crepis s.str. (Compositae, Cichorieae, Crepidinae), Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 127: 389-405.

Gemeinholzer B (2008): Phylogenetic networks (chapter 11), in Schreiber, F. & Junker, B. (eds.): Gemeinholzer, B. (2008): Phylogenetic networks (chapter 11), in Schreiber, F. & Junker, B. (eds.): Analysis of Biological Networks. John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken.

Droege G, Zetzsche H, Guentsch, Gemeinholzer B (2008): The DNA Bank Network: how GBIF technology enables a new generation of communicating DNA repositories, in: Biodiversity Information Standards: Proceedings of TDWG, Artikel Nr. 325, URL.. John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken.

2007 and earlier

Kilian N, Gemeinholzer B (2007): Studies in the Compositae of the Arabian Peninsula and Socotra – 7. Erythroseris, a new genus and the previously unknown sister of Cichorium (Cichorieae subtribe Cichoriinae), Willdenowia 37: 283-296.

Fehrer J, Gemeinholzer B, Chrtek Jr J, Braeutigam S (2007): Incongruent plastid and nuclear DNA phylogenies and molecular evolution of the chloroplast trnT-L region reveal ancient intergeneric hybridization in Pilosella hawkweeds (Hieracium, Cichorieae, Asteraceae), - Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 42(2): 347-361.

Zetzsche H, Droege G, Gemeinholzer B (2007): DNA-Banken fuer die Biodiversitaetsforschung - Aufbau und Management des DNA-Bank-Netzwerkes. In Proceedingsband der Verbandstagung der Botanischen Gaerten 2007, Osnabruecker Naturwiss. Mitt 33: 59-71.

Jahn R, Zetzsche H, Reinhardt R, Gemeinholzer B (2007): Diatoms and DNA barcoding: A pilot study on an environmental sample. Kusber HW, Jahn R (eds.) in Proceedings of the 1st Central European Diatom Meeting 2007. Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem (FU-Berlin). Germany. https://doi.org/10.3372/cediatom.113

Gemeinholzer B, Oberprieler CH, Bachmann K (2006): Using GenBank data for plant identification: possibilities and limitation-using the ITS 1 of Asteraceae species belonging to the tribes Lactuceae and Anthemideae, Taxon, 55(1): 173-187.

Gemeinholzer B, Jahn R (2006): Der Kleine der die Großen schützt. - GEO 06/06: 178.

Funk VA, Panero J, Bayer R, Keeley S, Chan R, Watson L, Gemeinholzer B, Schilling E, Baldwin B, Jansen RK (2005): Everywhere but Antarctica: Using a supertree to understand the diversity and distribution of the Compositae. Biologiske Skrifter 55:343-373.

Gemeinholzer B, Bachmann K (2005): Examining morphological and molecular diagnostic character states in Cichorium intybus L. (Asteraceae) and Cichorium spinosum L, Plant Systematics and Evolution, 253 (1-4): 105-123.

Gemeinholzer B, Faustmann I (2005): New Chromosome counts for some Lactuceae (Compositae). The Compositae Newsletter 42.

Gemeinholzer B, Wink M (2001): Solanaceae: occurrence of secondary compounds versus molecular Phylogeny in Solanaceae V - Advances in Taxonomy and Utilization, Ed. R.G. van den Berg, G. W. M. Barendse, G. M. van der Weerden, C. Mariani, Nijmegen University Press.

Pennington RT, Gemeinholzer B (2000): Cryptic clades, fruit wall morphology and biology of Andira (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae) Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 134 (1-2): 267-286.

Hilu KW, Borsch T, Rohwer JG, Neinhuis C, Slotta T, Gemeinholzer B, Wink M, Alice LA (2000): Insight into the evolution of angiosperms: evidence from matK sequences. American Journal of Botany 87, Supplement Abstracts, p.133.