Veröffentlichungen in begutachteten Fachzeitschriften


39. A. A. Nasrullah, M. Fischer, F. Dankert,  E. Barath, C. Hering-Junghans, Organometallics 2025 (early view). "Flash Communication: Cyanophosphide Transfer Reactions". 

38. A. A. Nasrullah, E. Zander, F. Dankert, A. Petrov, J. Surkau, E. Barath, C. Hering-Junghans, Chem. Sci., 2025 (early view). "Coordination Isomerism in Dioxophosphorane Cyanides". Link

37. E. Martínez-Vollbert, A. Suseelan Sarala, F. Dankert, B. Morgenstern, D. Munz, “Gold(I) Terminal Imides: CH Auration and Dehydrogenation“, ChemRxiv, 2025, preprint. Link

36. F. Dankert, S. P. Muhm, C. Nandi, S. Danés, S. Mullassery, P. Herbeck-Engel, B. Morgenstern, R. Weiss, P. Salvador Sedano, D. Munz, “The Hexaphenyl-1,2-Diphosphonium Dication [Ph3P–PPh3]2+“, ChemRxiv, 2025, preprint. Link


35. F. Dankert, E. Sabater, P. Salvador, E. Hevia, “Catch & Release of Al(I) at a Zinc Bis-Amide“, ChemRxiv, 2024, preprint. Link

34. F. Dankert, A. Kadriu, E. Hevia, “A Hexametallic Copper Aluminylene Aluminyl“, ChemRxiv, 2024, preprint. Link

33. F. Dankert, J. Messelberger, U. Authesserre, A. Swain, D. Scheschkewitz, B. Morgenstern, D. Munz, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2024, 146, 29630-29636, “A Lead(II) Substituted Triplet Carbene“. Link

32. E. Hevia,  F. DankertEur. J. Inorg. Chem.  2024,  2024, e202400418. “Reductive-Transmetalation Reactions of ZnR2/(AlCp*)4 Heterobimetallic Combinations and Application towards CO2 Insertion”.  Invited Contribution: “EurJIC Talents”. Highlighted as outside front cover. Link

31. K. Breitwieser, M. Bevilacqua, S. Mullassery, F. Dankert, B. Morgenstern, S. Grandthyll, F. Müller, A. Biffis, C. Hering-Junghans, D. Munz, Adv. Science, 2024, 11, 2400699. “Pd8(PDip)6: Cubic, Unsaturated, Zerovalent“. Link

30. F. Dankert, E. Hevia, Chem. Eur J.  2024, e202304336. “Synthesis and Modular Reactivity of Low Valent Al/Zn Heterobimetallics Supported by Common Monodentate Amides”. Link


29. J. E. Siewert, A. Schumann, T. Wellnitz, F. Dankert, C. Hering-Junghans, Dalton Trans. 2023, 52, 15747-15756. “Triphosphiranes as Phosphinidene-Transfer Agents – Synthesis of Regular and Chelating NHC Phosphinidene Adducts“. Link

28. K. Breitwieser, F. Dankert, A. Gruenwald, P. R. Mayer, F. Heinemann, D. Munz, Chem. Commun., 2023, 59, 12104-12107. “Swift C‒C Bond Insertion by a 12-Electron Palladium(0) Surrogate”. Hot Paper. Highlighted as outside front cover. Link

27. M. R. Buchner, F. Dankert, C. Berthold, M. Müller, C. von Hänisch, Chem. Eur. J.  2023, e202302652. “Beryllium mediated halide and aryl transfer onto silicon“. Link

26. C. Zhang, F. Dankert, Z. Jiang, B. Wang, D. Munz, J. Chu, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2023, e202307352. “Evidence for Carbene Intermediates in Isocyanide Homologation by Aluminium(I)”. Hot Paper. Link

25. T. Täufer, F. Dankert, D. Michalik, J. Pospech, J. Bresien, C. Hering-Junghans, Chem. Sci.  2023, 14, 3018-3023. “Photochemical formation and reversible base-induced cleavage of a phosphagallene”. Link

24. S. Nees, T. Wellnitz, F. Dankert, M. Härterich, S. Dotzauer, M. Feldt, H. Braunschweig, C. Hering-Junghans, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2023, e202215838. “On the Reactivity of Phosphaalumenes towards C−C Multiple Bonds”. Hot Paper.  Highlighted by ChemistryViews. Link


23. G. Sieg, M. Fischer, F. Dankert, J. E. Siewert, C. Hering-Junghans, C. G. Werncke, Chem. Commun., 2022, 58, 9786-9789. A Diarsene Radical Anion. Highlighted by ChemistryViews. Link

22. F. Dankert, P. Gupta, T. Wellnitz, W. Baumann, C. Hering-Junghans, Dalton Trans., 2022, 51, 18642-18651. “Deoxygenation reactions of the chalcogen oxides EO2 (E = S, Se) with phospha-Wittig reagents”. Link

21. F. Dankert, M. Fischer, C. Hering-Junghans, Dalton Trans., 2022, 51, 11267–11276. “Modulating the reactivity of phosphanylidenephosphoranes towards water with Lewis acids”. Link

20. F. Dankert, C. Hering-Junghans, Chem. Commun.  2022, 58, 1242–1262. „Heavier group 13/15 multiple bond systems: Synthesis, Structure and Chemical Bond Activation”. Link

19. F. Dankert, J.-E. Siewert, P. Gupta, F. Weigend, C. Hering-Junghans, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, 61, e202207064. “Metal-free NH-bond activation at phospha-Wittig reagents”. Link


18. F. Dankert and C. von Hänisch, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem.  2021, 2021, 2907–2927. „Siloxane Coordination Revisited: Si–O Bond Character, Reactivity and Magnificent Molecular Shapes“. VIP Paper. Highlighted as outside front cover. Link

17. F. Dankert, R. M. Richter, F. Weigend, X. Xie, M. Balmer, C. von Hänisch, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 18, 10393–10401. „Construction of Inorganic Crown Ethers by s-Block-Metal-Templated Si-O Bond Activation”. Link

16. T. Dunaj, K. Dollberg, C. Ritter, F. Dankert, C. von Hänisch, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem2021, 2021,870–878. „2,6-Diisopropylphenyl Substituted Bismuth Compounds: Synthesis, structure and reactivity“. Link


15. M. R. Buchner, F. Dankert, N. Spang, F. Pielnhofer, C. von Hänisch, Inorg. Chem. 2020, 59, 16783–16788. „A Second Modification of Beryllium Bromide: β-BeBr2”. ACS Editors' Choice. Link

14. F. Dankert,# A. Feyh,# C. von Hänisch, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2020, 2020, 2744-2756. „Chalcogen bonding of SO2 and s-block metal iodides near room temperature: A remarkable structural diversity”. # These authors contributed equally. Link

13. M. Jost, R. M. Richter, M. Balmer, B. Peters, F. Dankert, C. von Hänisch, Dalton Trans. 2020, 49, 5787-5790. „Coordination polymers of alkali metal cyclosiloxazanides with one- and two-dimensional structures”. Link

12. F. Dankert, L. Erlemeier, C. Ritter, C. von Hänisch, Inorg. Chem. Front. 2020, 7, 2138-2153. „On the molecular architectures of siloxane coordination compounds: (re-)investigating the coordination of the cyclodimethylsiloxanes Dn (n = 5–8) towards alkali metal ions”. Highlighted as outside front cover. Link

11. F. Dankert, H. L. Deubner, M. Müller, M. R. Buchner, F. Kraus and C. von Hänisch, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem.2020, 646, 1501-1507. „C-F Bond Cleavage Reactions with Beryllium, Magnesium, Gallium, Hafnium and Thorium Halides”. Link


10. F. Dankert, F. Weigend, C. von Hänisch, Inorg. Chem. 2019, 58, 15417-15422. „Not Non-coordinating at all: Coordination Compounds of the Cyclodimethylsiloxanes Dn (D = Me2SiO; n = 6, 7) and Group 2 Metal Cations”. Link

9. F. Dankert, C. Donsbach, J. Rienmüller, R.-M. Richter, C. von Hänisch, Chem. Eur. J. 2019, 25, 15934-15943. „Alkaline earth metal template (cross‐)coupling reactions with hybrid disila‐crown ether analogues”. Link

8. C. Ritter, B. Ringler, F. Dankert, M. Conrad, F. Kraus, C. von Hänisch, Dalton Trans. 2019, 48, 5253-5262. „Synthesis and crystal structures of novel tertiary butyl substituted (pseudo-)halogen bismuthanes”. Link

7. F. Dankert, C. von Hänisch, Inorg. Chem.  2019, 58, 3518-3526. „Insights into the Coordination Ability of Siloxanes Employing Partially Silicon Based Crown Ethers: A Comparative Analysis of s-Block Metal Complexes”. Link


6. M. R. Buchner, M. Müller, F. Dankert, K. Reuter, C. von Hänisch, Dalton Trans. 2018, 47, 16393-16397. „The coordination behaviour and reactivity of partially silicon-based crown ethers towards beryllium chloride”. Highlighted as inside back cover. Link

5. F. Dankert, J. Heine, J. Rienmüller, C. von Hänisch, CrystEngComm  2018, 20, 5370-5376. „Sila-polyethers as innocent crystallization reagents for heavy alkali metal compounds”. Link

4. F. Dankert, K. Reuter, C. Donsbach, C. von Hänisch, Inorganics  2018, 6(1), 15. „Hybrid Disila-Crown Ethers as Hosts for Ammonium Cations: The O–Si–Si–O Linkage as an Acceptor for Hydrogen Bonding”. Link

3. F. Dankert, C. Donsbach, C.-N. Mais, K. Reuter, C. von Hänisch, Inorg. Chem. 2018, 57(1), 351-359. „Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metal Derivatives of Disila-Bridged Podands: Coordination Chemistry and Structural Diversity”. Link


2. K. Reuter, F. Dankert, C. Donsbach, C. von Hänisch, Inorganics  2017, 5(1), 11. „Structural Study of Mismatched Disila-Crown Ether Complexes”. Link

1. F. Dankert, K. Reuter, C. Donsbach, C. von Hänisch, Dalton Trans. 2017, 46, 8727. „A structural study of alkaline earth metal complexes with hybrid disila-crown ethers”. Link