
Peer-reviewed Journal Publications (145)
Conference Proceedings (2)
Book Chapters (1)


148.Ilchen M., Allaria E., Ribic P.R., Nuhn H.-D., Lutman A., Schneidmiller E., Tischer M., Yurkov M., Calvi M., Prat E., Reiche S., Schmidt T., Geloni G.A., Karabekyan S., Yan J., Serkez S., Gao Z., Deng B., Feng C., Deng H., Helml W., Funke L., Larsson M., Zhaunerchyk V., Meyer M., Mazza T., Jahnke T., Dörner R., Calegari F., Smirnova O., Vozzi C., De Ninno G., Wätzel J., Berakdar J., Bari S., Schwob L., Rouxel J.R., Mukamel S., Bartschat K., Hamilton K., Argenti L., Douguet N., Novikovskiy N.M., Demekhin Ph.V., and Walter P. 
Opportunities for Gas-Phase Science at Short-Wavelength Free-Electron Lasers with Undulator-Based Polarization Control. 
Phys. Rev. Research 7 (2025) 011001.
147.Melzer N., Kircher M., Pier A., Kaiser L., Kruse J., Anders N., Stindl J., Sommerlad L., McGinnis D., Schmidt M., Nowak L., Kügler A., Dwojak I., Drnec J., Trinter F., Schöffler M. S., Schmidt L. Ph. H., Novikovskiy N. M., Demekhin Ph. V., Jahnke T., and Dörner R. 
Role of the Coulomb Potential in Compton Scattering.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133 (2024) 183002.

Tsitsonis D., Trinter F., Williams J.B., Fehre K., Demekhin Ph.V., Jahnke T., Dörner R. and Schöffler M.S.
Enantioselective One-Photon Excitation of Formic Acid.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133 (2024) 093002.

145.Rezvan D.V., Pier A., Grundmann S., Novikovskiy N.M., Anders N., Kircher M., Melzer N., Trinter F. Schöffler M.S, Jahnke T., Dörner R. and Demekhin Ph.V.
Nondipolar photoelectron angular distributions from fixed-in-space N2 molecules.
J. Phys. B 57 (2024) 145101.
144.Schmidt M., Melzer N., Kircher M., Kastirke G., Pier A., Kaiser L., Daum P., Tsitsonis D., Astaschov M., Rist J., Anders N., Roth P., Lin K., Drnec J., Trinter F., Schöffler M.S., Schmidt L.Ph.H., Novikovskiy N.M., Demekhin Ph.V., Jahnke T., and Dörner R.
The Role of the Binding Energy on Nondipole Effects in Single-Photon Ionization. 
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132 (2024) 233002.
143.von Rudorff G.F, Artemyev A.N., Lagutin B.M., and Demekhin Ph.V.
Optimal photoelectron circular dichroism of a model chiral system. 
J. Chem. Phys. 160 (2024) 214301.
142.Nandi S., Stenquist A., Papoulia A., Olofsson E., Badano L., Bertolino M., Busto D., Callegari C., Carlström S., Danailov M.B., Demekhin Ph.V., Di Fraia M., Eng-Johnsson P., Feifel R., Gallician G., Giannessi L., Gisselbrecht M., Manfredda M., Meyer M., Miron C., Peschel J., Plekan O., Prince K.C., Squibb R.J., Zangrando M., Zapata F., Zhong S., and Dahlström J.M. 
Generation of entanglement using a short-wavelength seeded free-electron laser. 
Sci. Adv. 10 (2024) eado0668.
141.Artemyev A.N., Tomar R., Trabert D., Kargin D., Kutscher E., Schöffler M. S., Schmidt L. Ph.H., Pietschnig R., Jahnke T., Kunitski M., Eckart S., Dörner R. and Demekhin Ph.V.
 Photoelectron Circular Dichroism in the Spin-Polarized Spectra of Chiral Molecules. 
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132 (2024) 1232029.
140.Rezvan D.V., Novikovskiy N.M., Haubenreißer D.M., Lagutin B.M. and Demekhin Ph.V. 
Molecular-frame photoelectron angular distributions during double core-hole generation in O2 and N2 molecules.
J. Phys. B 56 (2023) 195003.

Vela-Peréz I., Ota F., Mhamdi A., Tamura Y., Rist J., Melzer N., Uerken S., Nalin G., Anders N., You D., Kircher M., Janke C., Waitz M., Trinter F., Guillemin R., Piancastelli M.N., Simon M., Davis V.T., Williams J.B., Dörner R., Hatada K., Yamazaki K., Fehre K., Demekhin Ph.V., Ueda K., Schöffler M.S., and Jahnke T.
High-energy molecular-frame photoelectron angular distributions: a molecular bond-length ruler
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 25 (2023) 13784-13791.


Artemyev A.N., Kutscher E., Lagutin B.M., and Demekhin Ph.V.
Theoretical study of spin polarization in multiphoton ionization of Xe.   
J. Chem. Phys. 158 (2023) 154115.

137.Nalin G., Novikovskiy N.M., Fehre K., Anders N., Trabert D., Grundmann S., Kircher, M. Khan A., Tomar R., Hofmann M., Waitz M., Vela-Perez I., Kastirke G., Siebert J., Tsitsonis D., Küstner-Wetekam C., Marder L., Viehmann J., Trinter F., Fukuzawa H., Ueda K., Williams J. B., Knie A., Dörner R., Schöffler M.S., Jahnke T., and Demekhin Ph.V.
Molecular-frame differential photoelectron circular dichroism of O 1s-photoelectrons of trifluoromethyloxirane.
Phys. Rev. Research 5 (2023) 013021.
136.Kutscher E., Artemyev A.N., and Demekhin Ph.V. 
Photoelectron circular dichroism in fenchone by short coherent broadband laser pulses.
Phys. Rev. A 107 (2023) 013107.

Rezvan D.V., Klyssek K., Grundmann S., Pier A., Novikovskiy N.M., Strenger N., Tsitsonis D., Kircher M., Vela-Perez I., Fehre K., Trinter F., Schöffler M.S., Jahnke T., Dörner R., and Demekhin Ph.V. 
Observation of Nondipole-Induced Asymmetry in the Angular Emission Distribution of Photoelectrons from Fixed-in-Space CO Molecules. 
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129 (2022) 253201.


Kastirke G., Ota F., Rezvan D.V., Schöffler M.S., Weller M., Rist J., Boll R., Anders N., Baumann T.M., Eckart S., Erk B., De Fanis A., Fehre K., Gatton A., Grundmann S., Grychtol P., Hartung A., Hofmann M., Ilchen M., Janke C., Kircher M., Kunitski M., Li X., Mazza T., Melzer N., Montano J., Music V., Nalin G., Ovcharenko Y., Pier A., Rennhack N., Rivas D.E., Dörner R., Rolles D., Rudenko A., Schmidt Ph., Siebert J., Strenger N., Trabert D., Vela-Perez I., Wagner R., Weber Th., Williams J.B., Ziolkowski P., Schmidt L.Ph.H., Czasch A., Tamura Y., Hara N., Yamazaki K., Hatada K., Trinter F., Meyer M., Ueda K., Demekhin Ph.V. and Jahnke T.
Investigating charge-up and fragmentation dynamics of oxygen molecules after interaction with strong X-ray free-electron laser pulses. 
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 24 (2022) 27121-27127.


Lagutin B.M., Petrov I.D., Sukhorukov V.L., Kilin V.A., Novikovskiy N.M., Demekhin Ph.V., and Ehresmann A.
Electron Correlations in Sequential Two-Photon Double Ionization of an Ar Atom.
Atoms 10 (2022) 139.


Fehre, K., Nalin, G., Novikovskiy, N. M., Grundmann, S., Kastirke, G., Eckart, S., Trinter, F., Rist, J., Hartung, A., Trabert, D., Janke, C., Pitzer, M., Zeller, S., Wiegandt, F., Weller, M., Kircher, M., Hofmann, M., Schmidt, L. Ph. H., Knie, A., Hans, A., Ben Ltaief, L., Ehresmann, A., Berger, R., Fukuzawa, H., Ueda, K., Schmidt-Böcking H., Jahnke, T., Williams, J. B., Dörner, R., Demekhin, Ph. V. and Schöffler, M. 
A new route for enantio-sensitive structure determination by photoelectron scattering onmolecules in the gas phase. 
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 24 (2022) 26458–26465.


Nandi S., Olofsson E., Bertolino M., Carlström S., Zapata F., Busto D., Callegari C., Di Fraia M., Eng-Johnsson P., Feifel R., Gallician G., Gisselbrecht M., Maclot S. Neoricic L., Peschel J., Plekan O., Prince K.C., Squibb R.J., Zhong S., Demekhin Ph.V., Meyer M., Miron C., Badano L., Danailov M.B., Giannessi L., Manfredda M., Sottocorona F., Zangrando M. and Dahlström J.M. 
Studying ultrafast Rabi dynamics with a short-wavelength seeded free-electron laser.
Nature 608 (2022) 488–493.


Novikovskiy N.M., Artemyev A.N., Rezvan D.V., Lagutin B.M. and Demekhin Ph.V.
Multichannel single center method. 
J. Phys. B. 55 (2022) 175001. 


Fehre K., Trinter F., Novikovskiy N.M., Grundmann S., Tsitsonis D., Eckart S., Bauer L., Hilzinger M., Jahnke T., Dörner R., Demekhin Ph.V. and Schöffler M. S.
Influence of the emission site on the photoelectron circular dichroism in trifluoromethyloxirane. 
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 24 (2022) 13597-13604.


Allum F., Music V., Inhester L., Boll R., Erk B., Schmidt P., Baumann T.M., Brenner G., Burt M., Demekhin Ph.V., Dörner S., Ehresmann A., Galler A., Grychtol P., Heathcote D., Kargin D., Larsson M., Lee J.W.L., Li Z., Manschwetus B., Marder L., Mason R., Meyer M., Otto H., Passow C., Pietschnig R., Ramm D., Schubert K., Schwob L., Thomas R.D., Vallance C., Vidanović I., von Korff Schmising C., Wagner R., Walter P., Zhaunerchyk V., Rolles D., Bari S, Brouard M. and Ilchen M. 
A localized view on molecular dissociation via electron-ion partial covariance. 
Communications Chemistry 5 (2022) 42. 



Rezvan D.V., Novikovskiy N.M., Martin L., Artemyev A.N., Demekhin Ph.V.
Theoretical study of the molecular-frame photoemission time delay for K-shell photoionization of N2.
Phys. Rev. A 105 (2022) 033108.



Kutscher E., Artemyev A.N., and Demekhin Ph.V.
Electron dynamics and correlations during high-order harmonic generation in Be.
Front. Chem. 10 (2022) 809137.


125.Artemyev A.N., Kutscher E., and Demekhin Ph.V.
Photoelectron Circular Dichroism of a Model Chiral Anion.
J. Chem. Phys. (Communication) 156 (2022) 031101.



Rist J., Klyssek K., Novikovskiy N.M., Kircher M., Vela-Perez I., Trabert D., Grundmann S., Tsitsonis D., Siebert J., Geyer A., Melzer N., Schwarz C., Anders N., Kaiser L., Fehre K., Hartung A., Eckart S., Schmidt L.Ph.H., Schöffler M.S., Davis V.T., Williams J.B., Trinter F., Dörner R., Demekhin Ph.V. and Jahnke T.
Measuring the Photoelectron Emission Delay in the Molecular Frame.
Nature Commun. 12 (2021) 6657.


Fehre K., Novikovskiy N.M., Grundmann S., Kastirke G., Eckart S., Trinter F., Rist J., Hartung A., Trabert D., Janke C., Nalin G., Pitzer M., Zeller S., Wiegandt F., Weller M., Kircher M., Hofmann M., Schmidt L.Ph.H., Knie A., Hans A., Ben Ltaief L., Ehresmann A., Berger R., Fukuzawa H., Ueda K., Schmidt-Böocking H., Williams J.B., Jahnke T., Dörner R., Schöffler M.S. and Demekhin Ph.V.
Fourfold Differential Photoelectron Circular Dichroism
Phys. Rev. Lett. 127 (2021) 103201.


Ilchen M., Schmidt P., Novikovskiy N.M., Hartmann G., Rupprecht P., Coffee R.N., Ehresmann A., Galler A., Hartmann N., Helml W., Huang Z., Inhester L., Lutman A.A., MacArthur J.P., Maxwell T., Meyer M., Music V., Nuhn H.-D., Osipov T., Ray D., Wolf T.J.A., Bari S., Walter P., Li Z., Moeller S., Knie A.  and Demekhin Ph.V.
Site-specific interrogation of an ionic chiral fragment during photolysis using an X-ray free-electron laser.
Communications Chemistry 4 (2021) 119.

121.Nalin G., Fehre K., Trinter F., Novikovskiy N.M., Anders N., Trabert D., Grundmann S., Kircher M., Khan A., Tomar R., Hofmann M., Waitz M., Vela-Perez I., Kastirke G., Siebert J., Tsitsonis D., Fukuzawa H., Ueda K., Williams J.B., Kargin D., Maurer M., Küstner-Wetekam C., Marder L., Viehmann J., Knie A., Jahnke T., Ilchen M., Dörner R., Pietschnig R., Demekhin Ph.V. and Schöffler M.S.
Photoelectron circular dichroism of O 1s-photoelectrons of uniaxially oriented trifluoromethyloxirane: energy dependence and sensitivity to molecular configuration
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 23 (2021) 17248–17258.
120.Fehre K., Eckart S., Kunitski M., Janke C., Trabert D., Hofmann M., Rist J., Weller M., Hartung A., Schmidt L. Ph. H., Jahnke T., Braun H., Baumert T., Stohner J., Demekhin Ph. V., Schöffler M. S., and Dörner R.
Strong Differential Photoion Circular Dichroism in Strong-Field Ionization of Chiral Molecules.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 126 (2021) 083201.
119.Jahnke T., Hergenhahn U., Winter B., Dörner R., Frühling U., Demekhin Ph.V., Gokhberg K., Cederbaum L.S., Ehresmann A., Knie A., and Dreuw A.
Interatomic and Intermolecular Coulombic Decay. 
Chem. Rev. 120 (2020) 11295.

Deinert S., Schrodt A., Hartmann G., Achner A., Artemyev A.N., Ehresmann A., Hans A., Ilchen M., Glaser L., Scholz F. Seltmann J., Viefhaus J., Demekhin Ph.V., and Knie A.
Interatomic resonant Auger effect in N2O.
J. Phys. B 53 (2020) 224003.

117.Kastirke G., Schöffler M.S., Weller M., Rist J., Boll R., Anders N., Baumann T.M., Eckart S., Erk B., De Fanis A., Fehre K., Gatton A., Grundmann S., Grychtol P., Hartung A., Hofmann M., Ilchen M., Janke C., Kircher M., Kunitski M., Li X., Mazza T., Melzer N., Montano J., Music V., Nalin G., Ovcharenko Y., Pier A., Rennhack N., Rivas D.E., Dörner R., Rolles D., Rudenko A., Schmidt P., Siebert J., Strenger N., Trabert D., Vela-Perez I., Wagner R., Weber T.,  Williams J.B., Ziolkowski P., Schmidt L.Ph.H., Czasch A., Trinter F., Meyer M., Ueda K., Demekhin Ph.V. and Jahnke T.
Double core-hole generation in O2 molecules using an X-ray free-electron laser: Molecular-frame photoelectron angular distributions.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125 (2020) 163201.
116.Kaiser L., Fehre K., Novikovskiy N.M., Stindl J., Tsitsonis D., Gopakumar G., Unger I., Söderström J., Björneholm O., Schöffler M., Jahnke T., Dörner R., Trinter F. and Demekhin Ph.V.
Angular emission distribution of O 1s photoelectrons of uniaxially oriented methanol.
J. Phys. B 53 (2020) 194002.
115.Pier A., Fehre K., Grundmann S., Vela-Perez I., Strenger N., Kircher M., Tsitsonis D., Williams J. B., Senftleben A., Baumert T., Schöffler M. S., Demekhin Ph. V., Trinter F., Jahnke T. and Dörner R.
Chiral photoelectron angular distributions from ionization of achiral atomic and molecular species.
Phys. Rev. Research 2 (2020) 033209.
114.Grundmann S., Kircher M., Vela-Perez I., Nalin G., Trabert D., Anders N., Melzer N., Rist J., Pier A., Strenger N., Siebert J., Demekhin Ph.V., Schmidt L.Ph.H., Trinter F., Schöffler M.S., Jahnke T., and Dörner R.,
Observation of Photoion Backward Emission in Photoionization of He and N2
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124 (2020) 233201.
113.Kastirke G., Schöffler M.S., Weller M., Rist J., Boll R., Anders N., Baumann T.M., Eckart S., Erk B., De Fanis A., Fehre K., Gatton A., Grundmann S., Grychtol P., Hartung A., Hofmann M., Ilchen M., Janke C. Kircher M., Kunitski M., Li X., Mazza T., Melzer N., Montano J., Music V., Nalin G., Ovcharenko Y., Pier A., Rennhack N., Rivas D.E., Dörner R., Rolles D., Rudenko A., Schmidt P., Siebert J., Strenger N., Trabert D., Vela-Perez I., Wagner R., Weber T., Williams J.B., Ziolkowski P., Schmidt L.Ph.H., Czasch A., Trinter F., Meyer M., Ueda K., Demekhin Ph.V., and Jahnke T.
Photoelectron diffraction imaging of a molecular break-up using an X-ray free-electron laser
Phys. Rev. X 10 (2020) 021052.
112.Mhamdi A., Rist J., Havermeier T., Dörner R., Jahnke T., Demekhin Ph.V.
Theoretical study of molecular-frame angular emission distributions of electrons emitted by interatomic Coulombic decay from helium dimers
Phys. Rev. A 101 (2020) 023404.
111.Müller A.D., Kutscher E., Artemyev A.N., and Demekhin Ph.V.
Photoelectron circular dichroism in the multiphoton ionization by short laser pulses: III. Photoionization of fenchone in different regimes.
J. Chem. Phys. 152 (2020) 044302.


110.Kircher M., Rist J., Trinter F., Grundmann S., Waitz M., Melzer N., Vela-Perez I., Mletzko T., Pier A., Strenger N., Siebert J., Janssen R., Schmidt L.Ph.H., Artemyev A.N., Schöffler M.S.,  Jahnke T., Dörner R., and Demekhin Ph.V.
Recoil-Induced Asymmetry of Nondipole Molecular Frame Photoelectron Angular Distributions in the Hard X-ray Regime
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123(2019) 243201.

Kircher M., Rist J., Trinter F., Grundmann S., Waitz M., Melzer N., Vela-Perez I., Mletzko T., Pier A., Strenger N., Siebert J., Janssen R., Honkimäki V., Drnec J., Demekhin Ph.V., Schmidt L.Ph.H., Schöffler M.S., Jahnke T., and Dörner R.
Photon-Momentum-Induced Molecular Dynamics in Photoionization of N2 at hν=40 keV
 Phys. Rev. Lett. 123 (2019) 193001.

108.Hartmann G., Ilchen M., Schmidt Ph., Küstner-Wetekam C., Ozga C., Scholz F., Buck J., Trinter F., Viefhaus J., Ehresmann A., Schöffler M. S., Knie A., and Demekhin Ph.V.
Recovery of High-Energy Photoelectron Circular Dichroism through Fano Interference
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123 (2019) 043202.

Demekhin Ph. V.
Photoelectron circular dichroism with Lissajous-type bichromatic fields: One-photon versus two-photon ionization of chiral molecules.
Phys. Rev. A 99 (2019) 063406.

106. Lagutin B.M., Petrov I.D., Novikovskiy N.M., Sukhorukov V.L, Demekhin Ph.V., Knie A., and Ehresmann A.
Auger-like correlations in the two-photon above threshold ionization of Ar
Eur. Phys. J. D 73 (2019) 103.

Artemyev A.N., Streltsov A.I., and Demekhin Ph.V.
Controlling Dynamics of Postcollision Interaction                                                                                    
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122 (2019) 183201.

104.Novikovskiy N.M., Rezvan D.V., Petrov I.D., Lagutin B.M., Demekhin Ph.V., and Sukhorukov V.L.
Interchannel mixing in the K-shell photoionization of CH4
Eur. Phys. J. D 73 (2019) 83.
103.Novikovskiy N.M., Sukhorukov V.L., Artemyev A.N., Demekhin Ph.V.
Ab initio calculation of the photoionization cross sections and photoelectron angular distribution parameters of CH4, NH3, H2O and CO
Eur. Phys. J. D 73 (2019) 79.
102.Novikovskiy N.M., Rezvan D.V., Ivanov N.M., Petrov I.D., Lagutin B.M., Knie A., Ehresmann A., Demekhin Ph.V., and Sukhorukov V.L.
Rearrangement of electron shells and interchannel interaction in the K photoabsorption of Ne
Eur. Phys. Jour. D 73 (2018) 22.
101.Petrov I.D., Lagutin B.M., Sukhorukov V.L., Novikovskiy N.M., Demekhin Ph.V., Knie A., and Ehresmann A.
Many-electron character of two-photon above-threshold ionization of Ar
Phys. Rev. A 99 (2019) 013408.
100.Demekhin Ph.V, Artemyev A.N., Kastner A., Baumert T.
Photoelectron circular dichroism with two overlapping laser pulses of carrier frequencies w and 2w linearly polarized in two mutually-orthogonal directions
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121 (2018) 253201.
99.Mhamdi A., Rist J., Aslitürk M., Weller N., Metzler N, Trabert D., Kicher M., Wiegandt F., Vela-Perrez I., Siebert J., Eckart S., Grundmann S., Kastirke G., Waitz M., Khan A., Schöffler M., Trinter F., Dörner R., Jahnke T., and Demekhin Ph. V.
Breakdown of the spectator concept in low-electron-energy resonant decay processes
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121 (2018) 243002.
98.Pitzer M., Schmidt P., Ozga C., Hans A., Reiß P., Petrov I.D., Artemyev A.N., Ehresmann A., Knie A., Demekhin Ph. V.
Circular Dichroism in Fluorescence Emission Following the C 1s-π* Excitation and Resonant Auger Decay of Carbon Monoxide
Molecules 23 (2018) 1534.
97.Müller A.D., Artemyev A.N., and Demekhin Ph.V.
Photoelectron circular dichroism in the multiphoton ionization by short laser pulses: II. Three- and four-photon ionization of fenchone and camphor
J. Chem. Phys. 148 (2018) 214307.
96.Mhamdi A., Trinter F., Rauch C., Weller M., Rist J., Waitz M., Siebert J., Metz D., JankeC. , Kastirke G., Wiegandt F., Bauer T., Tia M., Cunha de Miranda B., Pitzer M., Sann H., Schiwietz G., Schöffler M., Simon M., Gokhberg K., Dörner R., Jahnke T., and Demekhin Ph. V.
Resonant interatomic Coulombic decay in HeNe: Electron angular emission distributions
Phys. Rev. A 97 (2018) 053407.
95.Hans A., Stumpf V.,Holzapfel X., Wiegandt F., Schmidt Ph., Ozga C., Reiss Ph., Ben Ltaief L., Kuestner-Wetekam C., Jahnke T., Ehresmann A., Demekhin Ph.V., Gokhberg K., and Knie A.
Direct Evidence for Radiative Charge Transfer after Inner-Shell Excitation and Ionization of Large Clusters
Fast Track Communication in New J. Phys. 20 (2018) 012001.
94.Müller A.D., Kutscher E., Artemyev A.N., Cederbaum, L.S. and Demekhin Ph.V
Dynamic interference in the resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization of hydrogen atoms by short and intense laser pulses
Chemical Physics 509 (2018) 145–150.
93.Nandi S., Nicolas C., Artemyev A.N., Novikovskiy N.M., Miron C., Bozek J.D., and Demekhin Ph.V.
Electronic-state interference in the C 1s excitation and decay of methyl chloride studied by angularly resolved Auger spectroscopy
Phys. Rev. A 96 (2017) 052501.
92.Artemyev A.N., Cederbaum, L.S. and Demekhin Ph.V
Impact of intense laser pulses on the autoionization dynamics of the 2s2p doubly-excited state of He
Phys. Rev. A 96 (2017) 033410.
91.Lagutin B. M., Petrov I. D., Sukhorukov V. L.,  Demekhin Ph. V., Knie, A., and Ehresmann A.
Relativistic, correlation, and polarization effects in two-photon photoionization of Xe.
Phys. Rev. A 95 (2017) 063414.
90.Tia M., Pitzer M., Kastirke G., Gatzke J., Kim H.-K.,Trinter F., Rist J., Hartung A., Trabert D., Siebert J., Henrichs K., Becht J., Zeller S., Gassert H., Wiegandt F., Wallauer R., Kuhlins A., Schober C., Bauer T., Wechselberger N., Burzynski P., Neff J., Weller M., Metz D., Kircher M., Waitz M., Williams J. B., Schmidt L., Müller A.D., Knie A., Hans A., Ben Ltaief L., Ehresmann A., Berger R., Fukuzawa H., Ueda K., Schmidt-Böcking H., Dörner R., Jahnke T., Demekhin Ph. V. and Schöffler M.
Observation of enhanced chiral asymmetries in the inner-shell photoionization of uniaxially oriented methyloxirane enantiomers.
 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 8 (2017) 2780−2786.
89.Ilchen M., Hartmann G., Rupprecht P., Artemyev A. N., Coffee R. N., Li Z., Ohldag H., Ogasawara H., Osipov T., Ray D., Schmidt Ph., Wolf T. J. A., Ehresmann A., Moeller S., Knie A., and Demekhin Ph. V.
Emitter-site-selective photoelectron circular dichroism of trifluoromethyloxirane.
Phys. Rev. A 95 (2017) 053423.
88.Artemyev A.N., Cederbaum, L.S. and Demekhin Ph.V
Impact of two-electron dynamics and correlations on high-order harmonic generation in He
Phys. Rev. A 95 (2017) 033402.
87.Hans A., Ben Ltaief L., Förstel M., Schmidt P., Ozga C., Reiß P., Holzapfel X., Küstner-Wetekam C., Wiegandt F., Trinter F., Hergenhahn U., Jahnke T., Dörner R., Ehresmann A., Demekhin Ph.V. and Knie A.
Fluorescence cascades evoked by resonant interatomic Coulombic decay of inner-valence excited neon clusters.
Chem. Phys. 482 (2017) 165-168.
86.Takanashi T., Golubev,N. V., Callegari C., Fukuzawa H., Motomura K., Iablonskyi D., Kumagai Y., Mondal S., Tachibana T., Nagaya K., Nishiyama T., Matsunami K., Johnsson P., Piseri P., Sansone G., Dubrouil A., Reduzzi M., Carpeggiani P., Vozzi C., Devetta M., Negro M., Faccialà D., Calegari F., Trabattoni A., Castrovilli M.C.,Ovcharenko Y., Mudrich M., Stienkemeier F., Coreno M., Alagia M., Schütte B., Berrah N., Plekan O., Finetti P., Spezzani C., Ferrari E., Allaria E., Penco G., Serpico C., De Ninno G., Diviacco B., Di Mitri S.,  Giannessi L., Jabbari G., Prince K.C., Cederbaum L.S., Demekhin Ph.V., Kuleff A.I., and Ueda K.
Time-Resolved Measurement of Interatomic Coulombic Decay Induced by Two-Photon Double Excitation of Ne2
Phys. Rev. Lett. 118 (2017) 033202.
85.Sann H., Schober C., Mhamdi A., Trinter F., Mueller C., Semenov S.K., Stener M., Waitz M., Bauer T., Wallauer R., Goihl C., Titze J., Afaneh F., Schmidt L. Ph. H., Kunitski M., Schmidt-Böcking H., Demekhin Ph. V., Cherepkov N. A., Schöffler M. S., Jahnke T. and Dörner R.
Delocalization of a Vacancy across Two Neon Atoms Bound by the van der Waals Force
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84.Nagaya K., Iablonskyi D., Golubev N.V., Matsunami K., Fukuzawa H., Motomura K., Nishiyama T., Sakai T., Tachibana T., Mondal S., Wada S., Prince K., Callegari C., Miron C., Saito N., Yabashi M., Demekhin Ph.V., Cederbaum L.S., Kuleff A.I., Yao M., and Ueda K.
Interatomic Coulombic Decay Cascade in Multiply Excited Neon Clusters
Nature Communicat. 7 (2016) 13477.
83.Knie A., Patanen M., Hans A., Petrov I.D., Bozek J.D., Ehresmann A., and Demekhin Ph.V.
Angle-Resolved Auger Spectroscopy as a Sensitive Access to Vibronic Coupling
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116 (2016) 193002.
82.Artemyev A.N., Müller A.D., Hochstuhl D., Cederbaum L.S., and Demekhin Ph.V.
Dynamic interference in the photoionization of He by coherent intense high-frequency laser pulses: Direct propagation of the two-electron wave packets on large spatial grids
Phys. Rev A. 93 (2016) 043418.
81.Antonsson E., Patanen M., Nicolas C., Benkoula S., Neville J.J., Sukhorukov V.L., Bozek J.D., Demekhin Ph.V., and Miron C.
Dynamics of the C 1s-π* excitation and decay in CO2 probed by vibrationally and angularly resolved Auger spectroscopy
Phys. Rev A 92 (2015) 042506.
80.Dubrouil A., Reduzzi M., Devetta M., Feng C., Hummert J., Finetti P., Plekan O., Grazioli C., Di Fraia M., Lyamayev V., La Forge A., Katzy R., Stienkemeier F., Ovcharenko Y., Coreno M., Berrah N., Motomura K., Mondal S., Ueda K., Prince K.C., Callegari C., Kuleff A.I., Demekhin Ph.V., and Sansone G.
Two-photon resonant excitation of ICD in neon dimers
Special issue on "Frontiers of FEL science" in J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 48 (2015) 204005.
79.Artemyev A.N., Müller A.D., Hochstuhl D., and Demekhin Ph.V.
Photoelectron circular dichroism in the multiphoton ionization by short laser pulses. I. Propagation of single-active-electron wave packets in chiral pseudo-potentials
J. Chem. Phys. 142 (2015) 244105.
78.Müller A.D. and Demekhin Ph.V.
Resonant Auger decay of the 4d → 6p excitation in Xe driven by short intense coherent soft x-ray pulses
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 48 (2015) 075602.
77.Demekhin Ph.V. and Cederbaum L.S.
Quantum oscillations between close-lying states mediated by the electronic continuum in intense high-frequency pulses
Phys. Rev. A 91 (2015) 013417.
76.Galitskiy S.A., Artemyev A.N., Jänkälä K., Lagutin B.M., and Demekhin Ph.V.
Hartree-Fock calculation of the differential photoionization cross sections of small Li clusters
J. Chem. Phys. 142 (2015) 034306.
75.Knie A., Hans A., Forstel M., Hergenhahn U., Schmidt P., Reiß Ph., Ozga C., Kambs B., Trinter F., Voigtsberger J., Metz D., Jahnke T., Doerner R., Kuleff A.I., Cederbaum L.S., Demekhin Ph.V., and Ehresmann A.
Detecting ultrafast interatomic electronic processes in media by fluorescence
New J. Phys. 16 (2014) 102002.
74.Knie A., Ilchen M., Schmidt Ph., Reiß Ph., Ozga C., Kambs B., Hans A., Mueglich N., Galitskiy S.A., Glaser L., Walter P., Viefhaus J., Ehresmann A., and Demekhin Ph.V.
Angle-resolved study of resonant Auger decay and fluorescence emission processes after core excitations of the terminal and central nitrogen atoms in N2O
Phys. Rev. A 90 (2014) 013416.
73.Demekhin Ph.V.
On the breakdown of the electric dipole approximation in hard x-ray photoionization cross sections
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 47 (2014) 025602.

Demekhin Ph.V. and Cederbaum L.S.
Light-induced conical intersections in polyatomic molecules: General theory, strategies of exploitation, and application
J. Chem. Phys. 139 (2013) 154314.

71.Demekhin Ph.V. and Cederbaum L.S.
AC Stark effect in the electronic continuum and its impact on the photo-ionization of atoms by coherent intense short high-frequency laser pulses
Phys. Rev. A 88 (2013) 043414.
70.Demekhin Ph.V., Hochstuhl D., and Cederbaum L.S.
Photoionization of hydrogen atom by coherent intense high-frequency short laser pulses: Direct propagation of electron wave packets on large spatial grids
Phys. Rev. A 88 (2013) 023422.
69.Demekhin Ph.V. and Cederbaum L.S.
Resonant Auger decay of core-excited CO molecules in intense x-ray laser pulses: The O(1σ-1 2π) excitation
Special issue on "Frontiers of FEL science" in J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 46 (2013) 164008.
68.Demekhin Ph.V., Gokhberg K., Jabbari G. , Kopelke S., Kuleff A. I., and Cederbaum L.S.
Overcoming Coulomb blockade in producing doubly-excited dimers by a single intense pulse and their decay
Fast Track Commun. in J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 46 (2013) 021001.
67.Demekhin Ph.V. and Cederbaum L.S.
Coherent intense resonant laser pulses lead to interference in the time domain observable in the spectrum of the emitted particles
Phys. Rev. A 86 (2012) 063412.
66.Demekhin Ph.V. and Cederbaum L.S.
Dynamic interference of photoelectrons produced by high-frequency laser pulses                            
Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 (2012) 253001.

Averbukh V., Cederbaum L.S., Demekhin Ph.V., Scheit S., Kolorenc P., Chiang Y.C., Gokhberg K., Kopelke S., Kryzhevoi N.V., Kuleff A.I., Sisourat N., Stoychev S.D.
Interatomic Electronic Decay Processes in Clusters
in DYNAMICAL PROCESSES IN ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR PHYSICS, Eds: Ogurtsov and Dowek (Bentham Science Publishers, 2012) Chapter 2, pp. 29-56. ISBN:9781608052455

64.Demekhin Ph.V., Lagutin B.M., and Petrov I.D.
Theoretical study of angular-resolved two-photon ionization of H2                                 
Phys. Rev. A 85 (2012) 023416.
63.Demekhin Ph.V., Stoychev S.D., Kuleff A.I., and Cederbaum L.S. 
Exploring Interatomic Coulombic Decay by Free Electron Lasers                                     
Phys. Rev. Lett. 107 (2011) 273002.
62.Demekhin Ph.V., Chiang Y.-C. and Cederbaum L.S.
Resonant Auger decay of the core-excited C*O molecule in intense X-ray laser fields
Phys. Rev. A 84 (2011) 033417.
61.Ouchi T., Sakai K., Fukuzawa H., Liu X.-J., Higuchi I., Tamenori Y., Nagaya K., Iwayama H., Yao M., Zhang D., Ding D., Kuleff A. I., Stoychev S.D., Demekhin Ph.V., Saito N., and Ueda K.
Three-Electron Interatomic Coulombic Decay from the Inner-Valence Double-Vacancy States in NeAr
Phys. Rev. Lett. 107 (2011) 053401.
60.Ouchi T., Sakai K., Fukuzawa H., Higuchi I., Demekhin Ph. V., Chiang Y.-C., Stoychev S. D., Kuleff A. I., Mazza T., Schoffler M., Nagaya K., Yao M., Tamenori Y., Saito N., and Ueda K.
Interatomic Coulombic decay following Ne 1s Auger decay in NeAr
Phys. Rev. A 83 (2011) 053415.
59.Cederbaum L.S., Chiang Y.-C., Demekhin Ph. V., and Moiseyev N.
Resonant Auger decay of molecules in intense x-ray laser fields: Light-induced strong non-adiabatic effects
Phys. Rev. Lett. 106 (2011) 123001.
58.Demekhin Ph.V. and Cederbaum L.S.
Strong interference effects in the resonant Auger decay of atoms induced by intense X-Ray fields
Phys. Rev. A 83 (2011) 023422.
57.Averbukh V., Demekhin Ph.V., Kolorenc P., Scheit S., Stoychev S.D., Stoychev S.D., Kuleff A.I., Chiang Y.-C., Gokhberg K., Kopelkee S., Sisourat N., Cederbaum L.S.
Interatomic electronic decay processes in singly and multiply ionized clusters
J. Electron Spectr. Relat. Phenom. 183 (2011) 36-47.
56.Demekhin Ph.V., Ehresmann A. Sukhorukov V.L.
Single Center method: A computational tool for ionization and electronic excitation studies of molecules
J. Chem. Phys. 134 (2011) 024113.
55.Demekhin Ph.V., Petrov I.D., and Ehresmann A.
Partial Photoelectron Wave Analysis in Diatomic Molecule Photoionization by Fluorescence Polarization Experiments
Phys. Rev. A 82 (2010) 041401(R).
54.Demekhin Ph.V., Petrov I.D., Sukhorukov V.L., Kielich W., Knie A., Schmoranzer H.,. Ehresmann A.
Strong interference effects in angularly resolved Auger decay and fluorescence emission spectra of the core-excited NO molecule
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 43 (2010) 165103.
53.Ehresmann A., Kielich W., Klumpp S., Demekhin Ph.V., Petrov I.D., Sukhorukov V.L., Lagutin B.M., Mueller-Albrech R., and Schmoranzer H.
Photoionization of Xe near 5s threshold: II. 5s- main line and satellites
Europ. Phys. Jour. D. 59 (2010) 161-169.
52.Sukhorukov V.L., Petrov I.D., Lagutin B.M., Schmoranzer H., Kielich W., Demekhin Ph.V., and Ehresmann A.
Photoionization of Xe near 5s threshold: I. Theoretical study of 5s-np resonance structure in 5p photoabsorption
Europ. Phys. Jour. D. 59 (2010) 151-159.
51.Demekhin Ph.V., Petrov I.D., Sukhorukov V.L., Kielich W., Knie A., Schmoranzer H.,. Ehresmann A.
Symmetry-Forbidden Electronic State Interference Observed in Angularly Resolved NO+(A   1π) Deexcitation Spectra of the N* O(2σ-12) Resonance
Phys. Rev. Lett. 104 (2010) 243001.
50.Demekhin Ph.V., Sukhorukov V.L., Schmoranzer H., and Ehresmann A.
Neutral dissociation of the I, I', and I'' vibronic states of O2                                                                                  
J. Chem. Phys. 132 (2010) 204303.
49.Chiang Y.-C., Demekhin Ph.V., Kuleff A.I., Scheit S., and Cederbaum L.S.
Linewidth and lifetime of atomic levels and the time evolutions of the decay spectra and coincidence spectra
Phys. Rev. A 81 (2010) 032511.
48.Jänkälä K., Demekhin Ph.V., Heinasmaki S., Haar I., Hentges R., Ehresmann A.
Theoretical description of dissociative γ→ scattering in diatomic molecules                           
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 43 (2010) 065104.
47.Demekhin Ph.V., Petrov I.D., Tanaka T., Hoshino M., Tanaka H., Ueda K., Kielich W., Ehresmann A.
Large impact of the weak direct photoionization on angularly resolved CO+(A 2π) de-excitation spectra of the CO*(1σ-1 2π) resonance
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 43 (2010) 065102.

Demekhin Ph.V., Petrov I.D., Sukhorukov V.L., Kielich W., Reiss P., Hentges R., Haar I., Schmoranzer H., and Ehresmann A.
Interference effects during the Auger decay of the C*O 1s-1π* resonance studied by angular distribution of the CO+(A) photoelectrons and polarization analysis of the CO+(A-X) fluorescence
Phys. Rev. A 80 (2009) 063425.
Erratum: Phys. Rev. A. 81 (2010) 069902(E).

45.Demekhin Ph. V., Scheit S., and Cederbaum L. S.
Recoil by Auger electrons: theory and  application                                                                    
J. Chem. Phys. 131 (2009) 164301.
44.Demekhin Ph. V., Chiang Y.-C., Stoychev S. D., Kolorenc P., Scheit S., Kuleff A. I., Tarantelli F., and Cederbaum L. S.
Interatomic Coulombic decay and its dynamics in NeAr following K-LL Auger transition in the Ne atom
J. Chem. Phys. 131 (2009) 104303.
43.Ehresmann A., Demekhin Ph. V., Schluter M. A., Haar I., Sukhorukov V. L., Schmoranzer H.
Predominant dissociation of the CO*(D2Π)n(d/s)σ Rydberg states into atomic excited Rydberg fragments with the same effective principal quantum number
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 42 (2009) 165103.
42.Kreidi K., Demekhin Ph.V., Jahnke T., Weber T., Havermeier T., Liu X., Morisita Y., Schoessler Y.M.S., Schmidt L.P.H., Schoeffler M., Odenweller M., Neumann N., Foucar L., Titze J., Ulrich B., Sturm F., Stuck C., Wallauer R., Voss S., Lauter I., Kim H.K., Rudloff M., Fukuzawa H., Pruemper G., Saito N., Ueda K., Czasch A., Jagutzki O., Schmidt-Boecking H., Scheit S., Cederbaum L.S., Doerner R.
Photo and Auger electron recoil induced dynamics of interatomic Coulombic decay
Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 (2009) 033001.
41.Demekhin Ph.V., Omel'yanenko D.V., Sukhorukov V.L., Demekhina L.A., Werner L., Kielich W., Ehresmann A., Schmoranzer H., Schartner K.-H.
Interference effects in the 1s → π* resonance excitation processes of NO molecule
Journal of Structural Chemistry 49 Suppl (2008) S63-S72.
40.Kreidi K., Jahnke T., Weber T., Havermeier T., Grisenti R. E., Liu X., Morisita Y., Schoessler Y.M.S., Schmidt L.P.H., Schoeffler M., Odenweller M., Neumann N., Foucar L., Titze J., Ulrich B., Sturm F., Stuck C., Wallauer R., Voss S., Lauter I., Kim H.K., Rudloff M., Fukuzawa H., Pruemper G., Saito N., Ueda K., Czasch A., Jagutzki O., Schmidt-Boecking H., Stoychev S., Demekhin Ph.V., Doerner R.
Relaxation processes following 1s photoionization and Auger decay in Ne2
Phys. Rev. A. 78 (2008) 043422.
39.Demekhin Ph.V., Scheit S., Stoychev S.D., and Cederbaum L.S.
Dynamics of Interatomic Coulombic decay in Ne dimer following the K-L11L2,3(1P) Auger transition in Ne atom
Phys. Rev. A. 78 (2008) 043421.
38.Demekhin Ph.V., Sukhorukov V.L., Kielich W., Werner L., Klumpp S., Ehresmann A., Schartner K.-H. and Schmoranzer H.
Vibrational analysis of the N+2(C → X) fluorescence at the vicinity of the 1s → π* excitation.
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 41 (2008) 045104.
37.Ehresmann A., Kielich W., Werner L., Demekhin Ph.V., Omel'yanenko D.V., Sukhorukov V.L., Schartner K.-H., and Schmoranzer H.
Lifetime vibrational interference during the NO 1s-1π* resonant excitation studied by the NO+(A 1Π → X 1Σ+) fluorescence
Europ. Phys. Jour. D. 45 (2007) 235-246.
36.Demekhin Ph.V., Omel'yanenko D.V., Lagutin B.M., Sukhorukov V.L., Werner L., Ehresmann A., Schartner K.-H. and Schmoranzer H.
The predissociation of the 2σu−1 (c 4Σ u, v) States of the oxygen molecular ion
Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 2 (2007) 213-221.
35.Sukhorukov V.L., Petrov I.D., Demekhin Ph.V., Schmoranzer H., Mickat S., Kammer S., Schartner K.-H., Klumpp S., Werner L., Ehresmann A.
Interaction between doubly-excited 4p4nln'l' resonances in Kr I
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 40 (2007) 1295-1307.
34.Demekhin Ph.V., Sukhorukov V.L., Werner L., Ehresmann A., Schartner K.-H. and Schmoranzer H.
Investigation of N2+ (C 2Σu+ → X 2Σg+) Fluorescence Excited through Auger Decay of the 1 s−1π* Resonance
Optics and Spectroscopy 102 (2007) 330-340.
33.Demekhin Ph.V., Omel'yanenko D.V., Lagutin B.M., Sukhorukov V.L., Werner L., Ehresmann A.,Schartner K.-H. and Schmoranzer H.
Investigation of Photoionization and Photodissociation of an Oxygen Molecule by the Method of Coupled Differential Equations
Optics and Spectroscopy 102 (2007) 318-329.
32.Demekhin Ph.V., Petrov I.D., Lagutin B.M., Sukhorukov V.L., Neogi A., Yeates P., Kennedy E.T., Mansfield M.W.D. and Costello J.T.
Theoretical Study of Photoionization of the Isoelectronic Sequence Rb+, Sr2+ and 3+
Optics and Spectroscopy 102 (2007) 149-158.
31.Petrov I.D., Demekhin Ph.V., Lagutin B.M., Sukhorukov V.L., Klumpp S., Ehresmann A., Schartner K.-H. and Schmoranzer H.
Many-Electron Character of Rydberg Series Converging to the Ionization Thresholds of the 4p45s States of Kr II
Optics and Spectroscopy 102 (2007) 1-7.
30.Lagutin B.M., Demekhin Ph.V., Petrov I.D., Sukhorukov V.L., Ehresmann A., Schmoranzer H. and Schartner K.-H.
Interference Effects in Alignment and Orientation Processes of Atoms Excited by Polarized Radiation.
Optics and Spectroscopy 101 (2006) 832-838.
29.Kammer S., Schartner K.-H., Mickat S., Schill R., Ehresmann A., Werner L., Klumpp S., Schmoranzer H., Petrov I.D., Demekhin Ph.V., Sukhorukov V.L.
Cross sections for photoabsorption and 3p44s,3d - satellite production at energies of the doubly excited Ar 3p4(3P)4s2P3/2,1/2np resonances
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 39 (2006) 2757-2771.
28.Ehresmann A., Werner L., Klumpp S., Demekhin Ph.V., Lemeshko M.P., Sukhorukov V.L., Schartner K.-H. and Schmoranzer H.
Predissociation of the N+2(C 2Σ+u) state observed via C 2Σ+u → X 2Σ+g  fluorescence after resonant 1s-1π* excitation of N2 molecule
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 39 (2006) L119-L126.
27.Ehresmann A., Werner L., Klumpp S., Lucht S., Schmoranzer H., Mickat S., Schill R., Schartner K.-H., Demekhin Ph.V., Lemeshko M.P., Sukhorukov V.L.
Studying the N+2(C2Σ+u → X2Σ+g) fluorescence excited via the 1s-1π* resonance
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 39 (2006) 283-304.
26.Demekhin Ph.V., Petrov I.D., Lagutin B.M., Sukhorukov V.L., Vollweiler F., Klumpp S., Ehresmann A., Schartner K.-H. and Schmoranzer H.
Interaction between resonances through autoionization continua near the 4s-threshold in KrII
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 38 (2005) 3129-3145.
25.Lagutin B.M., Sukhorukov V.L., Petrov I.D., Demekhin Ph.V., Schartner K.-H., Ehresmann A., Schmoranzer H.
Interference shake-up effects in the resonant Auger decay of krypton
J. Electron Spectr. Relat. Phenom. 144-147 (2005) 79-82.
24.Petrov I.D., Demekhin Ph.V., Lagutin B.M., Sukhorukov V.L., Kammer S., Mickat S., Schartner K.-H., Ehresmann A., Klumpp S., Werner L., Schmoranzer H.
Strongly perturbed Rydberg series originating from KrII 4p45s ionic states.
J. Electron Spectr. Relat. Phenom. 144-147 (2005) 35-38.
23.Yeates D., Kennedy E.T., Mosnier J.-P., van Kampen P., Mansfeld M.W.D., Pedregosa-Gutierrez J., Greenwood J.B., Demekhin Ph.V., Petrov I.D., Lagutin B.M., Sukhorukov V.L., Demekhina L.A. and Costello J.T.
Theoretical and experimental study of the extreme ultraviolet photoabsorption spectrum of triply ionized yttrium.
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 37 (2004) 4663-4680.
22.Ehresmann A., Werner L., Klumpp S., Schmoranzer H., Demekhin Ph.V., Lagutin B.M.,  Sukhorukov V.L., Mickat S., Kammer S., Zimmerman B., Schartner K.-H.
De-excitation dynamics of Rydberg states in O2: II. Vibrational and rotational structure of 2σ-1u(c4Σ-u)nσg3Σ-u (v=0,1) states.
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 37 (2004) 4405-4422.
21.Ehresmann A., Klumpp S., Werner L., Schmoranzer H., Kammer S., Mickat S., Schartner K.-H., Petrov I.D., Demekhin Ph.V. and Sukhorukov V.L.
Observation and identification of doubly excited KrI 4s24p45snl Rydberg series
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 37 (2004) L251-L257.
20.Lagutin B.M., Demekhin Ph.V., Sukhorukov V.L., Ehresmann A., Schmoranzer H., Schartner K.-H.
Alignment and orientation of the ionic states of rare-gas atoms populated by resonant Auger effect.
CP697 Correlation and Polarization in Photonic, Electronic, and Atomic Collisions, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 697, Melville, New York (2003) 127-132.

Ehresmann A., Liebel H., Schmoranzer H., Zimmermann B., Kammer S., Schartner K.-H., Demekhin Ph.V. and Sukhorukov V.L.
Double photoionization of N2 into the N22+ D1Su+-state
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 36 (2003) 3669-3681.

18.Lagutin B.M., Petrov I.D., Sukhorukov V.L., Demekhin Ph.V., Zimmermann B., Mickat S., Kammer S., Schartner K.-H., Ehresmann A., Shytov Yu.A., Schmoranzer H.
The interference effects in the alignment and orientation of the Kr II 4p45p states following Kr I 3d9np resonance
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 36 (2003) 3251-3268.
17.Lagutin B.M., Demekhin Ph.V., Sukhorukov V.L., Ehresmann A., Schmoranzer H.    
Interference effects in Auger spectra at the 3d9np resonances in Kr                                                  
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 36 (2003) L163-L168.
16.Neogi A., Kennedy E.T., Mosnier J.-P., van Kampen P., Costello J.T., O'Sullivan G., Mansfield M.W.D., Demekhin Ph.V., Lagutin B.M., Sukhorukov V.L.
Trends in autoionization of Rydberg states Converging to the 4s threshold in the Kr-Rb+-Sr2+ isoelectronic sequence - theory and experiment
Phys. Rev. A. 67 (2003) 042707.
15.Liebel H., Ehresmann A., Schmoranzer H., Demekhin Ph.V., Lagutin B.M., Sukhorukov V.L.
Deexcitation dynamics of Rydberg states in O2: I. Total cross sections for OI fluorescence emission following predissociation of 2σ-1u(c4Σ-u)nσg3Σ-u states
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 35 (2002) 895-905.
14.Schmoranzer H., Lauer S., Liebel H., Ehresmann A., Demekhin Ph.V., Lagutin B.M., Petrov I.D., Sukhorukov V.L.
Manifestation of doubly excited atomic states in the photoionization cross sections of Ar, Kr and Xe in the vicinity of the subvalence ns-shell threshold
J. Electron Spectrosc. Rel. Phenom. 114-116 (2001) 135-140.
13.Demekhin V.F., Demekhin Ph.V
Electron correlations in the Ar atom                                                                                                    
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12.Lagutin B.M., Petrov I.D., Demekhin Ph.V., Sukhorukov V.L., Vollweiler F., Liebel H., Ehresmann A.,  Lauer S.,  Schmoranzer H., Wilhelmi O., Zimmermann B., Schartner K.-H.
Alignment of ions after autoionization decay of atomic resonances. I: The 4d95/2 6p3/2 (J=1) resonance in Xe.
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 33 (2000) 1337-1356.
11.Lauer S., Liebel H., Vollweiler F., Schmoranzer H., Lagutin B.M., Demekhin Ph.V., Petrov I.D. and Sukhorukov V.L.
Lifetimes of the ns1 np62S1/2 states of singly ionized Ar, Kr and Xe
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10.Lagutin B.M., Demekhin Ph.V., Petrov I.D., Sukhorukov V.L., Lauer S., Liebel H., Vollweiler F., Schmoranzer H., Wilhelmi O., Mentzel G., Schartner K.-H.
Photoionization of Ar and Ar-like ions near the 3s-threshold
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Demekhin V.F., Demekhin Ph.V., Kochur A.G., Demekhina N.V.
Inclusion of correlations in He, Be and Ne by configuration interaction technique
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8. Lagutin B.M., Demekhin Ph.V., Petrov I.D., Sukhorukov V.L., Ehresmann A., Vollweiler F., Schmoranzer H., Schartner K-H.
Relativistic effects in photoabsorption of the outer atomic shells
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Vedrinskii R.V., Kraizman V.L., Novakovich A.A., Demekhin Ph.V., Urazhdin S.V.
Pre-edge fine structure of the 3d atom K x-ray absorption spectra and quantitative atomic structure determinations for ferroelectric perovskite structure crystals
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6.Lauer S., Liebel H., Vollweiler F., Schmoranzer H., Reichardt G., Wilhelmi O., Mentzel G., Schartner K.-H., Sukhorukov V.L., Lagutin B.M., Petrov I.D., Demekhin Ph.V.
High-resolution study of the prominent near-threshold resonances in the Ar 3s-electron photoionization
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5.Berrah N., Farhat A., Langer B., Lagutin B.M., Demekhin Ph.V., Petrov I.D., Sukhorukov V.L., Wehlitz R., Whitfield S.B., Viefhaus J. and Becker U.
Angle-resolved energy dependence of the 4p4nd(2S1/2) (n=4-7) correlation satellites in Kr from 38.5 eV to 250 eV: Experiment and theory
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