Muehlrath-etal-2016:Organic certification - A qualitative study on expert perception of the control procedure in Germany

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Poster contribution on the occasion of the 56th Annual GEWISOLA Conference "Agriculture and Food Industry: Regionally networked and globally successful" Bonn, September 28-30, 2016

Poster Download, please click here!

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As part of the joint project "Organic inspection competence: Structured analysis of requirements and development of industry-wide coordinated training and
further training concepts for organic inspectors" (KonKom), a curriculum for basic training of new organic inspection personnel is currently (27.09.2016) being developed in close cooperation with organic inspection practitioners and will be tested as a pilot training course in May/June 2017.

Project partners are: Research Institute of Organic Agriculture Germany; Conference of Control Bodies

Projektlaufzeit: 07/2013-01/2018

The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection on the basis of a decision by the German Bundestag as part of the Federal Program for Organic Farming and Other Forms of Sustainable Agriculture (BÖLN).

If you are interested or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Daniel Mühlrath (Coordinator)


05542 98 1310


We look forward to hearing from you.