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Integrated urban-rural concept for the production of activated carbon and energy sources from residual biomasses


In order to achieve their climate protection goals, municipalities and counties are faced with the challenge of using renewable energy sources and replacing products generated from fossil raw materials. While renewable raw materials from forestry and agriculture are used on a large scale for energy or materials, residual biomasses, e.g. leaves, landscape maintenance material or orchard cuttings, are not used or at least not used in a high-quality way.

Goals and approach

This is where the CoAct project comes in and pursues the goal of converting residual biomasses available in the city of Friedrichshafen and the Lake Constance district into a storable energy source and into activated carbon. By using the products as a renewable fuel or for wastewater, landfill leachate or drinking water treatment, positive effects are expected for regional value creation, the environment and, last but not least, climate protection. To achieve this goal, the nine project partners will jointly develop a concept for the valorization of residual biomass.

Project information

Funded by the

Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) within the framework of the funding measure Stadt-Land-Plus (funding code - 033L206)


Duration: July 2018 - June 2023


Further Information



Dr.-Ing. Korbinian Kaetzl


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