EU Interreg NWE: Three C - Creating and sustaining Charcoal value chains to promote a Circular Carbon economy in NWE Europe

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THREE C aims to develop and introduce economically viable and ecologically sustainable value chains based on plant and activated carbon products from residual biomass in north-western Europe. Building on the promising results from the predecessor project RE-DIRECT, THREE C will develop and implement high-quality product lines for water and wastewater treatment, animal husbandry, agriculture and energy generation, among others.

The transdisciplinary research and development project with 13 partners from BE, DE, FR, IR, NL and UK will contribute to a climate-friendly and sustainable circular carbon economy in Northwest Europe. Synergies and expertise from university research institutions, public institutions, business support and regional development agencies as well as capacity building, investment and marketing experts will be utilized. A central quality laboratory guarantees a consistently high quality of the plant and activated carbon products and establishes control mechanisms for the regionally developed products.

The Department of Grassland Science and Renewable Resources at the University of Kassel is leading and coordinating the joint project. In addition, the suitability of activated carbons from residual biomass for the removal of trace substances from municipal wastewater is being researched, as well as the underlying mechanisms. In addition to adapted biomass processing using the established concept for integrated solid fuel and biogas production from biomass (IFBB process) and the development of adapted pyrolysis and activation processes, the focus here is particularly on research into adsorption mechanisms. Of particular interest here is the clarification of the influence of the initial biomass and the surface properties of the activated carbon on the adsorption of specific substances.

The plant press juice obtained by the IFBB process is used by anaerobic fermentation to produce methane and thus energy. As the addition of biochar and activated carbon in anaerobic processes can accelerate and stabilize biological degradation processes, the mechanisms underlying this effect are being investigated in a second research focus. In addition to increasing the methane yield and improving the biogas quality, this could also contribute to stabilizing anaerobic processes in biogas plants. This is a promising approach not only for energy production from renewable raw materials (biogas). By subsequently spreading the fermentation residue on agricultural land, coal can make a sustainable contribution to storingCO2, improving the soil and retaining nutrients.

Project duration: October 2019 - March 2023

Funded by: Interreg North-West Europe

Further information:

Project management and coordination at the department: Dr.-Ing Korbinian Kaetzl

Project management at the department: MSc. Jiahui Hu and BSc. Ronja Ossenbrink