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Research area 4: Determining the sustainability potential of the process chain through life cycle assessment


In order to implement a sustainable and circular bioeconomy to replace fossil resources, raw materials and energy sources, it is necessary to determine, quantify and evaluate the real sustainability potential of process chains. By calculating life cycle assessments, the ecological sustainability potential of different procedures, processes and products can be determined, evaluated and compared. This is of particular importance in the context of the research activities of the junior research group, among other things to quantify the environmental impact of the valorization of residual biomass and thus to identify ecologically optimal recycling paths.


FB 4 aims to determine the actual sustainability potential of the Bio4Actprocess chain. This is done by means of a comprehensive life cycle assessment of the current management of representative residual biomass, the provision and use of fossil raw materials and resources (activated carbon, platform chemicals and energy sources) as a reference system and the Bio4Actprocess chain. Optimal utilization and recycling paths (Bio4Act, status quo) for residual biomass are determined and ecological optimization potentials are identified with regard to the processing and recycling chains of residual biomass. A further aim is to determine and quantify associated social risks of the reference systems and the Bio4Act processchain.