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Welcome to the Department of Organic Plant Nutrition!

Welcome to the Chair of Ecological Plant Nutrition of the Department of Ecological Agricultural Sciences at the University of Kassel, which is headed by Prof. Dr. Judy Simon.

Here you will find a brief overview of the activities of our department. Please contact us if you have any suggestions or questions.

Subject area management

Chair of Ecological Plant Nutrition

At a glance

  • Plant-plant-soil interactions
  • Nitrogen cycle
  • Uptake of different nitrogen sources (organic, inorganic)
  • Mechanisms of nitrogen uptake by plants
  • Influence of secondary plant compounds on the nitrogen cycle
  • Influence of climatic factors (especially drought, increased temperature)
  • Influence of invasive plant species

Latest news


Nordbahnhofstr. 1a
Lecture hall and laboratory building
37213 Witzenhausen

Secretariat: 05542 98-1560

Office hours:
Mon-Thu: 8.00-12.00