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WBBGR submits three new statements on biodiversity to the BMEL
Report in the HR program "alles wissen": More disorder in the field
Color of Research 2024: Contribution by Prof. Dr. Maria Finckh
Under the motto "Daring complexity, cultivating diversity - monocultures are a huge waste of land", this year's Color of…Systemic thinking about plant protection: Article by Prof. Dr. Maria Finckh in "Ökologie und Landbau"
SWR Kultur with Prof. Dr. Maria Finckh: Garden happiness through quick compost - The blooming life of Sister Laurentia
Genetic engineering: opportunity or risk? Article by Maria Finckh on Hessischer Rundfunk
AKHWA project: Regenerative agriculture promotes soil resilience in climate change
Interview with Stephan Junge on Ö VORAN - Using transfer mulch in potato cultivation
Podcast with Prof. Dr. Maria Finckh: Mission Energy Transition | Glyphosate - A ban on weed killers?
Lecture by Prof. Dr. Maria Finckh on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Scientific Advisory Board on Biological Diversity and Genetic Resources