Poster presentations

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Proposition for a concept to exploit alfalfa as protein source for monogastric animals.


Efficiency of resource use in the field of tension between animal nutrition and business management
Challenges and opportunities of an innovative concept for the evaluation of animal welfare performance


Leaf mass of fine-seeded legumes - the solution to the protein problem?
Usability of leaf mass - digestibility of crude protein and amino acids
Yield and quality expectations in the production of leaf mass as a protein carrier.
Is leaf mass competitive as a protein source? Model evaluation of the price worthiness of leaf mass
Project presentation: Animal host
How healthy are our dairy cows? Disease incidence and target setting in organic farms
Reduce diseases - but how? Find the right solution for your business!
What is the cost of diseases? Economic evaluation of mastitis and lameness
Added value with domestic protein sources in poultry and pig feeding (1/2)
Added value with domestic protein sources in poultry and pig feeding (2/2)


Prevalence of production diseases in European organic dairy herds
Farm centric and equifinal approach to reduce production diseases on dairy farms
A participatory on-farm approach leads to the identification of farm-specific management actions and high implementation rates in organic dairy farms
Value-added potential of indigenous protein sources in organic monogastric feeding.
Internal economic losses due to culled and diseased dairy cows


Environment analyses for the topic area 'animal health
Relationship between the morphology of the canal, microbial colonization of the canal and udder health in udder health in Holstein cows
Use of TMR in the feeding of pregnant sows.


Bridging the gap - The IMPRO project
A deductive approach to animal health planning in organic dairy farming: Method description
Leaf mass of clover-like legumes as a protein source in organic pig nutrition.


Systemic problems require systemic solutions
Mastitis diagnostics in Germany
Identification of variables affecting animal health in European organic dairy farms


Improving N-efficiency at the farm level
Impact Matrix: a tool to improve animal health by a systemic approach