Knowledge transfer

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  • Hoischen-Taubner, S., 2022. what are the barriers to animal health knowledge transfer in farm animal husbandry?.doi. org/ dissertation

  • Hoischen-Taubner, S., Sundrum, A., 2018. barriers to animal health knowledge transfer: results and implications of a reflection process with stakeholders. Reports on Agriculture - Journal of Agricultural Policy and Agriculture 96, 1-28. 

  • Hoischen-Taubner, S., Bielecke, A., Sundrum, A., 2018. knowledge transfer regarding the issue of animal health. Organic Agriculture 8, 105-120. 

  • Hoischen-Taubner, S., Bielecke, A., Sundrum, A., 2014. reflections on the prerequisites and possible obstacles of a goal-oriented knowledge transfer using the example of animal health in organic livestock farming. final-report.

  • Jones, P.J., Sok, J., Tranter, R.B., Blanco-Penedo, I., Fall, N., Fourichon, C., Hogeveen, H., Krieger, M., Sundrum, A., 2016. Assessing, and understanding, European organic dairy farmers' intentions to improve herd health. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 133, 84-96.

  • Krieger, M., Jones, P.J., Blanco-Penedo, I., Duval, J.E., Emanuelson, U., Hoischen-Taubner, S., Sjöström, K., Sundrum, A., 2020. Improving Animal Health on Organic Dairy Farms: Stakehoder Views on Policy Options. Sustainability 12, 1-17.