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Peer reviewed journals

  • ALTHAUS, B., G. PAPKE, A. SUNDRUM (2013): Technical note: Use of near infrared reflectance spectroscopy to assess nitrogen and carbon fractions in dairy cow feces. Anim. Feed Sci. Tech, dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2013.07.003.
  • AL-ASFOOR, H., A. SCHIBORRA, A. SUNDRUM, E. SCHLECHT (2013): Particulate rate of passage and faeces quality of water buffalo fed diets varying in concentrations of nitrogen and structural and non-structural carbohydrates. Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology 13, 165-180.
  • DIPPEL, S., C. LEEB, D. BOCHICCHIO, M. BONDE, K. DIETZE, S. GUNNARSSON, K. LINDGREN, A. SUNDRUM, S. WIBERG, C. WINCKLER, A. PRUNIER (2013): Health and welfare of organic pigs in Europe assessed with animal-based parameters. Organic Agriculture, doi 10.1007/s13165-013-0041-3.
  • FRÜH, B., BOCHICCHIO, D., EDWARDS, S., HEGELUND, L., LEEB, C., SUNDRUM, A., WERNE, S., WIBERG, S., PRUNIER, A. (2013): Description of organic pig production in Europe. Organic Agriculture, DOI 10.1007/s13165-013-0056-9.
  • HÄRLE, C. and A. SUNDRUM (2013): Animal health at farm level. 1st communication: Milk cell counts on Bavarian dairy farms Züchtungskunde 85, (4) 305-323.
  • HÄRLE, C. and A. SUNDRUM (2013): Animal health at farm level. 2nd communication: Nutrient supply on Bavarian dairy farms. Breeding Science 85, (5) 396-412.
  • JOST, D.I., M. ASCHEMANN, P. LEBZIEN, R.G. JOERGENSEN, A. SUNDRUM (2013): Microbial biomass in faeces of dairy cows affected by a nitrogen deficient diet. Archives of Animal Nutrition 67 (2), 104-118.
  • JOST, D.I., R.G. JOERGENSEN, A. SUNDRUM (2013): Effect of cattle faeces with different microbial biomass content on soil properties, gaseous emissions and plant growth. Biol. fertil. Soils 49, 61-70.
  • LEEB, C., L. HEGELUND, S. EDWARDS, H. MEJER, A. ROEPSTORFF, T. ROUSING, A. SUNDRUM, M. BONDE (2013): Animal health, welfare and production problems in organic weaner pigs. Organic Agriculture, DOI 10.1007/s13165-013-0054-y.
  • PRUNIER, A., S. DIPPEL, D. BOCHICCHIO, S. EDWARDS, C. LEEB, K. LINDGREN, A. SUNDRUM, K. DIETZE, M. BONDE (2013): Characteristics of organic pig farms in selected European countries and their possible influence on litter size and piglet mortality. Organic Agriculture, doi.org/10.1007/s13165-013-0040-4.
  • SAPPOK, M.S., W.F. PELLIKAAN, M.W. VERSTEGEN, G. BOSCH, A. SUNDRUM. W.H. HENDRIKS (2013): "Large intestinal fermentation capacity of fattening pigs on organic farms as measured in vitro using contrasting substrates", Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, J. Sci. Food Agric. 93(5): 987-994.
  • WERNER, C., A. SCHUBBERT, W. SCHRÖDL, M. KRÜGER, A. SUNDRUM (2014): Application of different roughage components to sow gestation diet and their effects on bacteriological and immunological parameters in colostrum and immune status of piglets. Archives of Animal Nutrition (in press).

Book contributions

  • SUNDRUM, A. (2013): Animal husbandry. In: Berkshire Encyclopedia of Sustainability Vol 4: Natural Resources and Sustainability. Berkshire Publishing 4, 36-39.

Conference contributions

  • BUECHEL, S., SUNDRUM, A. (2013): Can ruminant activity be used as a birth sentinel? Conference of the DGfZ and GfT on September 4-5, 2013 in Göttingen.
  • HOISCHEN-TAUBNER, S., SUNDRUM, A. (2013): Perspectives for improving animal health in organic pig fattening. Contributions to the 12th Scientific Conference on Organic Farming, March 05-08, 2013, Bonn, pp. 608-611.
  • SOMMER, H., SUNDRUM, A. (2013): Leaf mass of red clover as a protein source for pigs. Contributions to the 12th Scientific Conference on Organic Farming, March 05-08, 2013, Bonn, pp. 598-601.
  • SUNDRUM, A. (2013): Organic farming requires the management of on-farm nutrient flows. Contributions to the 12th Scientific Conference on Organic Farming, March 05-08, 2013, Bonn, pp. 16-19.

Poster presentations

  • DUVAL J.E., BLANCO-PENEDO I., JONASSON K., HOISCHEN-TAUBNER S., SELLE M., SUNDRUM A. (2013): Identification of variables affecting animal health in European organic dairy farms. International Conference on Production Diseases, Uppsala (Sweden) June 24-28, 2013.
  • SUNDRUM, A. (2013): Systemic problems require systemic solutions. BfR Symposium  "Antibiotic resistance in the food chain", Berlin, November 11-12, 2013.
  • DOEHRING, C, SUNDRUM, A. (2013): Mastitis diagnostics in Germany. BfR Symposium  "Antibiotic resistance in the food chain", Berlin, November 11-12, 2013.

Practice-oriented contributions

  • BECKHOFF, J. (2013): Tracking down the lead germ. dlz primus schwein, June 2013, pp. 42-46.
  • BECKHOFF, J. (2013): Clarifying which germs are behind it. BBZ, No. 31, p. 21-22.
  • WERNER, C., SOBIRAJ, A., SUNDRUM, A. (2013): Classical Hömöopathy in bovine mastitis. Journal of Holistic Veterinary Medicine 27, 2-9.