IMF Meat

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Determination of intramuscular fat (IMF) content in pork.


It is not only in organic pig farming that particular importance is attached to the enjoyment value (aroma, tenderness, juiciness) of meat. The enjoyment value is significantly influenced by the intramuscular fat content (IMF) of the meat. Possibilities to increase the IMF content are given by the breed or genetic origin as well as by the feeding intensity and the supply of glucoplastic amino acids. In most cases, farmers do not have information about the current quality standard on their farm. In order to be able to make a first sounding, the Department of Animal Nutrition and Animal Health of the University of Kassel offers the possibility to test meat samples (chops) for intramuscular fat content.

IMF content up to 2.5

IMF content 3 - 4%

IMF content > 4%


Proper and representative sampling is required for proper evaluation of the analytical results. Samples should be taken at the earliest 1 hour after the slaughter process at the level of the 13th/14th rib (last rib) a chop with rind and bone.

To obtain an assessment of the operational status with regard to the IMF content of the pork, approximately 10% of the carcasses of a fattening run (at least 6 animals/run) should be sampled. Attention should be paid to an equal participation of male and female animals.

Position for taking the meat sample


Immediately after collection, the chop should be sealed airtight in a plastic bag and frozen. Send the frozen samples together with an ice bag (tight!) and insulating packaging (e.g. a few layers of newspaper) by express to the laboratory of the department. Care should be taken not to exceed a shipping time of 24 hours if possible. This suggests shipping early in the week (Monday through Wednesday).

Please be sure to arrange the appointment with the laboratory before taking and sending the sample!


Number of samplesPrice per sample
< 1020,-- €
11 - 2518,-- €
from 2616,-- €