Internship at the department

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Internship at the Department of Animal Breeding

Image: M.Lepke

During an internship, experience can be gained in the field of data collection in the barn (especially poultry), data preparation and data analysis. In addition, interns assist the scientific staff with daily tasks and participate, for example, in the preparation of courses. When doing an internship in animal husbandry, it is usually possible to accompany farm visits in the FG Livestock Ethology and Animal Husbandry.


Dr. Lisa Jung (Researcher (Tierz.))

Image: S. Radtke
Jung, Lisa

Supervision of internship work

If the paper is related to animal breeding issues or different livestock species and breeds, if it deals with the conversion from conventional to organic farming or if it deals with diversity and old livestock genetics in general, please contact us! We give a lot of help for writing scientific papers and try to give feedback as soon as possible.


Dr. Anna Olschewsky (Researcher)

Image: A. Ebinghaus
Olschewsky, Anna