UNIKAT Agency Ecological Agricultural Sciences

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The position of start-up advisor at the department is currently vacant. If you have any questions, please contact the start-up advisory service in Kassel:

The UNIKAT Agency for Ecological Agricultural Sciences supports students, alumni and academic staff of the faculty in implementing their start-up ideas. It is part of UNIKATthe support structure for founders at the University of Kassel.

It is currently being funded by the project "Development of a start-up hotspot for the organic agriculture and food industry in the Werra-Meißner district" through the "IWB-EFRE program Hessen". Within the project, start-up activities at the Department of Organic Agricultural Sciences are supported by the following measures:

"Bootcamp for entrepreneurs in the organic agriculture and food industry": imparting specific industry knowledge, testing your own business idea, formal and legal steps for setting up a business; 30 attendance hours; target group: students, research assistants, graduates.

Establishment of an "Entrepreneurs' Council of the Werra-Meißner Bioregion":
"Eco-companies" from the Werra-Meißner region are available as sparring partners for start-ups from the faculty and help with personal contacts.

Hessen Ideas Scholarship - Apply now and be sponsored with up to €2000 per month

Do you dream of growing crops on your own field?
Would you like to sell them, earn extra income and gain
experience in marketing? Have you so far lacked the
suitable space and the impetus to make your dreams come true?
Then the Start-up Acker could be just the thing for you.

The Start-up Acker is 1 ha of arable land on the Reulein organic farm
& Schöne, which you can cultivate yourself. You are
integrated into the management concept of the agricultural
operation, i.e. the arable land rotates with the crop rotation and
cultivation and management plans must be agreed in advance with the
agricultural operation and the start-up support at the
department. Beyond that, however, you are free to decide when
you want to sow, hoe, harvest and how you want to market your produce
. If it fits in with the work processes of the organic farm,
you can have mechanical work carried out by the farm, which
will then be charged at the machinery ring rate. The
marketing structures of the Biolandhof can also be used in consultation with
, this applies in particular to the designation as
organic goods, which is only possible via the name and the organic control point number
of the Biolandhof.


The department's start-up support advice center is currently not staffed. However, you are welcome to contact the start-up advice service directly in Kassel at UniKasselTransfer.

Mentor Network Organic Farming: Experienced farmers help in difficult situations

In the "Mentor Network Organic Farming", organic farmers share their knowledge and experience with organic farmers who need support. This can be help in different farm situations. Often, just one conversation with a mentor can reveal ways out and solutions. The mentors are also available to assist start-ups who, for example, are taking over a farm. Further information at www.mentoring.bio