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Hans Hemann, Dipl.Ing.agr.




born 1947 in Nidda, Upper Hesse

Education1966 agricultural assistant exam, worked on the parental farm, military service; 1973 graduation in International Agricultural Economics at the University of Kassel-Witzenhausen, internships in England and France; preparatory seminar of the DSE for a foreign assignment in Bad Honnef.
Professional career1974 associate expert, agricultural extension and rural youth officer, FAO, Burkina Faso. Since 1976 staff member of the Contact Study Center, later Institute for Sociocultural Studies, (ISOS) of the department, at today's FB 11, from 1979 to 2009 editor of the journal Der Tropenlandwirt, today Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics (JARTS). Co-founder of the alumni network Consortium Goettingen-Kassel-Marburg Alumni Network (CGKM-AlNet), existing since 1999, since 2004 managing director of the Tropical Center at FB 11. Through seminars, workshops and follow-up contacts, stays abroad in Africa, Asia and South America.
Current activitiesRetired and volunteering since 2010. In 2014, the Association for Tropical and Subtropical Agricultural Research (ATSAF) awarded me the Honorary Lifetime Achievement Award(Veronica atsafii H.), recognizing my many years of dedication to development-oriented agricultural research - especially the outstanding commitment to training and inspiring young scientists.