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Living network

The Witzenhausen University Association provides the link between its members and the university teachers and the university institutions as well as the students. Its members meet regularly, at least once a year, in Witzenhausen. Old friendships are cultivated and new ones are established. At the same time, the members help and support each other.

Current information

The Witzenhausen University Association informs its members about activities of other members, current developments in higher education and conferences in its regularly published member magazine, its mailing list and on the Internet.

Professional training

The Witzenhausen University Association organizes and sponsors symposia in Witzenhausen. It is co-editor of the international journal "Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics" (JARTS).

Students sit in the lecture hallImage: S. Rode

Promotion of teaching

The Witzenhausen University Association promotes initiatives and projects to improve teaching at the university in Witzenhausen. Special prizes are awarded for outstanding university degrees and theses.