Promotion of student members
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The board of the HVW has decided to financially support student members at certain events and courses from the summer semester 2023.
The funding amounts to € 50 and is paid for the following events
- student-organized excursion abroad of the FB11
- Course on vocational and occupational education (BAP)
Members must register as such with the person responsible for the respective event or new members must send the completed declaration of membership to the organizers.
In the case of excursions, funding is provided in advance so that a lower participant contribution is required.
In the case of the BAP course, funding is paid afterwards by bank transfer to the participating members. To do this, we require proof of successful completion of the course; payment can only be made once this has been received. Please send this by email to If members do not have a SEPA direct debit mandate, please send us the bank details in the same way.
If joining the association in the same year as a sponsorship, the annual fee of €10.00 is waived for new members and is only due from the following year.