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Dr. Kamila Svobodova


Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5
D-37073 Göttingen
11.136 MZG ("Blauer Turm")

Curriculum Vitae  (Dr. Kamila Svobodova)

Dr. Kamila Svobodova joined the Göttingen chair for socio-ecological interactions in agricultural systems in September 2021 to conduct her Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship funded by Horizon 2020. In her CESMINE project Kamila conducts a comparative study on the complexities of socio-economic rehabilitation after quarrying in Germany, Denmark and Czech Republic, in collaboration with the University of Copenhagen and HeidelbergCement, a world-leading quarrying company.

Kamila is a landscape engineer and holds a PhD in architecture and urbanism. She previously worked as a researcher at the University of Queensland and the Czech University of Life Sciences where she focused on social aspects of mine closure and energy transition. She also received a year Endeavour Research Fellowship awarded by the Australian Government to conduct her research at Monash University on stakeholder attitudes towards mining. She also worked as an urban planner and a GIS specialist in several private companies and participated in various regional development planning projects.

Research Foci  (Dr. Kamila Svobodova)

Kamila’s main research interest is in social, cultural and ecological dimensions of mine closure. She is interested in global as well as local studies, multi-stakeholder collaboration, community perception, and planning of post-mining alternatives. Her major projects have included: Potential post-mining land use outcomes and collaborative opportunities in major mining regions of Queensland; Capacity of mining regions to transition to closure – a global scan; Participatory processes for mine closure and social transitions; Stakeholder attitudes and knowledge of coal mining in Australia; Understanding the complexity of policy-making processes across coal mining regions in Australia, Poland and the Czech Republic.

Further information: ResearchGate, Orcid, and Google Scholar.