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Contact us

Dr. Christin Schipmann-Schwarze
Head of department
05542 - 981213

Research at Faculty 11

Research at the Faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences is internationally oriented and is reflected in numerous interdisciplinary research projects. We focus on future topics in organic agriculture and the food industry. Young and experienced scientists combine knowledge from different disciplines in the three main research areas "Improvement of organic cultivation and animal husbandry methods and optimization of nutrient cycles", "Analysis and evaluation of social demands such as environmental and animal protection, health and public welfare" and "Development of sustainable food systems from the field to the plate". The Faculty has access to modern laboratories, a research greenhouse and a tropical greenhouse as well as an organically managed teaching and experimental farm. We are among the strongest departments in terms of third-party funding at the University of Kassel.

Research centres and networks

Hessian Research Association for Agricultural Systems Ecology (HFA)

Global Partnership Network

European Horizon2020 Project INTAQT - 'Innovative Tools for Assessment and Authentication of chicken meat, beef and dairy products' QualiTies'

DigiPlus: Digitalization in organic farming

Pr:Ins: Holistic evaluation of alternative protein sources with special consideration of insects

DFG Research Unit 5064: The role of nature for human well-being in the social-ecological system of Kilimanjaro (Kili-SES)

DFG Re­se­arch Unit FOR2432

DFG Re­se­arch Unit FOR2432: Read More

BONARES: Soils as a sustainable resource for the bioeconomy

INTERFACES: Supporting Pathways to Sustainable Land Management in Africa

AKHWA: Adaptation to climate change in Hesse

Long-term trials at the Frankenhausen experimental station

Sustainable land use Agroforestry

Long-term trial on organic farming

Junior research groups

Junior Research Group Organic Climate Vegetables

Bio4Act junior research group: Biogenic activated carbons and platform chemicals from residual biomass for the implementation of a sustainable circular bioeconomy

Scientific institutions

Hessian State Farm Frankenhausen

Test facility for irrigation and solar technology

Current research projekts

Current research projects can be found under the heading "Projects" or "Research" of the sections.

Current research projekts: To the sections