Greenhouse for Tropical Crops

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A warm welcome!
Not only do they look beautiful, they are also useful: this is what the 500 or so useful plant species in the tropical greenhouse at the University of Kassel in Witzenhausen can do. The food, fodder, spice, medicinal, dye, energy, fragrance and fiber plants from the tropics and subtropics are available for teaching and research, but also for around 12,000-15,000 visitors every year.
From nurseries to groups of senior citizens, there is something for everyone: be it a research trip on the topic of "What grows in my school bag" or a coffee or cocoa trail, a tour from information panel to information panel, the audio guides or a guided tour "Once to the equator and back".

Opening hours tropical greenhouse

For individual guests:
Wed, Fri, Sat, Sun + public holidays: 2-4 p.m.
Free admission

Opening hours teaching and learning garden

The garden is open to individual visitors from May to September at the following times:

Wed, Fri, Sat, Sun + public holidays: 2-4 p.m.
Free admission

Guided tours in the tropical greenhouse:

Individual guests can take part in a one-hour public guided tour "Once to the equator and back" in the tropical greenhouse every Saturday at 2.00 pm.

The cost is €3.50 per person.

Guided tours in the teaching and learning garden:

Also on Saturdays, at 3:30 pm , from May to September, we offer a one-hour public guided tour "Queerbeet durch die Gemüsereihen" in the teaching and learning garden.

The cost is €3.50 per person.

Groups can visit the greenhouse daily as part of a guided tour. Please register in good time and make an appointment.

Basic price up to 10 people €35 plus €3.50 for each additional person, €3.00 for each additional child

The same prices apply for group tours of the teaching and learning garden.

If you would like to visit both places with a guided tour, we recommend a break of about 30 minutes in between.

To make an appointment: Tel.:05542-981231 Mon-Thu

or via the booking form

Programs and guided tours on various topics are offered for those interested.

For school classes there are offers lasting several hours and project days.

Brochure educational offers

There are also special offers and project days for confirmands.

Brochure for confirmands

To make an appointment: Tel.:05542-981231 Mon-Thu

or via the booking form


All events

Here you can download our annual program in PDF format

Plant Collection

Here you can get an insight into our fascinating plant collection!

Plant Collection: Continue

Learn more about our projects & cooperation partners

Internship in the Tropical Greenhouse


