Plant Collection
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Plant Collection
The tropical greenhouse has a special place among the roughly 90 botanical gardens throughout Germany, because the plant collection concentrates on useful plants of the tropics and subtropics. Around 480 species grow in the 1,200 m² area, including nutritional and luxury foodstuffs along with spice, medicinal, colour, energy, scent, and fiber plants, each with different varieties and origins. Their selection and cultivation are carried out according to the basics of organic agricultural and horticultural practices in a warm climate.
Among the approximately 90 botanical gardens in Germany, the tropical greenhouse occupies a special place, because the plant collection focuses on the useful plants of the tropics and subtropics. About 480 plant species grow on 1,200 square meters of floor space, including food and stimulant plants, but also spice, medicinal, dyeing, energy, fragrance or fiber plants, each in different varieties and origins. Their selection and cultivation are essentially based on the principles of agricultural and horticultural practice in warm climates.