Teaching and Learning Garden/Educational Garden

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Teaching and Learning Garden/Educational Garden

Since 2013, the 1000 m² garden space behind the tropical greenhouse has been open to the public. From berries to energy crops, to medicinal and culinary herbs - all are there to be discovered. The emphasis of the plantings is on old, forgotten vegetable species and varieties. The tour follows a timeline of the typical vegetable cultivations of each epoch. Get to know the vegetables that found their way to Central Europe from the New Stone Age, through the Roman Age and Middle Ages, to the Modern Age and subsequently disappeared again. Take a look at tree kale (Brassica oleracea var. ramosa), onion bulbs (Allium), Good-King-Henry (Blitum bonus-henricus) or learn the grains of the past and present. Additionally, there are species to discover which could soon find their way back into our gardens and saucepans, for example strawberry ground cherries (Physalis peruviana), edible chrysanthemum (Glebionis coronaria), or bottle gourds (Lagenaria siceraria).

Hearonymus tour in the teaching and learning garden

Where do our crops actually come from? What role do plants play in a sustainable economy? And how can we make the agriculture of tomorrow sustainable?
We would like to explore these and other exciting questions about plant research on our three tours of the teaching and learning garden at the University of Kassel's tropical greenhouse.

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