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The Greenhouse

Here you will find a lot of interesting information about the tropical greenhouse!

The Greenhouse: Continue

Plant Collection

Here you will find information and impressions of our plant collection!

Plant Collection: Continue

Teaching and Learning Garden/Educational Garden

Here you will find information about the teaching and learning garden!

Teaching and Learning Garden/Educational Garden: Continue

Potted Plant Garden/Kübelpflanzengarten

Since 2018 our potted plant garden is under construction!

Potted Plant Garden/Kübelpflanzengarten : Continue

Our mission statement

Mission Statement Greenhouse for Tropical Crops
Collecting, preserving, documenting and presenting plant (agricultural) biodiversity and making it accessible to education

Our mission statement: Forward

Botanical gardens and colonialism

Working together for solidarity-based, democratic environmental education and ESD

The core objective of the project is to counter the possible influence of right-wing extremists in educational events and organizations in the ANU network. To this end, multipliers from environmental education and ESD will be trained, a prevention strategy will be developed and a public declaration against right-wing extremism will be drawn up for ANU and its members.

Kassel Declaration

We are calling on politicians at federal and state level to work together to develop global learning and education for sustainable development as holistic educational concepts. These must be financially stable, sensitive to discrimination, critical of power, decolonial, democratic and participatory and make a contribution to global socio-ecological transformation.

Global learning and education for sustainable development: encouraging and empowering people to solve crises in solidarity!