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Sukanya Basu


University of Göttingen
Department for Agricultural Economics and Rural Development

Curriculum Vitae  (Sukanya Basu)

Sukanya is a PhD student at the Graduate School of Forestry and Agricultural Sciences at the University of Göttingen. Her work focuses on questions of sustainability of urban food systems and governance in cities of the global south. Within the framework of the DFG Research Training Group "Sustainable Food Systems", she is doing her doctorate with the working title "Urban Food Systems and the UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030", thus researching socio-ecological landscapes of South Asian cities with regards to the consideration of food systems in urban planning discourses.

Research Foci  (Sukanya Basu)

Sukanya’s research focuses on natural resource governance and socio-ecological factors in (indigenous) food systems, livelihood, environment and commons in the context of cities from Global South. She is particularly interested in the transformational dynamics, resilience and equity of food systems in the Anthropocene from a transdisciplinary perspective.

Further information and publications on ResearchGate and LinkedIn.